Why arrogant? I was just commenting that there are a number of people who hijack faith threads by insisting on using those threads to either denounce or attack the faith of the people in the discussion. Not just this thread, but all the faith threads. The minute a new faith thread goes up, in this case a Christian one, at least half a dozen people feel they must interject their opinions on why the Christian faith is in error, even if that has nothing at all to do with the OP. The thread than takes a turn from its intention and becomes a debate with believers vs. non-believers.
You seem to want to limit "who" comes into a religious thread. I go into many threads, I have an interest in all sorts of things, I like to give my opinion, or not, depends, and that includes
politics. Anyone can come into this thread, it is a free country. Do you want people here who only
are religious, and you can chit chat and have your little squabbles about who's religion is the best.
Sorry, but life doesn't work that way. We are all as good as each other, and because you are
religious, doesn't give you some sort of "priority", give us all a break, and don't expect us to go
away any time soon, we have just as much right here as you.
I have been in many political threads, and there is much disagreement, but noone tells anyone to
go away, and not come into thread, the thread belongs to everyone.