I perceive by your explanations that your are an intelligent individual.
More so than I am concerning the realm of science and chemistry.
That I will not argue for lack of knowledge.
But I would refer to Peters comments quote:
“Act 3:6 Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk”
I cannot heal anybody as Peter did by Christ, but what information I can share about the bountifulness of Gods Love in Christ, I can.
So I will address those things which I can explain from the word of God as I see it, and that is not to say that anybody should accept my views, but that at least consider it and let God give the increase.
If you’re suggesting that this “quality” or “spiritual-essence” or “epiphenomenona of human ideation” is the repository of all that is “good” and merely the act of approaching this “good” will reverberate throughout the universe in waves of peace harmony prosperity satisfaction and happiness…well it could but it hasn’t happened so far… unless you’ve been in touch with someone first-hand of course…>>>Mickey
Here’s what I understand the word conveys to me about what the love of God does in us, for us and for the world as a whole.
How good is good? Good can only be good when compared to say, no-good.
Hence the tree! The tree of knowledge of good and evil. In this tree, we learn knowledge of: all that you suggested, plastics, water and things and man made things.
But also, we are entombed with the potential of the evil side of that tree, as well.
What quality or thing can we acquire then that can overcome the evil side to where the evil side is made of no consequence?
How about another tree, which is also in the midst of that garden, called the tree of life?
Laying hold of the tree of life is that quality that gives life to this lost soul, who for no reason of my own, was subjected to this tree of knowledge.
Normal reasoning as an explanation: would we prefer to travel across the United States lost without a map, or would we prefer to have a map to guide us?
Yes, we have maps, cars, trains, airplanes, GPS’s and all that stuff, but unless we have a destination (vision) we remain lost with all our toys.
What then is the vision?
Pro 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
The vision then to please God, by making His law a joy to perform.
Now “plastic” provides the means for creating valves that keep a pump running within the chest of a human being to keep that human being alive…while that same material refined a different way is burned and creating a cloud of suffocating gas around the planet….
Which is “god’s” will here?>>>Mikey
The will of God is that you and I learn from this worlds experience the value of love.
God is love, and that love has no beginning and no ending.
But Gods love is born in us out of adversity. Therefore, necessitating of a spiritual birth.
A marriage if you will between the spiritual and the physical, creating a living soul.
Could you please illustrate for me the understanding of the spiritual dynamic as perceived and elucidated in the Bible or the Talmud or the Koran… what does this spiritual essence have to say about plastic?>>>Mickey
There is first Mickey, two separate and distinct worlds. There is the physical and the spiritual.
Jesus said: “
Joh 18:36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
The physical world was given to us to subdue, to live and make good out of it, and the spiritual world can only be had if one is “born” from it, to inherit it.
2Co 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
A “new creature” is just that, a new creation, but not subject to the one which passed away. (The old creation, the flesh)
This new creature is given a new set of laws of which are no limitations.
Gal 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Gal 5:23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
Would there be any substance to the notion that although this god-spirit has always existed and has from time to time depending on which text you read…directly involved it/him/her-self with the affairs of mankind that the influence emanating from this larger than the universe… “goodness” has failed to demonstrate a great deal of either stamina or even loyalty when it comes to prosecuting goodness….?>>>Mickey
This Spirit, what ever it is to you or to me, means only one thing, the fruits of it there of, define of which spirit it is.
If Goodness and love are produced by the spirit in mankind, then I’d say and believe it is the Spirit of the Almighty God, ruler, and creator of the whole universe.
The intelligence in mankind is limited to what revelation comes from it’s creator to cure deceases, new inventions and the like.
Perhaps you’re suggesting that this omnipresent being has left upgrades or notices lying around somewhere that will tell us the “correct” and “good” perspective on disease immunization or life-saving surgical techniques…>>>Mickey
Yes, it is called
“The Holy Spirit”
The Holy Spirit is at work even in the unbeliever in ways and means which many of us could not understand.
Maybe your understanding of this god-entity isn’t complete and like a stranger lost in a new city, are we better off getting directions from someone who lives there or someone who, like the rest of us is just passing through?
Could you give me that number please……>>>Mickey
My directions are clearly stated in the word of God. For me it is the bible, for others it is the Koran, and or the Torah, or the New world translation, or the book of Mormon, or the Holy Book of the catholic Church, and then those who study the Sciences.
One thing for sure, if any of all those mentioned, lack love, then their belief system is useless.
So, tell me, Mickey, what ever you believe in, is love at the center of your belief?
If so, then I applaud you. For not many who profess to love, love, because their belief system discriminates against loving our neighbor, our enemy.
God looks at the heart, not the race, color, status, or religion.