. But if He does remember me, I hope He lets me form my own little heaven. I won't be any bother.[/quote]
That is so sweet.
That is so sweet.
If all sin were purged from my life, what would I have as a contrast to know what good is?
Explain it to me then.
Adam represents the Spirit breath of God. Eve represents the flesh. When God breathe His Spirit into the clay vessel, a living soul was created.
This living soul than was separated from the presence of God and has became as like God with the ability to know good and evil.
This separation = death.
Death than was as a result of our creation. We had nothing to do with it it but yet we were accountable for it.
That is the jest of the creation story. The mature version)
Now God had to reverse the condition of separation (Death) of the soul by sending His Son Jesus to fulfill the required criteria of perfection before any of us could possibly enter into heaven.
So, rather than us paying the price of everlasting death, Jesus paid it for us. That we in His resurrected body we made have life again, or in other words, have access to the Father via Jesus.
Now, to reject all that, would leave us strictly to the elements in which we were created and that of course would be less than perfect, for knowledge would expose it as so.
It is your prerogative to choose to believe or not, but than if you choose not to believe, you will remain as you and that without the help of God but the worlds.
If all sin were purged from my life, what would I have as a contrast to know what good is?
Mary, I worship Jesus of the bible. Which Jesus are you worshiping?
I understand that as you wrote it. Works are a result of our faith. But somehow, mankind thinks that we have a certain degree of righteousness before we can gain salvation.
That was the jest of the discussion which prompt my response as quoted by you.
I know I am saved period! Because it is a gift that was freely given me without any righteousness on my part. Totally free of any works of my own.
As long as we are in the flesh, sin will be there. The tree of knowledge of good and evil is not a real tree but our education as to who we are in comparison to God.
Mary, I worship Jesus of the bible. Which Jesus are you worshiping?
My brother, I am praying that the true light of Christ opens your eyes to your sinfulness, your pride and arrogance and brings you forth from false doctrines.
Mary, I worship Jesus of the bible. Which Jesus are you worshiping?
Perhaps, but keep in mind that he is seeking Jesus and that should require our tacit support. One day, surely, he shall see the truth he has avoided, and we can greet as brethren at that time.You're rather new. I think you're wasting your time here. AJ is pretty well the only one who knows God, don't cha know! The rest of us are not as advanced spiritually as he is(deep sarcasm)
Adam represents the Spirit breath of God. Eve represents the flesh. When God breathe His Spirit into the clay vessel, a living soul was created.
As long as we are in the flesh, sin will be there.
(End quote)
Maybe I am too sensitive but these quotes have materialized into EVE(the woman) = FLESH = SIN. Don't tell me that I am a feminist because I am not. Why do many religions including the RC treat women as if we are unworthy of participating in the ministry as men? A women gave birth to Jesus the son of God concieved by the Immaculate Conception, it had nothing to with a man and his sperm yet man alone has the privilege of being a religious leader. This still permeates many aspects of our everyday life. Women have fought long and hard against discrimination but still have a long way to go. When will we be truly treated as equals? Are we so evil that we must have limitations put on us by men?
Don't get me wrong I don't hate men, I love them and am married to one of the best men in the world out treats me as his equal.
Hope I did not insult anyone but this is a question that haunts me maybe someone can give me an answer.
If anyone wants some real answers then come to the 'Intelligent Design' thread and learn with us. If not then run around in circles for another 145 pages here. I will not take part further on this thread because it is based on nothing but an effort to deceive.
And we know that each and every one of you are looking for guidance and answers don't we! Over there S_lone has started the ball rolling with some good questions.
Or, if you don't have the courage to question your faith in religion then stay here. The truth is not for everyone! ;-)
Please do the people of this list a courtesy by not spamming threads you're not interested in participating in.
I have absolutely no objections to the move and will look forward to the comments. Please say a prayer for me so that I don't get too hot under the collar PLEASE.