Nouveau Tech Society Scam

Completely Clueless

New Member
Mar 7, 2006
I was also graced with one of these Techie greetings. It is lining my garbage can. I do find it interesting that so many letters have been sent stating different numbers of pages to their "book". Mine said 56, some say more. Maybe I only need 56 pages to learn something...or it could be my short attention span they are catering to.


New Member
Dec 24, 2005
Re: RE: Nouveau Tech Society Scam

TenPenny said:
As I said, I can't tell you any details, but I've never been happier.

Because I didn't waste my time and money on it, that's why. Of course I can't tell you any details, not because it's a secret, but because I didn't waste my time and money. Think, people, think. How can people be conned by this crap?

What the hell are you talking about, con Aritist!

Regarding the foreign aids, we spend less than 1% of our GDP on providing the foreign aids. So, we shouldn't brag about it.

Second, we have Christian fanatics in the White House. The Bible contains a lot of answers? Answers to what? I am taking about the book where the snake talks and the earth was created in a couple of days. What about the dinasours? And you know, according to that book, a virgin can give a birth to a baby without sex.

How did you end up wiping your ass, Sergent? Yes, use only tps in your ts. A paper doesn't belong there and would definately have casued a problem.

Hey, Tincan or Tinpenny or Tinpenis or something? Did the Nouveau Tech tell you to be selfish, too? Did they tell you to use the power(or whatever) only to benefit you and none other?

So, we are gods according to the scam book? You didn't describe well, but it didn't matter. It is a scam book anyway.


House Member
Jan 31, 2006
One would have to be very gullible to think this is anything other than a scam. Wanna make a lot of money fast this is the offer of a life time: I have shares in a gold mine that I am selling, the gold mine is in Toronto just off Hasting Street. This is a limited time offer and only 1000 shares are avalible for $500 a share. Hurry it's a limited offer.

Haggis McBagpipe

Walks on Forum Water
Jun 11, 2004
Victoria, B.C.
Jay has a bridge he wants to sell me. If he wasn't such a fine upstanding young man, I'd be suspicious as hell, but hey, if I can't trust Jay, who can I trust?


New Member
Mar 9, 2006
I received my letter on Tuesday (3/7/06). I replied for the free book on Wednesday.
Thanks for letting me know that Kevin Trudeau is involved. That explains it all.
I already have the book "Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You to Know About". That is slick scam. Rather than giving people advertisements, make them pay for them. Jeff and Jim (Making Money in Your Underware) use a similar scam.


New Member
Apr 13, 2006
I'm special. so special, gotta have some of your big secrets. Oh bums! Thanks to you guys I'm not so special. I'm just one of the 600 trillion chosen ones "Nobble & Take targeted. As the saying goes, if it's too good to be true, it probably is. RAZZA


New Member
Apr 20, 2006
gwestrope said:
I got a letter in the mail from Nouveau Tech Society and so i ordered their booklet it is well worth every penny I paid for it...
I am sure that they have sent this same letter to many people and the reason they are asking so much for it is so that who ever orders it will read it...
If you are willing to pay $139.95 then you are going to read it! Think about it! Anyone receiving this letter needs to respond to it and order their information because your life depends on it....Lets put it this way-
I would like to tell you what is in the 500 plus page booklet but I can't because you really need to check it out for yourself..I will tell you this that you have been deceived your whole life and you don't even know it! The deception has been sooooo suddle and masked that you would be surprised and may not accept it at first BUT as you read on through the book it will convince you and start you to thinking for yourself... I have not finished the book as yet but what I have read so far has convinced me enough to start thinking for myself.
The information in the book exposes a lot of very important things that you take for granted everyday, yet these very things are detroying your life, thinking, and moral consepts about yourself and life itself!!! Nouveau Tech Society is basically a wake up call to everyone not just you....

Why buy it when you can read it free!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Do any of the normal people around here know what this is all about or do I have to read it for myself?


