Hamas attacks Israel


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

The health ministry's casualty reports have received significant attention during the course of the Gaza–Israel conflict. Its numbers have historically been considered reliable by the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and Human Rights Watch.[1][2][3] In relation to the Israel-Hamas war, two scientific studies published in The Lancet journal did not find evidence of inflation or fabrication.[4][5]

So thanks for proving my point, Ron.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I remember similar reports were ignored in the US ahead of 9/11. The truth is that people screw up and sometimes reports get ignored. This was not the first and won't be the last. It does not mean a government conspiracy.
It sure helped Adolph Netanyahu keep his power while avoiding 3 corruption charges and a civil war. It was "convenient" to say the least.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Id like to know how a limbless, nekkid torso can be IDed as Hamas. Considering that Hamas is the Govt, a grandmother that cleaned schools or did accounting would be "part of Hamas". Keep in mind its Israel who says "we killed 33 Hamas today". Was it 32 govt workers and 1 militant or 32 militants and 1 accountant?
I remember Walter Cronkite proudly announcing the number of dead VC on a nightly basis .

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The Middle East conflict involves two groups of people whose claim over the same tiny strip of land has proved an intractable problem for the international community for nearly a century. Unlike in Ukraine, where Russian President Vladimir Putin used the BS excuse that he was conducting a campaign of “denazification,” both Israelis and Palestinians have legitimate grievances.

The fact that so many Palestinians have got the short end of the stick for so long, though only partly of Israel’s making, has been exploited by Hamas to try to justify its brutal October 7 massacre, in which 1,200 people, mostly civilians, were savagely raped and murdered, and around 250 more were taken hostage. As the Leger poll suggests, this is a propaganda war the terrorists seem to be winning.
Part of the blame for this rests with the Israeli government, which has not been nearly as effective at relaying its point of view or detailing all the steps it’s taking to address international concerns about the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

It certainly doesn’t help that the hard-line members of Israel’s current governing coalition have been playing right into their enemies’ hands by supporting Israeli resettlement of Gaza and talking about displacing the Palestinian population.

But there is also a stark contrast between how our own government has framed the two conflicts. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has made a point of travelling to Ukraine three times since the war broke out, and has pledged billions in aid, security assistance and weaponry for the beleaguered country. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was also given the honour of addressing the Canadian Parliament last fall.
In contrast, although Trudeau “unequivocally” condemned the October 7 massacre and has consistently said that Israel has a “right to defend itself,” he has shamelessly worked to distance Canada from the only democracy in the Middle East and has refused to support the Jewish state in its time of need.

Trudeau was one of the few western leaders who couldn’t be bothered to pay a visit to Israel after October 7. His government quietly stopped approving the sale of military equipment to Israel at the beginning of the year and then publicly voted to make it official policy by backing a despicable anti-Israel motion originally put forward by the NDP/Liberals.

And the prime minister’s claim that Israel has a right to self-defence is repeatedly contradicted by his relentless calls for Israel to stop fighting, even while Hamas continues to hold innocent Israelis hostage and promises to repeat the events of October 7 over and over until the Jewish state is wiped off the face of the earth.
In this environment, it’s hardly any wonder that Israel appears to have lower levels of support in this country compared to Ukraine, or that a high percentage of Canadians seem to be confused by the mixed messages they’re hearing about the Israel-Hamas war.
Although there are clear differences between Russia’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine and Hamas’s October 7 terrorist attack on Israel, both were unprovoked acts of aggression against western-aligned states orchestrated by dictatorships intent on upending the liberal postwar international order. Both Kyiv and Jerusalem have been forced to fight existential wars they did not ask for, against enemies with military ambitions that go far beyond the current conflicts.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
There may only be 50 living Israeli hostages in Gaza, the Wall Street Journal reported. Hezbollah launched about 25 rockets at northern Israel. The IDF said it assassinated a Hezbollah commander in southern Lebanon. Civil war will erupt in Gaza if the PLO doesn't control the Strip, a senior PLO official told Al Arabiya. Israel is unprepared for the toll a war with Hezbollah would inflict on its electricity grid, the CEO of Israel's electricity management company said.

