Nouveau Tech Society Scam

There is No spoon

New Member
Oct 8, 2006
If your in the matrix Think like neo

This is for some not all will pass the test. The kid told neo there is no spoon some of you will get it those that got it may not know what they have


New Member
Oct 24, 2006
Nouveau Tech

Oy Mates above in the Great White North and Down under in Koala land. The land of the top ten deadliest snakes, the Sydney Funnel Web the world's most aggressive spider, great white sharks and Crocs big enough to eat an elephant. My condolences to the loss of a true National Hero Steve "Crocdile Hunter" Irwin. Thank God we don't have them animals in the U.S. of A. Aye. Check the name, that's right anyone know anything about astronomy knows what Cygnus-X1 is. A Black Hole. That's where these jokers from Nouveau live. Good thing it ain't in that post box eh? It'd be real cramped in there then right?
I suggest you all do a little research on the Illuminati. Because that's basically what this is. The Illuminati have been trying to rule the world since before Ceasar came into power. Beware, they are a buch of devil worshippers. The whole time I was reading their letter and 56 page booklet, I felt the evil of the Love of Money. Remember, the Love of Money (not money itself) is the root of all evil. They gain power and riches by taking advantage of poor fools who can't think straight. So, beware.........
Got to go for now.............................God Bless America!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Oct 31, 2006
i just received the same letter a couple of weeks ago, and it sounded interesting so i sent them the letter back to recieve a free book telling me some code the greeks used back in the day to become rich and successful. It said that famous people all used these secrets to become rich in love, power and money.
Well yesterday i received in the mail a 56 page booklet saying that it held the secrets but i must send $139.95 to them by Friday the 3rd or this special offer would b unavailable forever and this would be my only chance. I read the booklet to say the least nd it said their were hidden messages. Well one of the stories said it worked for him almost instantly, so i decided to try my luck at a lottery ticket myself. lol. well to say the least i didnt win, how sad. but i expected it that way. Im glad i found this website though because it re-affirmed my suspicions. Thank you everyone. Peace

The Project Man

Liquer'd Up & Lash'n Out!
Aug 22, 2006
Then Post It On A Site For Us!

I got a letter in the mail from Nouveau Tech Society and so i ordered their booklet it is well worth every penny I paid for it...
I am sure that they have sent this same letter to many people and the reason they are asking so much for it is so that who ever orders it will read it...
If you are willing to pay $139.95 then you are going to read it! Think about it! Anyone receiving this letter needs to respond to it and order their information because your life depends on it....Lets put it this way-
I would like to tell you what is in the 500 plus page booklet but I can't because you really need to check it out for yourself..quote]

Do us a favor if it is so vital. I'll get 100 people to send you a $1.40/US. After you post on a page for us, Deal?


House Member
Jan 31, 2006
I have a lovely cottage on the Ocean in Manitoba going cheap, for only $31,000 you can own Ocean front property. Included is the Barbeque, my husbands golf clubs and four snow tires for a F150. The fire wood is also included in the purchase price along with the zodiac and dory. Hurry this cottage won't last long, it's a steal of a bargain.


New Member
Oct 31, 2006
My Story...Much Like Yours

Ahh, I read most of your replies and yes, I got the letter too. They sounded familiar to me and I don't know why. I love the reading. I bit the line and I decided to get the little booklet. Hey, it's free! There are just a few things I don't understand about this though.

If they really were psychic, like they say they are, they would know that I wouldn't have gotten the first letter until Saturday (the Saturday after the Friday I was supposedly supposed to send it back on). Well, I sent it back making a little note saying it arrived on Saturday. I still got the letter...even though they probably got it on Monday. I got the booklet today (Tuesday...Halloween!) and I read the entire thing. I even saw the "non-bill" order form.

It says in the booklet that this is a special discount but on the bill it says that the discount ends this Friday. So you would think that if I sent it after Friday, I would pay full price. The booklet says after Friday that I can't get the book at all, so which is it?

I'm not worried about the address part. They can get that from anywhere. And I kinda figured Kevin had something to do with it just by reading one of the letters marked "Anonymous." I have realized they have changed a little bit of information around just by reading your replies.

My first booklet came from Ohio and was 56 pages. The book I'm supposed to order is 1000 pages (a Bible if you will) and I'm supposed to send this money to a P.O. Box in Dover, Delaware. Mine also said "The Nouveau Tech Society."

The other part that confused me was when they said that they looked at my profile and this is mentioned quite a few times in the booklet and letters. I'm thinking to myself, "What and which profile of mine?" I have a MySpace, MSN Spaces, Yahoo!360, and other various profiles. I think I still might have my AIM profile online too somewhere. That just got me wondering.

I decided to look online already figuring this was a scam. I read the replies, even the robot replies too that were saying that you should really get this book. If it's so damned good, wouldn't you want to share the secret? At least to your family right? Maybe your friends?

I have a lot of friends that are down in the dumps making minimum wage trying to get by and I try to help out if I can even though I can't afford it. I took all those courses to help live a healthy, loving, successful life and well...I don't really have a successful life and I'm not really healthy. I'm all loving but that's all natural...LOL! If this book did what it says it does, I would certainly help my pals out. I don't know about you but I'm not THAT greedy.