Council Member
Apr 7, 2006
Oh boo hoo, Im just not one of the special people- nobody wants my money...I havent even received one little one line offer to buy the book.....


New Member
Apr 20, 2006
To call knowledge a scam is completely odd to me. But then again, we do live in a world where people thrive more on being "free" and doing whatever suits them or whatever works for them rather than what is real or not. I too, had received the letter from the nouveau tech society and i did spend the money to receive the thousand page manuscript. The book has opened my mind to much more doors that I had never thought possible.

I am not one to believe in magic, such nonsense is just jibberish to me. But the real truths hidden in each passage has expanded my mind. To control others is simple psychology, I wouldn't say it is magic, but it is very possible. To attain mass riches is not impossible neither, all you have to do is figure out how you are going to do it. Almost any person is seducable no matter who you are. So, by making my own analysis and allowing my self to think for my self, I have come to the conclusion that if you feel it is right for you then follow through, if not throw it away. The world consists of leaders and followers, those who pave their own path or follow others. You decide who you are.

Now I can't believe that the big winner from australia said what he said about us here from the states. The world can hate president bush all they want but to speak of the states as they do is completely unacceptable. I have friends from the land down under and they are absolutely some of the most lovely people I have ever known. To speak badly of people from a nation for what some of their leaders have done would be ignorant. Take Germany or Russia for example, Adolf Hitler, or Joseph Stalin, do we ridicule them as a whole or the leaders alone?

Bush is the president of the country I was born and raised in and I will stand as an American for as long as I shall live. I can't change the war so what is done is done, had the terrorists attacked your country in such a manner would your leaders lay down cowardly or would they stand up and fight. An old mentor once told me that if the world wanted peace we must prepare for war. Because if we take down one tyrant, another is always more than willing to take their place.

Final thought: if you are not against the terrorists than you are for them.


Council Member
Apr 7, 2006
Nismo, I am glad that you got your moneys worth.

Now, define terrorist. Perhaps the definition is in one of those thousand pages. Maybe a terrorist is someone who allows their leader (say a president or prime minister for example) to attack and kill innocent people.

If you do not help prevent the death of innocent civilians in war, then you condone it. Works both ways.


New Member
Apr 21, 2006
I'm so glad I did a search about this group and Dr. Frank R. Wallace! I got my letter yesterday and my deadline is today (21 Apr 06). Guess I'm just going to have to "miss the opportunity of a life time"!! I can live with that!
The "testimonial" in my letter was from a nightshow talk host that was to remain nameless of the advice of his attorney. His name is Kevin--oops! Must have been a slip of the fingers on the computer keys! Wonder if his lawyers were mad at him for revealing his name?
Have a great day!


New Member
Apr 21, 2006
Hey, I recently got this scam letter, too. I did some research and found that these people have drank way too much of their own kool-aid!! That not only believe what they say and also adamently defend it. I found this website if care to see how grossly out of touch these people really are. Word of caution, if you hold true to your gospel and/or ethical roots, be prepared to be shocked!!


New Member
Apr 23, 2006
I got this letter a few days ago. I get so much junk mail that I don't read but I read this one. It looked so good and well written It fooled me for a few minutes. But the repetitions and the ego boosting phrases made me suspicious. I did a search on Yahoo and I got to this forum and other sites that detail the scam. I want to add a link to a site that hosts a reply from Neo-Tech bandits' representative. It's very eloquent and articulate and inteligently deceiptful.
I just want to add that I liked the Las Vegas story. quite entertaining...


New Member
May 4, 2006
i just got my invite to the nouveau tech society. mine says that the two-time binion's world champion of poker winner offered $50,000 for the secret's they will send me for free! but ya know what? i'm already in a scam bullshit religion, its called sci-fi-entology, and i'm OT12, and it only cost me $253,000, but i can see god!


