Hamas attacks Israel


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Christ, I thought that was you with the malfunctioning cap-lock & no paragraph structure for emphasis or something, but it’s really like that at the link that you posted.


Here’s a quick Wiki summary of massacres on both sides of this conflict starting in ‘48 that we can both cherry-pick from if we feel so inclined. Save us both some googles.
Even more fun would be, you take the Jewish side & I’ll take the Palestinian side and we could debate it that way for Shits & Giggles.

I take the Jewish side? Does that include Zionists or do we find a 3rd?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I take the Jewish side? Does that include Zionists or do we find a 3rd?
Good morning (I slept late because it’s the weekend)!!

For shits & giggles if you wanna…
Even more fun would be, you take the Jewish side & I’ll take the Palestinian side and we could debate it that way for Shits & Giggles.
…& nobody says you have to…you could divide them into however many sub categories suites your bias, & if I’m taking the Muslim side I could divide those up into religious factions and nations and national proxy affiliates just to keep up.

We could deal with the here & now current situation, or pull out historical snapshots in time to justify different positions going back to Ugg & Ogg arguing about different sides of the cave (in the Middle East, of coarse) and which one crapped in the corner first.

We can throw out obfuscating tangents of little to no relevance (though interesting & educational both) like the Moslem vs Hebrew calendars, or who decided not to eat pork first…& head down so many rabbit holes that it would make Alice’s head spin like the exorcist movie.

I could point out that my team were scholars while yours where still jerking off their Circumcised Pee-Pee’s and you could point out hygienic benefits and that my team missed out on while fornicating with ungulates…& that both of our teams have been doing what they’re doing longer than the other team in the same place side-by-side but that both of them having being around longer than the other???

We could both team up to slander the British and then both claim that the other is affiliated “more” with the British…or the Russians, or the Martians, etc…

We could both site other religions holy books or scrolls that may or may not mention either team, and the fact that they do or don’t mention them…& then argue that the teams had different names at different times, etc…which still would have no bearing on the current situation but we confuse the issue even further that way.

This is sounding way more complicated the more I think about it with the zero boundaries or focus in muddling the issues without focusing on the here & now solutions but it would keep the debate “traditional” to the “my dads bigger than your dad”….I mean “my teams been here longer than your team” type arguments.

Then I could accuse your team of using the blood of children in rituals, and you can accuse my team of just conjugating with them…& Neither tangent would have a bearing on the current situation, but it would add colour.

We could both accuse each other’s teams of being the colonizer blah blah blah settler current lefty babble speak even though they’ve both been in the same region for 3000-ish years… and then we can both accuse each other’s teams of parachuting in reinforcements from other parts of the planet, be it Egypt or Germany or Syria or Russia or other locations we make up or discover along the way.

We could argue that each others team is more hated globally, but our own teams deal with more hardship than the others, and it still would not deal with the current situation, but it would help others not directly involved to pick a side and throw in their own confusion and confusing tangents and misinformation.

(Geez…this might have to wait until I’m fully retired in another decade just so I can keep up or try to)

If we do try this, and with me taking team Muslim/Hamas/Palestine/Iran/Hezbolla/Houthi/Sunni/Shiite/etc…side (pre-planning planting the divisions) there’s all kinds of great catchy slogan fodder for me to throw against the wall just to see what sticks against you and team Jew/Zionist/etc… in this article alone:
“Every Palestinian is a civilian even if they hold arms, A settler is an aggressor, a soldier, and an occupier even if they are lounging on our occupied beaches.”

“We reject the distinction between ‘civilian’ and ‘militant.’ We reject the distinction between ‘settler’ and ‘soldier.'”

“From the river to the sea, I got a burning in my….wait…Free Palestine!! Wahoo!! Free Palestine! Did I mention Free Palestine yet?”


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Good morning (I slept late because it’s the weekend)!!

For shits & giggles if you wanna…

…& nobody says you have to…you could divide them into however many sub categories suites your bias, & if I’m taking the Muslim side I could divide those up into religious factions and nations and national proxy affiliates just to keep up.

