How can we get rid of our sinfulness?


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
Do most faiths "worship" from the bible,I know muslims don't, and others, but all of the others.

And, of all who do worship from the bible, how is it possible for "all" to interpret it the same.
There is much criticism on this forum that some do not follow the "actual" word of god, from the bible, but how could they, if their interpretation is different, who is wrong, and who is right.
In other aspects of life, different interpretations can be picked up, on many different subjects, and many could be "interesting", and
just a different way of looking at the same thing, but not always right or wrong.

That is why it is the role of the Church to act as interpreter of the Scriptures. In this way, the core of the teachings remains constant and focused.


Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
You keep missing the point so many people are telling you. you can't follow the Bible anyway you want, as you suggested. God is God, and His teachings, logically, must be the same for all. It is not a matter of what you or I want to believe, but rather what He wants us to believe. Your way leads not to life, but to death. The true faith leads to salvation.

No brother Sanctus, the way I want is not the Catholic way! The same for: all? Meaning the Catholic way only for all?

What is that telling people? Was that not what happened during the inquisition?

Tribunal for judging heretics = man organization in the Roman Catholic Church founded in the 13th century to find, question, and sentence those who did not hold orthodox religious beliefs.>>> Encarta Dictionary: English (North American)

If any body is missing the point, it ain’t I.



Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
That is why it is the role of the Church to act as interpreter of the Scriptures. In this way, the core of the teachings remains constant and focused.

The constancy and focus is not to bridle the donkey, but to allow for the free expression of the love for God that is generated from within.

That is the object of our existence.
Let me quote you one scripture to show what I mean: Gen 1:2 the earth was formless and desolate. The raging ocean that covered everything was engulfed in total darkness, and the Spirit of God was moving over the water.
The flesh is nothing but dirt, was formless and desolate. The ocean covered everything and was in total darkness, and then the Spirit of God hovered over it.

This verse is a similitude of the creation of man.

The earth (Flesh) was formless (and molded into an image of clay) and this image of clay was engulfed in such sin (Ocean, death, separation) that darkness (Lack of knowledge of God) was upon it. (Hence all the conceivable gods ever imagined to be)

Then the Spirit of Christ came to make and to give of that chaos, life that would sing the praises of love to the creator.

But it (Love) could only be born of chaos, and that is why we were born in the flesh.

If one can understand that, then one can understand the compassion of God to us ward.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
That is why it is the role of the Church to act as interpreter of the Scriptures. In this way, the core of the teachings remains constant and focused.

Well, yes, I realize that, and I was referring to "the church", and all the different interpretations
taken by the differnet churches/religions, not individuals.
So, then, does each church/religion have a different "bible", or are they all reading the same bible,
but taking their own interpretation from it.
And, if they are different, are they very similar, or very different. I have a bible upstairs, that I have "never" read a page from, only thing I did with it, was
enter our
family tree, so, I am going to get it out of the cobwebs, and tell you what bible it is, so that you
can tell me exactly who it represents, if that is OK with you.

follow up: Guess it's obvious that it is Catholic - The Holy Bible Edited by Rev.John D O'Connell, Illustrations by celebrated old masters - Published with the approbations of
His Eminence Samuel Cardinal Stritch - archbishop of Chicago- The Catholic Press, Inc.
Chicago, Ill. - We purchased this bible in l959, the year after we were married.
It is a large red "bumby" leather book, with gold writing, and on edges of paper, quite impressive looking.
Maybe I will begin to read, as I have lots of time now, and learn something, as I love to learn, might have questions, we'll see what I can remember from my childhood, as I
read along.
If I am lucky I might live for another 25 yrs., maybe I will finish it, oh dear, I don't know,
these pages are very very thin.
OK, here I go.
Last edited:


Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
Well, yes, I realize that, and I was referring to "the church", and all the different interpretations
taken by the differnet churches/religions, not individuals.
So, then, does each church/religion have a different "bible", or are they all reading the same bible,
but taking their own interpretation from it.
And, if they are different, are they very similar, or very different. I have a bible upstairs, that I have "never" read a page from, only thing I did with it, was
enter our
family tree, so, I am going to get it out of the cobwebs, and tell you what bible it is, so that you
can tell me exactly who it represents, if that is OK with you.

follow up: Guess it's obvious that it is Catholic - The Holy Bible Edited by Rev.John D O'Connell, Illustrations by celebrated old masters - Published with the approbations of
His Eminence Samuel Cardinal Stritch - archbishop of Chicago- The Catholic Press, Inc.
Chicago, Ill. - We purchased this bible in l959, the year after we were married.
It is a large red "bumby" leather book, with gold writing, and on edges of paper, quite impressive looking.
Maybe I will begin to read, as I have lots of time now, and learn something, as I love to learn, might have questions, we'll see what I can remember from my childhood, as I
read along.
If I am lucky I might live for another 25 yrs., maybe I will finish it, oh dear, I don't know,
these pages are very very thin.
OK, here I go.

You have my blessing!



Electoral Member
Jan 19, 2007
Well, yes, I realize that, and I was referring to "the church", and all the different interpretations
taken by the differnet churches/religions, not individuals.
So, then, does each church/religion have a different "bible", or are they all reading the same bible,
but taking their own interpretation from it.