Here's what you need to know 258 days into the war
What happened today​
Protesters block a main highway demanding a hostage release deal on Thursday.
■ HOSTAGES/CEASE-FIRE: The number of living Israeli hostages held in Gaza could be as low as 50, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing mediators in the negotiations for a cease-fire and a U.S. official familiar with the details. The assessment is partly based on Israeli intelligence. If true, it means 66 of the hostages are dead – 25 more than Israel has publicly acknowledged so far.
  • Protesters, including the families of hostages, blocked highways in central and northern Israel, calling on the government to secure a hostage release deal. Police detained five people for allegedly burning tires and blocking traffic.
■ GAZA: The IDF said that an Air Force strike in northern Gaza killed a commander of Hamas' elite Nukhba force, adding that its forces are still operating in central Gaza and Rafah.
  • Hussein al-Sheikh, the secretary general of the PLO's Executive Committee, told the Saudi Al Arabiya channel that the organization "should be the one to control the Gaza Strip – if not a civil war will break out," adding that United States and Israel offered the Palestinian Authority control of the Rafah crossing once it resumes activities resume there, but the PLO refused because this should be done "in coordination with Hamas."

  • The U.S. military's floating pier in Gaza is expected to resume operations on Thursday to unload humanitarian aid for Palestinians, two U.S. officials told Reuters.

  • According to the Hamas-controlled Health Ministry in Gaza, at least 37,431 Palestinians have been killed and 85,653 wounded since the start of the war.
"There are no forces trying to locate hostages, or details regarding hostages in areas where the fighting is ending. Any attempt to draw a connection between the ground maneuvers in the Strip, including Rafah, and the release of the hostages is a deception of sorts for the hostages' families and the general public" – Yaniv Kubovich

■ LEBANON: The IDF said that the Air Force assassinated the commander of Hezbollah's operations in the Jouaiyya area in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah launched some 25 rockets from Lebanon at the northern Israeli community of Zar'it, with some houses sustaining serious damage.
  • Following Hezbollah leader Nasrallah's threat to attack Cyprus if it allowed Israel to use its airports and bases for military exercises, a UN spokesperson said that any threat against Cyprus is a threat to all UN members. Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides said his country "remains uninvolved in any military conflicts and positions itself as part of the solution rather than the problem," the Cyprus Mail reported.

  • In an interview with the far-right Channel 14, Religious Services Minister Michael Malkieli said that his office is "busy preparing itself for bigger things in the north" including preparations for mass burials for Israelis in the case of all-out war with Hezbollah.

  • Israel is utterly unprepared for a war with Hezbollah and for the toll such a conflict could take on the country's power infrastructure, the CEO of a company that manages and oversees Israel's electrical systems on behalf of the government said on Thursday.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
LEBANON: The IDF said that the Air Force assassinated the commander of Hezbollah's operations in the Jouaiyya area in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah launched some 25 rockets from Lebanon at the northern Israeli community of Zar'it, with some houses sustaining serious damage.

Following Hezbollah leader Nasrallah's threat to attack Cyprus if it allowed Israel to use its airports and bases for military exercises, a UN spokesperson said that any threat against Cyprus is a threat to all UN members. Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides said his country "remains uninvolved in any military conflicts and positions itself as part of the solution rather than the problem," the Cyprus Mail reported.

In an interview with the far-right Channel 14, Religious Services Minister Michael Malkieli said that his office is "busy preparing itself for bigger things in the north" including preparations for mass burials for Israelis in the case of all-out war with Hezbollah.

Israel is utterly unprepared for a war with Hezbollah and for the toll such a conflict could take on the country's power infrastructure, the CEO of a company that manages and oversees Israel's electrical systems on behalf of the government said on Thursday.

U.S. officials have raised concerns that Israel's air defenses in northern Israel, including the Iron Dome system, will be overwhelmed if there is a full-blown war between Israel and Hezbollah, according to a report by CNN.

