Catholic Discussion


Electoral Member
Dec 13, 2006
there has been talk here of traditions. As much as all churches hole their traditions close to thier hearts..did not Jesus have a problem with traditions as they were earthly? That the Pharosis were more about tradition and pomp rather then the faith? Is there not a slipper slope here??

hey thats a good point. something to think about. but you know what, i cant even imagine seeing women as priests.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
Do women who are of the Roman Catholic Faith feel comfortable in their secondary role as dictated by the church?

Perhaps we in modern times have gone too far in the search for equality of the sexes and perhaps women would prefer to be educated but still have a more accepting role in their faith - that of a mother or nurturing person.

Perhaps the role isn't secondary at all to men - only one unique to women therefore to be honored as such and that is how women of that faith see themselves.


Jan 6, 2007
Do women who are of the Roman Catholic Faith feel comfortable in their secondary role as dictated by the church?

Perhaps we in modern times have gone too far in the search for equality of the sexes and perhaps women would prefer to be educated but still have a more accepting role in their faith - that of a mother or nurturing person.

Perhaps the role isn't secondary at all to men - only one unique to women therefore to be honored as such and that is how women of that faith see themselves.

I think trying to pretend everyone is equal in all areas at all times is a little silly. It has really never bothered me that women can't be priests, because I've never in all of my time in the church, had a problem having my voice heard. I've never by anyone been made to feel lower than a man. The only instances I can think of in my life that ocurred to make me feel less because I was a woman, ocurred at the hands of family.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
It's a pagan thing same as the ritual canibalism at the alter with the blood and flesh of christ ritually consumed by the petitioners.Not much different than eating the warrior you have defeated in battle and in incorporating his/her power.The church has always pretended to be above the pagan beliefs but has always remained in thrall to the old ways, barely varnished with its monotheistic nonesense.There is not an original bone in the whole construct. The father of the modern transnational corporation.Lent and lint, what's the difference? Before chocolate we used chickens and goats.:wave:


Jan 6, 2007
there has been talk here of traditions. As much as all churches hole their traditions close to thier hearts..did not Jesus have a problem with traditions as they were earthly? That the Pharosis were more about tradition and pomp rather then the faith? Is there not a slipper slope here??

I agree. Another thing that ocurred to me is that many Catholics don't take the story of creation as a literal truth, they believe that God set evolution in motion. But if God set evolution in motion, did He intend for it to cease upon the arrival of His son? Did He mean for us to stay in one place, never change, never grow? I highly doubt He did.


Electoral Member
Dec 18, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
You may consider this question to give you some perspective: Why can't a man be a mother since men and women can both receive the Eucharist? The answer then becomes a little more clear I hope. Men and women were created equal but different with gifts and abilities unique to their gender. Example men will never know the honour of brining new life into the world. What an honour women have to be God's very vessel of each new person He creates.

Likewise women are not meant to be the head of man in the home or in the church. Our roles are unique. Equally important but different still the same.


Electoral Member
Dec 18, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
there has been talk here of traditions. As much as all churches hole their traditions close to thier hearts..did not Jesus have a problem with traditions as they were earthly? That the Pharosis were more about tradition and pomp rather then the faith? Is there not a slipper slope here??
If being a priest was merely a ministry then absolutely women should be allowed. However priesthood is a sacrament and therefore we cannot alter it from the way Jesus instituted it.
The Church teaches that in a sacrament the object used actually confers the grace. Example if instead of a wafer we used chocolate for the eucharist would it still be the eucharist???maybe yes, maybe no we have no guarantee that the chocolate has become the BBD of Christ. However Jesus used unleavened bread so we know that that definetly works, its the same with priesthood.


Electoral Member
Dec 18, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
as a new catholic im just trying to get this right. my priest says the idea of giving something up is to show god our sacrifices. so, why? i mean, why does god need to see a physical sign of these kinds of things?

It's not to show God anything. It's a sign that you can make to increase your devotions and prayers at this time, a physical symbol of preparation for the coming of Easter.


Electoral Member
Dec 18, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
When I was a child, our household would give up television. We wouldn't fast (making children fast is just a bad idea all around in my opinion), but we would eat vegetarian on Fridays. I haven't followed any of these traditions in my household as of yet. I usually give up something for myself, but find it hard to find something that is a true sacrifice to give up. So often it ends up not being a true sacrifice at all. As one person said, we give up a certain food, hoping to lose weight, or like my mom, give up tv hoping to bring the family closer together. Knowing you expect a reward from it seems to make it not much of a sacrifice at all.

I've been striving to find something that would bear no reward for me in giving up. Alcohol seems like my best bet, but, it is also my only possible recourse for managing the pain of my illness. It seems like it would end up being less of a sacrifice for me, and more of a punishment for my family than anything else. So I guess I will keep pondering, keep thinking. Surely something will come to me.

We had to give up television too. This year I think i'm going for my passion-chocolate.


Electoral Member
Feb 9, 2007
Maybe in an idealistic 1950's leave it to beaver episode perhaps.

Good for you DurkaDurka! You are questioning the medieval ideas of the church and family and so you should. Don't ever take a backseat to men if they want to perpetuate chauvinist ideas. Completely half of all women in the U.S today are not married. That's saying something to men about their traditional roles I assure you, as a man.


Electoral Member
Dec 18, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Good for you DurkaDurka! You are questioning the medieval ideas of the church and family and so you should. Don't ever take a backseat to men if they want to perpetuate chauvinist ideas. Completely half of all women in the U.S today are not married. That's saying something to men about their traditional roles I assure you, as a man.

And the USA has what to do with us?


Electoral Member
Feb 9, 2007
That dosen't mean that I am in charge of my home, just that there always has to be a symbolic head and it is usually the man.

It's much more than symbolic for a lot of Christians. And of course it progresses to pure evil in the case of Muslim and especiall the Taliban. Do you understand the stance of the southern Baptists on the issue? And yes, all Christian beliefs are relevant to this discussion regardless of whether you object or not my friend.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
I think trying to pretend everyone is equal in all areas at all times is a little silly. It has really never bothered me that women can't be priests, because I've never in all of my time in the church, had a problem having my voice heard. I've never by anyone been made to feel lower than a man. The only instances I can think of in my life that ocurred to make me feel less because I was a woman, ocurred at the hands of family.

I wasn't indicating that women ARE secondary - I was asking women who believe in the Roman Catholic Faith if their role is felt to be "secondary"..... I hardly think the comment that I was
being silly is very complimentary.

As I do not belong to that faith I was gathering information.... I thought that was the idea of forums... there is nothing silly in asking questions is there?