New Member
May 16, 2006
Your forum was very informative, but I think I can help to answer the biggest question most of you have. I travel the 'net incognito; and I never use credit cards or personal information. The letter I received from these morons today was addressed to my "net-name". I say they're morons because if they knew anything about me, they should have known I am the most sceptical person on this planet, hence my being at this forum only minutes after reading the letter. Anyway, they may have many sources, but you can rest assured they do not get everyone's address from some government, finance, or mail-order source.


New Member
Jun 21, 2006
Noveau has finally reached Adealide as well. You know what they say about Adelaide, if you can crack the Adelaide market it will go like gangbusters in the rest of Australia.What an amazing booklet. There must one of two things happening if people are buying their book of secrets (its now gone up to AU$213.00. I wonder if its available in Ebay for a fiver) I would expect to bump into all these new people who are becoming so incredibly wealthy or another group who have spent their dosh and are lamenting that nothing happened. Why is there only one positive remark in here about in here. What a bunch of party poopers you lot are. Here I am soaking in this new found knowledge that things can just by mental attitude like losing 30 lbs virtually over night or that women will be attracted to u and its quite ok to have sex with them yet else where you will have your spouse love you as you always wanted(mm dont think these people know the independance of my wifes mind) nevermind what my logical brain thinks about all these conumdrums. The adage if it walks, thinks,talks like a duck , yep ...its a duck so quick duck out out the way.As for us aussie hating you yanks we only dislike you imposing your world ino ours, so let each country be unique with its own terms and phrases, we will have foopaths and you can keep your sidewalks.


New Member
Jun 22, 2006
I got the neo-tech letter and really felt special for about three seconds (I don't get much mail other than bills). The letter pointed out that i had hidden talents that they were interested in, but i couldnt figure out what talents they were talking about, sure I've been told I'm a great song writer and that my screen plays are really good, but these talents aren't hidden, I'll show them to anybody. The letter also pointed out that some of my friends were members and that they recomended me. That was the point that I knew that there was something wrong with the letter. The letter spoke of how this group could help you get money, love, or help you overcome any addiction, everyone I know is either dirt poor, in a bad marriage, or addicted to meth.

Still I like to give everyone with a story to tell a chance to tell it before deciding whether I'll buy into it or not (the homeless guys down on Commerse Street love me) so, I checked out the neo tech web site. The first place I started on the Neo Tech website was with the positive and negative comment links on at the top of the page. starting with the negative i found many comments that would go something like this: "IT IS NOTHING BUT SATANISTIC TRASH AND A SURE PATH TO AN ETERNITY IN HELL" Of course anyone who knows me knows that if there is a hell, I'm on the invite list, might have something to do with me blaming god for everything that goes wrong at work, then when my superviser's ask how it's god's fault i always reply "Don't ask me he's some kind of control freak, he does stuff like this all the time, look at New Orleans" so the christian's advertisements of avoiding Neo-Tech to get into heaven had no effect on me at all. I turn to Neo-Tech's positve comments, they really were not as fun as the negative, but then again, they never are. in the positve comments i found stuff like this: "Brilliantly conveyed concepts, fresh and enlightening perspective, glad to have read it" all of these comments seemed like they were written by Ivy League cyborgs, but did not explain anything that Neo-Tech was about so it was on to the link that said simply said "Neo-Tech" i the middle of the page.