Reports in Lebanese media said that two people were wounded in an attack on a vehicle in the village of Hanaouay, in southern Lebanon, and that a drone struck a car east of Tyre.

■ WEST BANK: Naim Abdullah Samha, 15, was killed by IDF gunfire in Qalqilya, the Palestinian Health Ministry said. The IDF said that while it was conducting searches in the city after a 70-year-old man was seriously wounded during a robbery, there was a confrontation with Palestinian residents and the soldiers opened fire.

Israeli security forces arrested nine wanted persons and confiscated weapons overnight Thursday in an operation in the West Bank, the IDF said.

■ U.S.-ISRAEL: Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk called on the Congressional leadership to revoke its invitation for PM Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress unless he apologizes for falsely alleging the Biden administration halted arms sales to Israel. "Israel is at war on four fronts: with Hamas in Gaza; with Houthis in Yemen; with Hezbollah in Lebanon; and with Iran overseeing the operations. What does Netanyahu do? Attack the United States based on a lie that he made up!"

In response to a video posted by PM Netanyahu, in which he lashed out at the Biden administration for allegedly delaying arms shipments to Israel, White House Advisor John Kirby said: "Those comments were deeply disappointing and certainly vexing to us given the amount of support that we have and will continue to give."

U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan will meet on Thursday with the head of Israel's National Security Council Tzachi Hanegbi and Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer, according to Kirby.

■ HOUTHIS: The U.S. military said it had destroyed one ground control station and one command and control node in a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The clowns in Toronto are calling this a hate crime. News media must not report news, only feelings.
Irony is, it’s pretty much a carbon copy of a truck that was running around Toronto with digital advertising anti-Israel/Zionist stuff for several weeks…& the motivation for creating this truck That’s in question now to see if there was a bias or not. Interesting. Kind of funny actually.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Well, this is interesting & conflicted with the in vogue narrative. For months, the Hamas terrorist group and pro-Palestinian activists around the world have been claiming that the Gaza Strip is facing an imminent famine and accusing Israel of deliberately starving Palestinians. Yet this scenario never materialized.

Those claims were rarely questioned, and instead were uncritically repeated by far too many pliable news media outlets in Canada and beyond, which jettisoned their journalistic integrity in favour of an easy narrative.
One of the core supporting elements of the famine claim was a report produced in March by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), a United Nations-backed project to gauge food insecurity in various parts of the world that’s partially funded by the Canadian government.

It claimed that a famine was imminent, spurring a senior UN official to opine that the alleged famine was “human-made” and “entirely preventable.” Even supposedly credible humanitarian organizations lazily regurgitated the claims. Except there was never a famine, nor anything close to it, etc…

While the IPC report garnered global headlines in March, in early June, the organization produced a follow-up study that has curiously attracted virtually no media coverage. Shocked (not shocked)!
The authors of the new study, in sharp contrast to alleging an impending famine, admit that the March report “relied on multiple layers of assumptions and inference, beginning with food availability and access in northern Gaza and continuing through nutritional status and mortality.” The organization has now backed away from predicting an imminent famine.
Those “assumptions and inference,” unsurprisingly, turned out to be poor gauges of what was really happening in Gaza. More food is now entering Gaza on a daily basis than before Hamas’s October 7 massacre, according to a working paper produced by researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.😳(Can’t trust those Jews with their Jewiness, what does the Hamas Health Ministry say?)

Columbia University professors Awi Federgruen and Ran Kivetz — experts in logistics, data science and behavioural economics — recently examined the food supply entering Gaza and found extensive evidence that it “is more than sufficient to feed all 2.2 million Gazans according to what is considered a normal diet in North America.” Oh, ok, well them too I guess…

In the face of irresponsible claims from an International Criminal Court prosecutor, who alleged that Israel is “causing starvation as a method of war including the denial of humanitarian relief supplies,” based on little more than ideologically driven hearsay, an examination of the actual humanitarian aid entering Gaza tells a radically different story.

