When I was a child, our household would give up television. We wouldn't fast (making children fast is just a bad idea all around in my opinion), but we would eat vegetarian on Fridays. I haven't followed any of these traditions in my household as of yet. I usually give up something for myself, but find it hard to find something that is a true sacrifice to give up. So often it ends up not being a true sacrifice at all. As one person said, we give up a certain food, hoping to lose weight, or like my mom, give up tv hoping to bring the family closer together. Knowing you expect a reward from it seems to make it not much of a sacrifice at all.
I've been striving to find something that would bear no reward for me in giving up. Alcohol seems like my best bet, but, it is also my only possible recourse for managing the pain of my illness. It seems like it would end up being less of a sacrifice for me, and more of a punishment for my family than anything else. So I guess I will keep pondering, keep thinking. Surely something will come to me.