I then had the oppertunity to read through some of their "society literature" and it all seemed familiar for some reason, then it hit me (you'll have to excuse me, I've been working in a factory and playing in punk bands for the past ten years so alot of what I learned in high school has escaped me) this was the objecivism that my old xenophobic, republican high school english teacher used to brow beat me with through Ayn Rand's "Fountainhead." They all spoke of how we need to replace politics with business, and how religion has brain washed us for the past 2500 years (really, i have no arguments there) and one artical even went to explain how the author loved the twin towers so much because they stood for capitalism and prosperity, then how he felt the day they were destroyed, the thing that got me about that article was that he didnt feel bad that thousands of people were murdered that day, but that his precious symbols of capitalism and prosperity were destroyed. The ideas that Neo-Tech publishes is nothing new, and at the same time they are not 2500 years old as Neo-Tech claims they are, they are simple Clinton bashing, Rand worshipping, anti-Muslim neo-capitalistic ideas that sprang forth from a russian girl who blamed everything bad in life on socialism in the 1930's (odd how the birth of objectivism happened at the same time as the great depression, when there were plenty of poor Americans around to turn against socialism, even odder how these people didnt look across the Atlantic and see that the nazi party was using the same tactic to turn poor Germans against the jews). Frank R. Wallace (if you have recieved your Neo-Tech letter you'll recall him as the man from vegas) had made a fortune ripping off Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism and filling books with well written rhetoric to impress the less intellegent to the point of them giving him 139 dollars for a book, then calls it a "society built on honesty". after doing other research (thank you Wikipedia) I found that Frank R. Wallace said he developed Neo-Tech to rid the world of mysticism so he could achieve biological immortality. Wallace was struck dead by a car while jogging earlier this year, guess that didn't work out the way he planned.

In conclusion, don't take my word for it, look into this stuff for yourself, maybe Neo-Tech is that void you've been missing from your life, it's not for me though. I've just proved that I had nothing better to do with an afternoon besides read an 8 page letter and surf the internet. Maybe next I'll write a screne play about how a guy gets a letter in the mail from a secret society, then is hunted by spies and a madman hell-bent in his desire for biological immortality.....Do you think Bruce Campbell would be interested?


New Member
Jul 11, 2006
.......... so does this mean i'm not special? *sniff* :cry:

anyway, i first received this letter sometime in the beginning of the year? it said i had to reply by friday, but it was friday then! with a time limit like that of course i replied, i was gonna get some random book that was gonna make my life wonderful for free!!! yes i knew it sounded kinda odd that they kept repeating my name and saying these stuff like they were trying to sell something, but when it was for free i though, why not?

i never heard from them again. ^______________^

and then yesterday i got another letter from them! but i didn't get the 56 page book (actually, i had totally forgotten that promise that they'd send me one until i read it here)! in the letter they even had a mentor write to me for about 6 or 7 pages about their experience and such and apparantly they are famous but didn't tell me who they were and i couldn't work it out. odd thing is, i'm currently reading "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown, and it's all about the Illuminati and i was saying to myself that i wouldn't mind being a member of this secret scientific community if i had lived in thoes days(NOT AS A SATANIC CULT, OR ANTI RELIGIOUS THING, just to have secret sciency debates and stuff, but being girl i'd probly not be eligable anyway). and this letter i get from these Nuova Tech people are talking about Illuminati and stuff and find it odd that i receive it while reading the letter (the second letter sent). yes it sounded really dodgey, but thought hey, I'M GONNA BE AN INNER CIRCLE ILLUMINATI MEMBER! my wish brought to life! and then at the very end it tells me i have to pay for the overhead costs of the book which instead of paying $50 000, i only need to pay $150 to get a 760 page book.

if they know so damn much about me, how come they don't know that i don't have a credit card? and that i'm currently broke?

but i was gonna get my dad to pay and i'd pay him back, but i decided to do some research of my own anyway and found this place! haleluya! (sp?) anyway, i am not gonna get that book. if anyone wants something that really works, try NLP (Neural Linguistic Programing, i can't really remember the first word, think it was Neural)

anyway, i'm being kicked off the computer. i have no idea how these people found me, i don't have a listing in the phone book, i don't buy stuff online or anything. all my info should technically be confidencial due to my dads job so dunno, unless it's like someone i know gave away my details.

i am Turkish, but received this letter where i am currently located, Sydney, Australia.

i love you all for giving me this warning, you saved me $202 australian ^^