In addition to the aid entering Gaza, there remains plenty of available agricultural land in the Strip. According to the most recent report of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, roughly 75 per cent of Gaza’s greenhouses remain intact and most cropland remains usable.

Not only is there a paucity of evidence to suggest there is an ongoing famine in Gaza, there is an overwhelming amount of data showing precisely the opposite: in addition to locally produced food, huge amounts of humanitarian aid enters the territory on a daily basis, thanks to Israel. Uh-oh…Spagettio’s…

While gleaning accurate information from a war zone is admittedly difficult, as noted in the March IPC report, it somehow created clear and confident accusations of an impending famine, which have now been demonstrated to be unsupported by the available evidence.

It is time for the media outlets, government stakeholders, UN officials and humanitarian organizations that accused Israel of creating a famine to henceforth apologize and set the record straight. Silence is complicity.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Well, this is interesting & conflicted with the in vogue narrative. For months, the Hamas terrorist group and pro-Palestinian activists around the world have been claiming that the Gaza Strip is facing an imminent famine and accusing Israel of deliberately starving Palestinians. Yet this scenario never materialized.

Those claims were rarely questioned, and instead were uncritically repeated by far too many pliable news media outlets in Canada and beyond, which jettisoned their journalistic integrity in favour of an easy narrative.
View attachment 22670
One of the core supporting elements of the famine claim was a report produced in March by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), a United Nations-backed project to gauge food insecurity in various parts of the world that’s partially funded by the Canadian government.

It claimed that a famine was imminent, spurring a senior UN official to opine that the alleged famine was “human-made” and “entirely preventable.” Even supposedly credible humanitarian organizations lazily regurgitated the claims. Except there was never a famine, nor anything close to it, etc…

While the IPC report garnered global headlines in March, in early June, the organization produced a follow-up study that has curiously attracted virtually no media coverage. Shocked (not shocked)!
The authors of the new study, in sharp contrast to alleging an impending famine, admit that the March report “relied on multiple layers of assumptions and inference, beginning with food availability and access in northern Gaza and continuing through nutritional status and mortality.” The organization has now backed away from predicting an imminent famine.
Those “assumptions and inference,” unsurprisingly, turned out to be poor gauges of what was really happening in Gaza. More food is now entering Gaza on a daily basis than before Hamas’s October 7 massacre, according to a working paper produced by researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.😳(Can’t trust those Jews with their Jewiness, what does the Hamas Health Ministry say?)

Columbia University professors Awi Federgruen and Ran Kivetz — experts in logistics, data science and behavioural economics — recently examined the food supply entering Gaza and found extensive evidence that it “is more than sufficient to feed all 2.2 million Gazans according to what is considered a normal diet in North America.” Oh, ok, well them too I guess…

In the face of irresponsible claims from an International Criminal Court prosecutor, who alleged that Israel is “causing starvation as a method of war including the denial of humanitarian relief supplies,” based on little more than ideologically driven hearsay, an examination of the actual humanitarian aid entering Gaza tells a radically different story.

In addition to the aid entering Gaza, there remains plenty of available agricultural land in the Strip. According to the most recent report of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, roughly 75 per cent of Gaza’s greenhouses remain intact and most cropland remains usable.

Not only is there a paucity of evidence to suggest there is an ongoing famine in Gaza, there is an overwhelming amount of data showing precisely the opposite: in addition to locally produced food, huge amounts of humanitarian aid enters the territory on a daily basis, thanks to Israel. Uh-oh…Spagettio’s…

While gleaning accurate information from a war zone is admittedly difficult, as noted in the March IPC report, it somehow created clear and confident accusations of an impending famine, which have now been demonstrated to be unsupported by the available evidence.

It is time for the media outlets, government stakeholders, UN officials and humanitarian organizations that accused Israel of creating a famine to henceforth apologize and set the record straight. Silence is complicity.
Yup. Theres an article from a week or so ago from UN that Israel is mainly sending commercial food to be sold to people with no money. Thats not aid.