Then the secret...why is it a secret? Couldn't you just offer the book online or in a book store and make money off of it that way too? Makes sense too me.

Anyways, reply or not but tell those bots to go away. If it's really that great, tell us what it's done for you and what you had to do first in order to get there. I'm not going to be selling my soul to the Devil you know.


New Member
Nov 7, 2006
I got the same letter,booklet and then the book.You have a time limit to respond to each letter.When I recieved the booklet I was completly broke and had three days to come up with the money for the book.The very same day my roomate gave me $141.00 after someone gave his broke butt some cash.Did I mention both of us were out of work at the time.It was like I was meant to have it.


New Member
Nov 12, 2006
A scam is it

SINCE U DIDN'T HAVE B--LS ENOUGH TO PURCHASE IT U DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.Now since I'm in the second book I can tell U ignorant people
posting jokes and twisting the truth through mystic uneducated opinion(I don't care what school U went to) to shutt up.U R The Neo-Cheaters.U R The disease of aging, death, and bicammeral thinking.I would love to live 4 ever.U won't.Stop worrying about who we R and consider what U could have known had U took the chance to learn.




House Member
Jan 31, 2006
Wow Quadk I'll run right out and buy the book, not in this life time. I hear Nigeria is the place to be when you are a scammer, the weather is lovely and the locals love anyone with ties to the Oil Industry and don't get me started on their reputation on Aviation Safety. Scam, scam balony anyone???????????????


Time Out
Nov 14, 2006
Nouveau Tech

I didn't receive the letter myself, but my ex did. I noticed the emphasis of confidentiality in it several times. I researched it on the internet and much of the content of the letter was on their web pages. But something was missing in the net. I also noticed that something is missing from the forums of scam reports that people are posting and that it, they claim to be able to give people the ability to read minds. Hmmmm... exactly how the f*** can you give someone that ability? Did anyone else have this message in their letter? Is anyone else as curious as me as to how they read minds? Is it through machines? Devices? They ARE called "new technology." Then, look into a psychology book under Schizophrenia and read some of the common delusions that Schizophrenics hold. Thought broacasting; the idea that someone is broadcasting someone else's thoughts for others to hear. One of those things that makes Schizophrenia the worst disease known to man. I don't know if there is a link between the two, and I don't want to assume anything. I just haven't been able to take my mind off of the subject because I am a Schizophrenic with that delusion and I know why this letter was kept secret from me. Aside from that part, they do sound like bullsh*t artists in some areas of their information.


New Member
Nov 14, 2006
Nouveau Tech Letter

:pI just received the Noveau Tech Letter - it was pretty concise on what I should do, but I was skeptical about it so I found this site. My book was to be 56 pages long and I had 3 days from today to answer. Oddly enough today is the 14th and I was to answer by the 17th (3 days) the letter was mailed from Grove City OH on Nov 10 with my response address going to a PO Box in Dover, DE - there is a fax number (716) 447 7488, but in reverse look up there is no such number. What the end result is by getting me to join I don't know and I guess I never will as I do not intend to join. Thanks tondeb


New Member
Nov 12, 2006
I"ll buy it tommorrow

It is explained in plain english that if you didn't get it, you won't.And personally I could care less! I am just telling you that it isn't a scam beacause I have purchased books one two and three and they deliver exactly what they promise to!


New Member
Nov 12, 2006
Reading minds

The letter says reading peoples thoughts,at least that's what mine says.This shouldn't be to hard 4 you to get.Looking at expressions paying attention to body language.The same tricks used by fortune tellers and psycics(?).As for both they are debunked in about the middle of the first 1 but it still imprints their techniques in your mind for instant use.


New Member
Nov 12, 2006

If you really want to know what it's worth buy it and if you are not satisfied you can always burn it like I have done every bible I have had the oppurtunity to since reading about this 100% scam filled work of fiction.:cool::p


New Member
Nov 12, 2006
56 page free orientation booklet

The orientation booklet is free with no obligation begining with the first letter.It's very funny to me how many people think that mail can hurt them.How many of us recieved anthrax in the mail?That's what I thought! Continue following the moronic cowards posting here so WE have someone to save from themselves.The only thing left to fear in this world is your own ignorance and how it can cause you to end up with nothing.Most of the things I learned in these books was in my mind.A lot of rarely seen conclusions and actual facts twisted or hidden from a lot of people who would be better off knowing it.
Thank you for your concern
http// :cool:


New Member
Nov 12, 2006
Me 2

I got the same letter,booklet and then the book.You have a time limit to respond to each letter.When I recieved the booklet I was completly broke and had three days to come up with the money for the book.The very same day my roomate gave me $141.00 after someone gave his broke butt some cash.Did I mention both of us were out of work at the time.It was like I was meant to have it.
I wasn't out of work but I was broke.I looked around my house and noticed a lot of stuff worth money that I wasn't using an sold it the very day of my deadline.Are you as happy with this book as me? If so then I have proven my point.If not then I have still proven my point beacause they sent you the book as they did me as they said they would in their letters.Were is the scam?Oh it must be in the wording!The same way those hackframers F--ked up our first ammendment right?:D:cool:


New Member
Nov 28, 2006

Just recieved a letter identical to yours JJW1965 so is the first "free" book worth reading ??