OK, here I go.

I understand what you're trying to say, but with respect, there is only one true Christian Church. what I am saying is that if one is going to be Christian, and follow this faith, there are not varieties to choose from.Stick with the Catholic Church, for that is what Jesus founded.


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
Well, yes, I realize that, and I was referring to "the church", and all the different interpretations
taken by the differnet churches/religions, not individuals.
So, then, does each church/religion have a different "bible", or are they all reading the same bible,
but taking their own interpretation from it.

The Church is constant in its teachings on Scriptures. Those other bodies are not, which is why, as I said, self-interpretation without guidance, by a sect or an individual, ir prone to error. One only has to read, with respect, AJ's interpretations to see the error of not being in accordance with a central system of belief.


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
No brother Sanctus, the way I want is not the Catholic way! The same for: all? Meaning the Catholic way only for all?

What is that telling people? Was that not what happened during the inquisition?

Tribunal for judging heretics = man organization in the Roman Catholic Church founded in the 13th century to find, question, and sentence those who did not hold orthodox religious beliefs.>>> Encarta Dictionary: English (North American)

If any body is missing the point, it ain’t I.


Is is you! How I wish people would stop using isolated events to justify their heresies.Rather than dance around as we have, let me state this openly, Christ founded the Church. A Church, a single body to maintain and safeguard the faith. One only has to seek history to see which body that Church is.


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
Which one is right? None...and all. Who knows. Most CLAIM that their interpretation is the correct interpretations...but who is to say?

Be logical. If the Christian faith has truth, this should be seen in the context of its faith. That is, which faith has been constant for over 2,000 years since Christ left the earth? Hint, it is not a sect that started within the past 500 years:)


Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
Be logical. If the Christian faith has truth, this should be seen in the context of its faith. That is, which faith has been constant for over 2,000 years since Christ left the earth? Hint, it is not a sect that started within the past 500 years:)

Nothing is constant with mankind. Has not history thought us anything? Christ is constant always.

Heb 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Did I mis-quote that also?

I tell you what, I will trust my life, my soul to the safe keeping of Him who changes not before I trust in the institutions of mankind!



Electoral Member
Jan 19, 2007
Nothing is constant with mankind. Has not history thought us anything? Christ is constant always.

Heb 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Did I mis-quote that also?

I tell you what, I will trust my life, my soul to the safe keeping of Him who changes not before I trust in the institutions of mankind!


The Church was started by God. If you were a Christian you'd know that.


Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
Is is you! How I wish people would stop using isolated events to justify their heresies.Rather than dance around as we have, let me state this openly, Christ founded the Church. A Church, a single body to maintain and safeguard the faith. One only has to seek history to see which body that Church is.

Well Sanctus, you just called me a heretic! Accorrding to Gods word, that would make me your enemy. Will you love me as Christ commanded? Yes? Than accept me as I am!

Love me and have compassion on me, for not understanding as you understand. After all, is it not what love is all about?



Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
The Church was started by God. If you were a Christian you'd know that.

If I were? You made a judgment on me did you realize that?

I judge you not, but instead offer the love of Christ which is im me to give.

Am I missing something that you know that I don"t?

Love ya! Sister!



Electoral Member
Jan 19, 2007
If I were? You made a judgment on me did you realize that?

I judge you not, but instead offer the love of Christ which is im me to give.

Am I missing something that you know that I don"t?

Love ya! Sister!


Funny, you never answer direct questions, nor do you ever admit being wrong. Do you deny that the Church is from God? Is that part of the Bible wrong? Is the instructions on taking the Lord's Body and Blood also wrong? In submitting to the Church, also wrong?


Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
Funny, you never answer direct questions, nor do you ever admit being wrong. Do you deny that the Church is from God? Is that part of the Bible wrong? Is the instructions on taking the Lord's Body and Blood also wrong? In submitting to the Church, also wrong?

Let me enlighten you. All things are Gods. If the body of believers constitutes the church, which it does, than you and I are part of it.

Now, as for an organization of believers, there are many. The Catholic Church being: one of them.

You choose to worship in the Catholic Church, I choose not to. Does that mean we are at odds with each other seeming that we both constitute the body of Christ?
What would be the bond that would hold us in the same body? Love?

In that body are many members, diverse one from another, but the self same body. The finger, hand, eye, nose etc. all constitute the one body which is Christ the head of that body: the church.



Electoral Member
Feb 9, 2007
Be logical. If the Christian faith has truth, this should be seen in the context of its faith. That is, which faith has been constant for over 2,000 years since Christ left the earth? Hint, it is not a sect that started within the past 500 years:)

Well not quite sanctus but it does go back to the year 33. But then so does the Assyrian church of the east which practices some quite different beliefs, including the quite sensible belief that God was not born of Mary. Just because the catholic hung onto the name, which incidentallly came later, doesn't mean that it is the only original church.

And of course the catholic church has made numerous changes to it's dogma over the years and will probably soon make some more changes as it needs to keep up with the times.


Electoral Member
Feb 9, 2007
AJ- It certainly is dogmatic of the catholics to claim that they are right and all other religions are wrong. They won't get away with much longer as all religion fragment and the catholic church declines in numbers. They will soon make peace with the other religions in order to augment their vanishing congregations.