How can we get rid of our sinfulness?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Why arrogant? I was just commenting that there are a number of people who hijack faith threads by insisting on using those threads to either denounce or attack the faith of the people in the discussion. Not just this thread, but all the faith threads. The minute a new faith thread goes up, in this case a Christian one, at least half a dozen people feel they must interject their opinions on why the Christian faith is in error, even if that has nothing at all to do with the OP. The thread than takes a turn from its intention and becomes a debate with believers vs. non-believers.

You seem to want to limit "who" comes into a religious thread. I go into many threads, I have an interest in all sorts of things, I like to give my opinion, or not, depends, and that includes
politics. Anyone can come into this thread, it is a free country. Do you want people here who only
are religious, and you can chit chat and have your little squabbles about who's religion is the best.
Sorry, but life doesn't work that way. We are all as good as each other, and because you are
religious, doesn't give you some sort of "priority", give us all a break, and don't expect us to go
away any time soon, we have just as much right here as you.
I have been in many political threads, and there is much disagreement, but noone tells anyone to
go away, and not come into thread, the thread belongs to everyone.


House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
Must be a lot of sinners on here. It sure is a popular thread. Really if I do go on to the Big Sky I just want to be left alone. Find my dogs again, see my dad and a few old buddies and then wander off into field, wood and valley. Undisturbed by a single human voice.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Must be a lot of sinners on here. It sure is a popular thread. Really if I do go on to the Big Sky I just want to be left alone. Find my dogs again, see my dad and a few old buddies and then wander off into field, wood and valley. Undisturbed by a single human voice.

well, if you want peace and quiet,maybe you should stay away from heaven and hell, as it's probably divided up 50/50 by all the dead people from a million years ago, till now,so, if you think you have been in gridlock on our highways,just think what it's like there, I think I will remain here on earth after I die,
much more peaceful.
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House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
That's always been one of Christianity's big problems. Why would you want to hang around in heaven for millions of years with folks you could barely stand here at home? I don't know God well but I think even He would find it a trial to put in year after year, century after century, with folks found in most earthly towns. Doesn't make any sense. I'll bet He's got other projects underway. But if He does remember me, I hope He lets me form my own little heaven. I won't be any bother.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I just made pretty much the same comment in another thread, but more and more i am seeing the truth of what canadarocks wrote on in another thread. Here we are in a Christian thread, and we got so off track because we who believe had to contend with a host of non-believers jumping in with their anti-Christian rhetoric. The only "civilized" one is gilbert, who is a total dear despite himself:)
Well, thanks, hun. But don't let it get around.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I know I am saved period! Because it is a gift that was freely given me without any righteousness on my part. Totally free of any works of my own.
But since I appreciate the gift as given, I honor the giver with my respect and in turn surrender my whole life into His hands for guidance through this evil world.
Ah, so you alone can sit around on your backside and tell everyone else they're sinners, claim to be a conduit to your god, strut your arrogance and vanity around like a peacock, contort the holey Bible way outta context, not have to show your deity that you do maintenance on your faith, and you'll be accepted by your deity. Yep, sounds like hubris or superbia (the 7th Cardinal sin) to me.

Though the world may suffocate me, my peace and tranquility of spirit is in Jesus.
For I am a born again believer in Jesus Christ and have access to the Fathers attention via His Holy Spirit which is in me.
More hubris.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Salvation is not something that we can have it, or not have it, have it or not have it.
It is not a cycle but a constant. An: absolute thing.
Now our behavior is as like the waves of the sea, up and down, up and down. Something has to be a constant that we may rely on because our behavior is such that it could never achieve perfection.

So then, we can get rid of the bible, religions, the 10 commandments, the 7 cardinal sins and not worry because we are saved anyway. :roll:

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
That's always been one of Christianity's big problems. Why would you want to hang around in heaven for millions of years with folks you could barely stand here at home? I don't know God well but I think even He would find it a trial to put in year after year, century after century, with folks found in most earthly towns. Doesn't make any sense. I'll bet He's got other projects underway. But if He does remember me, I hope He lets me form my own little heaven. I won't be any bother.
But everything's perfect in heaven, did'ntcha hear?
Personally, the thought kinda disg usts me as I like the trials and tribs of life. If everything was perfect I'd be bored beyond belief with all that lion laying down with lamb crap. I think it's really cool to watch a yellow jacket snag a mosquito out of the air, land, and eat the thing, or watch bees protecting their nest from hornets, or watch ospreys and kingfishers fishing.
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Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
What you're saying is that since Yeshua died for everyone's sins, after that it's okay to sin because everyone's saved anyway.

That is a typical response to those who would not take responsibility to honor the free gift with their appreciation and devotion.

But would take it for granted only to satisfy there own lusts.



Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
Ah, so you alone can sit around on your backside and tell everyone else they're sinners, claim to be a conduit to your god, strut your arrogance and vanity around like a peacock, contort the holey Bible way outta context, not have to show your deity that you do maintenance on your faith, and you'll be accepted by your deity. Yep, sounds like hubris or superbia (the 7th Cardinal sin) to me.

More hubris.

The whole premise of my statement is that many can have what I have and be certain and know for sure of their salvation as I am about mine.

You obviously can not understand what I say because the spirit of God has not revealed it to you.



Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
AJ, your salvation claims are so impossible that it is a wonder a grown man can believe in such silliness. Nowhere, but nowhere in the Scriptures does it suggest "once saved-always saved". that is dogmatic heresy. Salvation is always a process, and though Jesus opens the door for us, it is expected for us to actually walk through that door. We can CHOOSE to not do so, thus negating our previous salvation.This has ALWAYS been the teaching of the Christian faith, until just a century or so ago.

Sanctus, explain to me sons of God? How does one become a son of God?



Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
Whatever. It's what you've been posting. You have been saying that regardless of past deeds, everyone is saved because Yeshua died for our sins. So, there's no point in maintaining a righteous life.

If you understood the creation story and knew the reason why Christ came you would answer your own question.


L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
If you understood the creation story and knew the reason why Christ came you would answer your own question.

Why would I even bother with the creation story? As far as I'm concerned, there is no beginning or end to the universe nor is there to the life in it.
What I do know is that you posted that there is no need to follow any commandments or cardinal virtues because we're all saved anyway.