We could deal with the here & now current situation, or pull out historical snapshots in time to justify different positions going back to Ugg & Ogg arguing about different sides of the cave (in the Middle East, of coarse) and which one crapped in the corner first.

We can throw out obfuscating tangents of little to no relevance (though interesting & educational both) like the Moslem vs Hebrew calendars, or who decided not to eat pork first…& head down so many rabbit holes that it would make Alice’s head spin like the exorcist movie.

I could point out that my team were scholars while yours where still jerking off their Circumcised Pee-Pee’s and you could point out hygienic benefits and that my team missed out on while fornicating with ungulates…& that both of our teams have been doing what they’re doing longer than the other team in the same place side-by-side but that both of them having being around longer than the other???

We could both team up to slander the British and then both claim that the other is affiliated “more” with the British…or the Russians, or the Martians, etc…

We could both site other religions holy books or scrolls that may or may not mention either team, and the fact that they do or don’t mention them…& then argue that the teams had different names at different times, etc…which still would have no bearing on the current situation but we confuse the issue even further that way.

This is sounding way more complicated the more I think about it with the zero boundaries or focus in muddling the issues without focusing on the here & now solutions but it would keep the debate “traditional” to the “my dads bigger than your dad”….I mean “my teams been here longer than your team” type arguments.

Then I could accuse your team of using the blood of children in rituals, and you can accuse my team of just conjugating with them…& Neither tangent would have a bearing on the current situation, but it would add colour.

We could both accuse each other’s teams of being the colonizer blah blah blah settler current lefty babble speak even though they’ve both been in the same region for 3000-ish years… and then we can both accuse each other’s teams of parachuting in reinforcements from other parts of the planet, be it Egypt or Germany or Syria or Russia or other locations we make up or discover along the way.

We could argue that each others team is more hated globally, but our own teams deal with more hardship than the others, and it still would not deal with the current situation, but it would help others not directly involved to pick a side and throw in their own confusion and confusing tangents and misinformation.

(Geez…this might have to wait until I’m fully retired in another decade just so I can keep up or try to)
I don't qualify the ancient bullshit as a basis for any of this shit unless you're willing to include Canaanites and the terrorism and occupation they suffered.

If "God wanted them there", they wouldn't have lost it several times over.

In today's world we're still seeing modern Israel's terrorist roots. Those who idolize the terrorist founders are in power and influential in the media.

Check this out from last July. When the world is screaming "WHOA" about far right leaders and you get this from their propaganda it is disturbing. Calling for Netanyahu to carry on what terrorists started? Holy Fuck!

The confrontation marked a turning point in U.S.-Israel relations, with the ideological divide between Begin and Biden defining the ongoing struggle between national autonomy and international influence that would come to define Israel’s political challenges for the next 50 years.

Today, Israel again finds its autonomy, sovereignty and even territorial integrity threatened, not by its enemies but by its allies.

Once again, Joe Biden, not as a young senator but as the president of the United States, seeks to utilize U.S. support for Israel to extract substantial concessions from Israel’s leaders.

In the past, under the government led by Yair Lapid, the Biden administration managed to exert pressure on Israel that forced it to cede billions of dollars in natural resources to Lebanon, a state that remains at war with Israel.

In the early days of Netanyahu’s latest administration, the U.S. established the Sharm el-Sheikh security summit, including the Palestinian Authority in a regional security discussion with the Abraham Accords countries. Consequently, the Biden administration urged the Israeli government to soften its security measures against Palestinians. Despite being contrary to the coalition’s election promises, the security concessions were made, resulting in a wave of terror in which dozens of Israelis lost their lives.

Currently, the Biden administration is pressuring the Israeli government on its own domestic policy. The administration started with making demands about the nature of the current coalition and its ministers. Following this, the administration made veiled threats about potential changes in the U.S.-Israel relationship if the government passes controversial judicial reforms. Finally, crossing diplomatic boundaries, the White House issued a statement urging Israel’s government to “respect the right to protest,” implying it had not been doing so for the past 29 weeks.

