You don't like fish I take it?
I love fish. Still eat it every Friday;-)
You don't like fish I take it?
Well, aside from the fact that the Magisterium has ruled on the issue and that Apostolic Tradition teaches it (both of which are sufficient to prove the matter), the Bible also teaches it. In the book of Psalms, which was the hymn book for the Temple in Jerusalem, we sing to those in the heavenly court and exhort them:I've always taken it on faith, but how can we be assured that Mary and the saints in heaven can hear our prayers?
Well, aside from the fact that the Magisterium has ruled on the issue and that Apostolic Tradition teaches it (both of which are sufficient to prove the matter), the Bible also teaches it. In the book of Psalms, which was the hymn book for the Temple in Jerusalem, we sing to those in the heavenly court and exhort them:"Bless the Lord, O you his angels, you mighty ones who do his word, hearkening to the voice of his word! Bless the Lord, all his hosts, his ministers that do his will!" (Psalm 103:20-21, RSV, as below)
The fact that those in the heavenly court can hear our prayers is also indicated in the book of Revelation, where we read:"And another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer; and he was given much incense to mingle with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar before the throne; and the smoke of the incense rose with the prayers of the saints from the hand of the angel before God." (Revelation 8:3-4)Thus those saints who are angels have a role in presenting our prayers to God in an intercessory manner. (Angels are also saints, as indicated by the fact that the Bible applies the Hebrew word for saint/holy one -- qaddiysh -- to them, cf. Daniel 4:13, 23, 8:13. Thus we speak of St. Michael the Archangel, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael, etc.).
Since the Ascension of Christ, when Jesus took the Old Testament saints from sheol to heaven, large numbers of humans saints have also been in heaven, and Revelation indicates they also present our prayers to God:"And when he [the Lamb] had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and with golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints" (Revelation 5:8).The twenty-four elders represent the hierarchy of the people of God in heaven (just as the four living creatures represent the hierarchy of the angels of God in heaven), and here they are shown presenting our prayers to God under the symbol of incense (which is, in fact, what incense symbolizes in church, since it is a pleasing smell which rises upward).
One might object, saying, "But maybe those weren't prayers to the saints but prayers to God!" This may well be true. However, a person who says this only digs the hole deeper for himself since this would mean that those in heaven are aware of prayers which weren't even directed to them!
In any event, we know that the saints in heaven (whether human saints or angel saints) are aware of our prayers and, based on them, intercede with God on our behalf. Scripture, Tradition, and the Magisterium all agree.
By pointing out five things: First, it is not non-Catholics who make this objection, it is Protestants. All other Christians, whether they are Eastern Orthodox, Armenian, Assyrian, Coptic, Abyssinian, or what have you, honour the idea that the Mass is a sacrifice. Protestants are out on a limb here in their interpretation of Hebrews. In fact, the sacrifice of the Mass was well understood and universally at the time the book of Hebrews was canonized in the fourth century.How are we to respond when non-Catholics object to the sacrifice of the Mass on the grounds that Hebews says Christ was sacrificed "once for all"?
sacrifice when it says:"We have an altar from which those who serve the tent have no right to eat" (Heb. 13:10).Those priests serving in the Jewish temple, of course, having no right to eat the Christian Eucharist.
Ahhhhh fundamentalism....THAT'S something that has done the world a heck of a lot of good. How do you KNOW? How do you know that you are as right as you claim to be about this issue? How? What proof can you offer me that you are indeed correct?
Proof? Easy, the Roman Catholic Church was founded by Christ. It has existed since the beginning. there is no salvation, no connection to god, outside the Holy Catholic Church.
Thank you for the help. My biggest issue is my impatience with protestant heretics and their evil theologies. I try hard to listen to their blasphemies, but just get myself frustrated. what is it that makes them think they are in Christ when they don't even belong to the Church? answered that one, but failed to address where I commented on how the bible is NOT the direct word of god, but an interpretation of the word of god, if it is even that, which then is reinterpretited by you, through your biases, and your beliefs.Proof? Easy, the Roman Catholic Church was founded by Christ. It has existed since the beginning. there is no salvation, no connection to god, outside the Holy Catholic Church. answered that one, but failed to address where I commented on how the bible is NOT the direct word of god, but an interpretation of the word of god, if it is even that, which then is reinterpretited by you, through your biases, and your beliefs.
In response to such a strange view of the Church, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued in 1973 the Declaration Mysterium Ecclesiae, which said in part:The church or Christ. Which is the head? If the church is the tail, then it must follow the head.
Christ being the head of the body, of which body we are, then we are all the church!
The "Church" as perceived to be is as an organization and is just that, an organization.
It is physical, while the Church of Christ is spiritual, and rests in the hearts of mankind.
Luk 23:28 But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.
Different applications may be taken of any verse in the bible.
The application I wish to express is this: Jesus understood the situation where's the woman didn't, so the woman should think about what they believe before they try to weep for someone else.
Likewise, condemning someone and then wanting to pray for them is, well, something wrong with that picture.
Peace>>>AJ:love9: answered that one, but failed to address where I commented on how the bible is NOT the direct word of god, but an interpretation of the word of god, if it is even that, which then is reinterpretited by you, through your biases, and your beliefs.
Huh????? What the????id love to reply, but have to respect the request we were given by "a priest" to not reply to non-catholics on this sucks..
In response to such a strange view of the Church, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued in 1973 the Declaration Mysterium Ecclesiae, which said in part:
… Catholics are bound to profess that through the gift of God's mercy they belong to that Church which Christ founded and which is governed by the successors of Peter and the other Apostles, who are the depositories of the original apostolic tradition, living and intact, which is the permanent heritage of doctrine and holiness of that same Church.
The followers of Christ are therefore not permitted to imagine that the Church of Christ is nothing more than a collection--divided, but still possessing a certain unity — of Churches and ecclesial Communities. Nor are they free to hold that Christ's Church does not really exist anywhere today and that it is to be considered only as an end which all Churches and ecclesial Communities must strive to reach.
These conclusions of Mysterium Ecclesiae were not new. In an article published after the Council and before the Declaration of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Karl Rahner had anticipated much of the thought and even the verbal expression of the Congregation's statement. He wrote:
The Catholic Church cannot think of herself as one among many historical manifestations in which the same God-man Jesus Christ is made present, which are offered by God to man for him to choose whichever he likes. On the contrary she must necessarily think of herself as the one and total presence in history of the one God-man in his truth and grace, and as such as having a fundamental relationship to all men… For this reason the Catholic Church cannot simply think of herself as one among many Christian Churches and communities on an equal footing with her…And the Church cannot accept that this unity is something which must be achieved only in the future and through a process of unification between Christian Churches, so that until this point is reached it simply would not exist.
That is all well and good if that is what one chooses to place one’s faith in. But remember that one is under bondage to the dictates of that organization’s leaders and not necessarily Christ.
Therefore: making the organizational church the head of one’s faith instead of freedom in making Jesus the head of one’s faith.