I got the neo-tech letter and really felt special for about three seconds (I don't get much mail other than bills). The letter pointed out that i had hidden talents that they were interested in, but i couldnt figure out what talents they were talking about, sure I've been told I'm a great song writer and that my screen plays are really good, but these talents aren't hidden, I'll show them to anybody. The letter also pointed out that some of my friends were members and that they recomended me. That was the point that I knew that there was something wrong with the letter. The letter spoke of how this group could help you get money, love, or help you overcome any addiction, everyone I know is either dirt poor, in a bad marriage, or addicted to meth.
Still I like to give everyone with a story to tell a chance to tell it before deciding whether I'll buy into it or not (the homeless guys down on Commerse Street love me) so, I checked out the neo tech web site. The first place I started on the Neo Tech website was with the positive and negative comment links on at the top of the page. starting with the negative i found many comments that would go something like this: "IT IS NOTHING BUT SATANISTIC TRASH AND A SURE PATH TO AN ETERNITY IN HELL" Of course anyone who knows me knows that if there is a hell, I'm on the invite list, might have something to do with me blaming god for everything that goes wrong at work, then when my superviser's ask how it's god's fault i always reply "Don't ask me he's some kind of control freak, he does stuff like this all the time, look at New Orleans" so the christian's advertisements of avoiding Neo-Tech to get into heaven had no effect on me at all. I turn to Neo-Tech's positve comments, they really were not as fun as the negative, but then again, they never are. in the positve comments i found stuff like this: "Brilliantly conveyed concepts, fresh and enlightening perspective, glad to have read it" all of these comments seemed like they were written by Ivy League cyborgs, but did not explain anything that Neo-Tech was about so it was on to the link that said simply said "Neo-Tech" i the middle of the page.
I then had the oppertunity to read through some of their "society literature" and it all seemed familiar for some reason, then it hit me (you'll have to excuse me, I've been working in a factory and playing in punk bands for the past ten years so alot of what I learned in high school has escaped me) this was the objecivism that my old xenophobic, republican high school english teacher used to brow beat me with through Ayn Rand's "Fountainhead." They all spoke of how we need to replace politics with business, and how religion has brain washed us for the past 2500 years (really, i have no arguments there) and one artical even went to explain how the author loved the twin towers so much because they stood for capitalism and prosperity, then how he felt the day they were destroyed, the thing that got me about that article was that he didnt feel bad that thousands of people were murdered that day, but that his precious symbols of capitalism and prosperity were destroyed. The ideas that Neo-Tech publishes is nothing new, and at the same time they are not 2500 years old as Neo-Tech claims they are, they are simple Clinton bashing, Rand worshipping, anti-Muslim neo-capitalistic ideas that sprang forth from a russian girl who blamed everything bad in life on socialism in the 1930's (odd how the birth of objectivism happened at the same time as the great depression, when there were plenty of poor Americans around to turn against socialism, even odder how these people didnt look across the Atlantic and see that the nazi party was using the same tactic to turn poor Germans against the jews). Frank R. Wallace (if you have recieved your Neo-Tech letter you'll recall him as the man from vegas) had made a fortune ripping off Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism and filling books with well written rhetoric to impress the less intellegent to the point of them giving him 139 dollars for a book, then calls it a "society built on honesty". after doing other research (thank you Wikipedia) I found that Frank R. Wallace said he developed Neo-Tech to rid the world of mysticism so he could achieve biological immortality. Wallace was struck dead by a car while jogging earlier this year, guess that didn't work out the way he planned.
In conclusion, don't take my word for it, look into this stuff for yourself, maybe Neo-Tech is that void you've been missing from your life, it's not for me though. I've just proved that I had nothing better to do with an afternoon besides read an 8 page letter and surf the internet. Maybe next I'll write a screne play about how a guy gets a letter in the mail from a secret society, then is hunted by spies and a madman hell-bent in his desire for biological immortality.....Do you think Bruce Campbell would be interested?