During the Obama administration’s term in office, Netanyahu proved capable of standing up to U.S. pressure. Today, with Biden seeking to interfere with Israel’s sovereignty once more, Begin’s unwavering commitment to that sovereignty should guide Netanyahu’s response. As an ardent Zionist, the prime minister must adhere to Begin’s legacy.

Indeed, Begin’s steadfast defense of Israeli sovereignty is more than a lesson from history. It is a mandate for Netanyahu and anyone who deems themselves worthy of leading Israel. It demands a firm commitment to national sovereignty, assertive diplomacy and a resolute stance against international pressure.

Some pretty heavy anti-American talk going on there.
Last edited:

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I don't qualify the ancient bullshit as a basis for any of this shit unless you're willing to include Canaanites and the terrorism and occupation they suffered.

If "God wanted them there", they wouldn't have lost it several times over.
I don’t have a biblical background so I gotta do some googling, & a Wiki or two. I’m coming back-and-forth to this as I’m doing laundry and dishes and Saturday morning aquarium maintenance. I’ll be back. Free Palestine!!
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House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Good morning (I slept late because it’s the weekend)!!

For shits & giggles if you wanna…

…& nobody says you have to…you could divide them into however many sub categories suites your bias, & if I’m taking the Muslim side I could divide those up into religious factions and nations and national proxy affiliates just to keep up.

We could deal with the here & now current situation, or pull out historical snapshots in time to justify different positions going back to Ugg & Ogg arguing about different sides of the cave (in the Middle East, of coarse) and which one crapped in the corner first.

We can throw out obfuscating tangents of little to no relevance (though interesting & educational both) like the Moslem vs Hebrew calendars, or who decided not to eat pork first…& head down so many rabbit holes that it would make Alice’s head spin like the exorcist movie.

I could point out that my team were scholars while yours where still jerking off their Circumcised Pee-Pee’s and you could point out hygienic benefits and that my team missed out on while fornicating with ungulates…& that both of our teams have been doing what they’re doing longer than the other team in the same place side-by-side but that both of them having being around longer than the other???

We could both team up to slander the British and then both claim that the other is affiliated “more” with the British…or the Russians, or the Martians, etc…

We could both site other religions holy books or scrolls that may or may not mention either team, and the fact that they do or don’t mention them…& then argue that the teams had different names at different times, etc…which still would have no bearing on the current situation but we confuse the issue even further that way.

This is sounding way more complicated the more I think about it with the zero boundaries or focus in muddling the issues without focusing on the here & now solutions but it would keep the debate “traditional” to the “my dads bigger than your dad”….I mean “my teams been here longer than your team” type arguments.

Then I could accuse your team of using the blood of children in rituals, and you can accuse my team of just conjugating with them…& Neither tangent would have a bearing on the current situation, but it would add colour.

We could both accuse each other’s teams of being the colonizer blah blah blah settler current lefty babble speak even though they’ve both been in the same region for 3000-ish years… and then we can both accuse each other’s teams of parachuting in reinforcements from other parts of the planet, be it Egypt or Germany or Syria or Russia or other locations we make up or discover along the way.

We could argue that each others team is more hated globally, but our own teams deal with more hardship than the others, and it still would not deal with the current situation, but it would help others not directly involved to pick a side and throw in their own confusion and confusing tangents and misinformation.

(Geez…this might have to wait until I’m fully retired in another decade just so I can keep up or try to)

If we do try this, and with me taking team Muslim/Hamas/Palestine/Iran/Hezbolla/Houthi/Sunni/Shiite/etc…side (pre-planning planting the divisions) there’s all kinds of great catchy slogan fodder for me to throw against the wall just to see what sticks against you and team Jew/Zionist/etc… in this article alone:
“Every Palestinian is a civilian even if they hold arms, A settler is an aggressor, a soldier, and an occupier even if they are lounging on our occupied beaches.”

