How can we get rid of our sinfulness?


Electoral Member
Dec 13, 2006
Did Jesus succeed? He certainly did in the hearts of those that have chosen to truly follow Him, but the world in general? Yes, His message is plainly evident. But is his message of reconciliation with God one the world is keenly trying to follow? Heck, even some of those who proclaim themselves part of the Church He founded seem to sometimes use His name to justify absolute horrors. I think we have a long way to go before His message is clearly witnessed by those outside of His faith. Note I wrote "witnessed", not heard.

What do you mean he didnt succeed? there is already churches dedicated to him..he must have been succeful


Electoral Member
Dec 13, 2006
Love of God for us is simple. We make it a hard thing by our own interpetations.
We have to learn to operate under that love which He gave us, thus the trials of life.
The tree of knowledge of good and evil is the trial by which we learn to experience both sides so that we may make the right choice to do the good.
For out of trials is love perfected.


well aj, who contolr sus then? god, or our own selves. what is this tree of knowledge..who planted it???

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I admit to my ignorance here, what exactly is a "minarchist"?
Web def. of minarchist:
In civics, Minarchism, sometimes called minimal statism, is the view that government should be as small as possible. Many minarchists consider themselves part of the libertarian tradition, and claim that what they call minarchy continues the traditions of classical liberal philosophy. Minarchists are opposed to anarchism, believing it naïve and overly simplistic.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Just thinking here, but everyday is really judgement day. Consider that every action we do will often have ramifications on other people. That being true, are we not therefore subject to constant judgement of our behaviour and words? Can we, in fact, do greater harm second by second than overall? That careless comment posted on the internet, that rage at another driver..who knows the ultimate ramifications of such things!
This is the kind of thinking that resulted in the development of political correctness - "Oh, we better not do this, that, or the other thing because someone will be offended." Gimme a break, there has to be room for a person to use a bit of judgement or discretion. Otherwise everyone would be hermits.


Electoral Member
Dec 13, 2006
Are some things purely evil? Or some people? An age old question with no set answers. I suspect even for those seen as purely evil, there are aspects of them which are good, even in men like Hitler.

so, your point is that hitler was not an evil man? he was totally evil, dont you agree.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
In my case, the answer to the question "How can we rid ourselves of sinfulness" (or however it's worded) is not to sin (or in my case, don't do things to bring irritation to others). Exercise a little self-control and only self-control, not control over others. It's easy.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
In essence I am not suggesting a barrier, except that created within our own selves. We have so many facets inside of us, so many levels of depth and understanding of our place in the world and in relationship to God.

When I was going through my "atheist" phase, I was so certain externally that God was a fragment of fantasy. Yet, inside, in that interior room we all live in, I was not so certain. I felt even then His tug on my soul. As much as I tried to escape it, it eventually wore me down.
You were what is now known as a "soft atheist" ( link ). IMO, one is either an athiest or not; no "grey" areas.


what green dots?
Apr 5, 2006
not really. no. why would it?


what are the odds.

Explain how a libertarian who is also a Taoist could be an apologetic for economic determination. The whole point behind libertarianism is "liberty". Perhaps that didn't occur to you.

Of what?

Perhaps it did.

The whole point of a lot of things is "liberty". Saul of Tarsus ended up talking about it all the time once the cobwebs cleared from falling off his horse and he was pretty well anything BUT a libertarian. Libertarianism hasn't cornered the market on "liberty" although many of its pundits like to think so.

It doesn't matter what colour it is, a libertarian is still a libertarian. Its the same logical progression in every case. Freedom means free of government influence. Show me a libertarian who doesn't believe anything short of a laissez-faire dooms us to failure and you'll also be showing me an individual who hasn't thought their philosophy through to the end.

Being a self-professed minarchist you should be aware of that by now.

Minarchism. A benevolent police state controlled by a perfect effective constitution. The market will not only take care of itself but the planet as well for generations to come.

utopia. good luck with that.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Are some things purely evil? Or some people? An age old question with no set answers. I suspect even for those seen as purely evil, there are aspects of them which are good, even in men like Hitler.

Communism? Do you mean the political system or the theory? The theory is not in and of itself evil. It denies the need for God, true, but outside of that it is, if you think about it, somewhat close to what Jesus and the Apostles taught regarding how men should live together.

We have not seen a purely communist nation yet on this earth. It would be interesting if one could exist!
Impossible. The glitch in the communist system is the same as that of capitalism - man exploits man.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Perhaps it did.

The whole point of a lot of things is "liberty". Saul of Tarsus ended up talking about it all the time once the cobwebs cleared from falling off his horse and he was pretty well anything BUT a libertarian. Libertarianism hasn't cornered the market on "liberty" although many of its pundits like to think so.

It doesn't matter what colour it is, a libertarian is still a libertarian. Its the same logical progression in every case. Freedom means free of government influence. Show me a libertarian who doesn't believe anything short of a laissez-faire dooms us to failure and you'll also be showing me an individual who hasn't thought their philosophy through to the end.
Nuts. Having liberty means having the freedom to do as one wishes. The principle concept of libertarianism is to have the freedom to do whatever one wishes without having a deleterious effect on anyone else. Hardly likely to happen. But I think one must have some sort of thing to play with. And libertarianism sure as hell beats authoritarianism (its antonym).

Minarchism. A benevolent police state controlled by a perfect effective constitution. The market will not only take care of itself but the planet as well for generations to come.
In your opinion?

utopia. good luck with that.
Yup. It's a toughioe, but fun to strive for.


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
Nuts. Having liberty means having the freedom to do as one wishes. The principle concept of libertarianism is to have the freedom to do whatever one wishes without having a deleterious effect on anyone else. Hardly likely to happen. But I think one must have some sort of thing to play with. And libertarianism sure as hell beats authoritarianism (its antonym).

I would tend to agree with you actually. We should be allowed to have this freedom. But, the PC environment we live in in Canada now would suggest otherwise, mind you. The freedom to do anything is preached, as long as that "anything" does not involve Christianity.


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
In my case, the answer to the question "How can we rid ourselves of sinfulness" (or however it's worded) is not to sin (or in my case, don't do things to bring irritation to others). Exercise a little self-control and only self-control, not control over others. It's easy.

And that sounds very wise. That is almost precisely how Jesus would have worded it, with the exception obviously of unity with God.