What is sin? And if sin is defined, who is a sinner?
Sin is defined in the dictionary as a “transgression”.
OK! Whose rules are being transgressed?
We have to have knowledge of that before we can be held accountable for any transgression of what we know.
If we know, and transgress, then that is a sin against that knowledge.
If the knowledge is, that “all” fall short, it only means that there some rules that we should know about that would explain why we fall short.
These rules where set in stone and given: “in care of” the Jewish nation.
To the rest of the world’s peoples, they are a law unto themselves. Meaning, whatever laws they perceive, apart from the ones given to Israel, are the laws they abide by that are similar to the Ten Commandments.
The Gentile worlds, prior to Jesus, had their own form of commandments that for some, had respect for life and for some spiritual entity, of which they knew not.
They were still held accountable for their behavior according to their own rules.
But the true God of mankind was revealed for the whole world to see: in Israel.
Knowledge then of that, would give understanding as to what sin is, and also defining who “ a sinner is”.
The knowledge “of” salvation is also provided by the same revelation to the world by Israel and in Jesus.
For those who do not comprehend what all that means, the word sin and sinner is nonsense.
The only thing one is required to do, is to revel this information to all our fellow human beings, and then let the God of all mankind deal with their hearts.
To require someone to adhere to some form of behavior, is to promote a religion.
Check out my post on the “religious man” on this same forum.