“We reject the distinction between ‘civilian’ and ‘militant.’ We reject the distinction between ‘settler’ and ‘soldier.'”

“From the river to the sea, I got a burning in my….wait…Free Palestine!! Wahoo!! Free Palestine! Did I mention Free Palestine yet?”
We could just nuke the whole muddle east and try again in 12000 years.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
(Last nights dishes are put away, & the sink full-ish of dishes that magically appeared between me going to bed and getting up this morning are done now also so I can start using the sink for cleaning aquarium filters)

Yeah, but Palestinians grew out’a the ground like the Acadia Tree and the Profit (Prophet?) Moe (Blessed be upon him) said something or another that someone else wrote down and someone else interpreted 1300 years later that Jews are Bad, OK? Christian & Hebrew books where written before Muhammad was direct-dialing Allah (blessed be upon him) so they’re just made up and don’t count, or outdated and that something something night journey so that Jew-town…I mean Jerusalem is the third holiest site behind Mecca and Medina so it’s ours (Go Team) regardless of the temple of the mound or whatever other made up claims…& non-Muslims feet smell bad so they shouldn’t tread upon the third holiest site ‘cuz phew!!

We where here first (Moslems) and just ‘cuz some of the Jews got chased off and eventually came back doesn’t change Squatters Rights etc…’cuz they’re colonial oppressor settlers to land back something something Russia!!
We could just nuke the whole muddle east and try again in 12000 years.
But then we’d have to settle for just fighting over France & if you think the Jews feet smell bad, you’ve not smelled anything yet…& what about Mecca and Medina and the claims of three major religions (two of those that count when convenient) holy places?
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Utube will lead you down the garden path, just like a profit.
And it has!! One time I was trying to research 17th century cannons (I was reading a novel about pirates) and came away knowing the history of salt as a commodity. Did you know that the term salary has the root origin in the term salt as a commodity… yet they never mentioned celery salt in that YouTube documentary.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
And it has!! One time I was trying to research 17th century cannons (I was reading a novel about pirates) and came away knowing the history of salt as a commodity. Did you know that the term salary has the root origin in the term salt as a commodity… yet they never mentioned celery salt in that YouTube documentary.
I knew that. I did pick up a few tidbits of useful information at union meetings.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Well, I’ve budgeted a few minutes on a break between filters:
…& I’m checking back to see what I’ve missed so that I can catch up here so that I can jump back into what I was doing before that:
…& just finished cleaning the sink again…
..’cuz 3 down and potentially 14 more to go, but not all utilize this style of filter…
…& my Girl will be off to an aquarium society meeting so she’s got some of her wears packed up and ready to retail out…
… so I was prepared to come back and defend against all comers (for a few minutes) besmirching Palestinian and its claim to whatever its claim is…but…???
It’s noisier here offline than it is on…?

(PS If this comes down to a Meme war, I’d have to slip some over to the Israeli side ‘cuz the ones about Hamas/Palestine are generally funnier and less repetitive)


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Well, I’ve budgeted a few minutes on a break between filters:
View attachment 22568
…& I’m checking back to see what I’ve missed so that I can catch up here so that I can jump back into what I was doing before that:
View attachment 22569
…& just finished cleaning the sink again…
View attachment 22570
..’cuz 3 down and potentially 14 more to go, but not all utilize this style of filter…
View attachment 22571
…& my Girl will be off to an aquarium society meeting so she’s got some of her wears packed up and ready to retail out…
View attachment 22572
… so I was prepared to come back and defend against all comers (for a few minutes) besmirching Palestinian and its claim to whatever its claim is…but…???
View attachment 22573
It’s noisier here offline than it is on…?

(PS If this comes down to a Meme war, I’d have to slip some over to the Israeli side ‘cuz the ones about Hamas/Palestine are generally funnier and less repetitive)
I made some pickled eggs. Kosher.
