Hamas attacks Israel


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
That’s like saying all caucasians must be white supremacists, and all Asians must be good at math, and all black people must like chicken & watermelon, etc…though.

Weird that with text to talk it capitalized the word Asians, but not the words Caucasians or Black people…. oh, wait now it capitalized Caucasians and Black people? Strange….
Not at all , I do not see Caucasians and Black peoples protesting events in other countries at the same rate . There were some Caucasians protesting Russian invasion of Ukraine but nowhere as many as long in duration nor as destructive and in your face .
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Not at all , I do not see Caucasians and Black peoples protesting events in other countries at the same rate . There were some Caucasians protesting Russian invasion of Ukraine but nowhere as many as long in duration nor as destructive and in your face .
How come we see or hear no condemnation of Hamas from Palestine or there diaspora ?
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
…As for Egypt stopping the flow of equipment - that's right, it's no longer on Egypt to prevent that stuff from going into Gaza because they just need to guard their border about people coming IN, not shit going out. That's ISRAEL's job, not Egypt's. And without a treaty, why should Egypt give a shit?
So you’re referring to the Sinai Peninsula? That chunk of land that Egypt lost in the 1967 War, & Israel gave back to Egypt in 1982 as part of the treaty that Egypt is threatening to walk away from?
1708208493540.jpegSo Egypt is going to surrender the Sinai Peninsula back to Israel then if/when it walks away from the peace treaty? Depending on where the borders end up then, that “might” really make the tunnels (from under “Egypt” to under Gaza) mostly irrelevant.
Not sure what you mean by "Below" Egypt and Gaza but...
Tunnels, generally they’re below something, like the ground, or a river? That sort of thing. Above ground tunnels are called skyways, etc…or maybe bridges.
The situation is they no longer have a peace treaty. That means Egypt no longer has to guard against shit going out AND IN to Gaza, what would cross over into Gaza, that's on Israel to do.
Huh, ok, so if Egypt walks away from the peace treaty and the Sinai Peninsula, then Israel would have to monitor that border between Gaza & the Sinai Peninsula themselves?

Maybe once Hamas is removed from the situation (assuming that’s even possible), then, perhaps, Israel can make a gift of the Sinai Peninsula to Palestinians (the non-Hamas Palestinians) as part of a peace treaty with a future nation that wants to be in a peace treaty & as long as they keep and maintain the peace…they get that land (or a portion there of) knowing that they void the offer if they break the future cease-fire?
That means that Israel would now have to divert people from their destruction of Gaza to guard the border.
Or Israel, once Hamas is removed (again, if that’s even possible), and has retaken possession of the Sinai Peninsula with the collapse of the peace agreement with Egypt….can then divide the chunk of land between itself and a newly recognized Palestinian as part of a future peace treaty between the new nation of Palestine & Israel.
I'm sure Egypt knows where a lot…
Some of it?
…of it comes from; most reports I've read - the sea/coast, Syria, Iran.
And across Jordan, and then Egypt by Truck, and then under the border (Tunnels I mean) between Egypt (well, the Sinai Peninsula anyway) and Gaza.
There's a difference between shit being snuck into Gaza under a border through tunnels, vs. now going outright over only partly guarded border territory because Israel didn't give a damn about human life or treaties with allies.
Is Israel threatening to void and walk away from the peace agreement between itself and Egypt? If so, I’ve missed that.
Your chicken little over Egyptian smugglers tunnels is a "So what" to Israel, has been for years.
So you’re saying that Egypt hasn’t been a very good partner in the peace agreement?
And you clearly didn't get the point of the video, you just heard that Egypt was holding the end of the treaty as a "threat" to Israel.

Maybe go back and re-watch it, Ron, and listen to everything past minute 3.

Right now, it's a game of chicken to see who blinks, Egypt or Israel.
Do you really think Egypt is going to walk away from the Sinai Peninsula? That would be a good foundation for a good chunk of the future nation of Palestine if they do, it would physically connect to Gaza… making the tunnels, irrelevant that are currently under that border.

Israel and Egypt have scrupulous maintained the peace agreement of 1979, which included the return of the Sinai to Egypt. The only land acquired by Israel not returned by Israel to Egypt was the Gaza strip - because Egypt refused it.
What matters more to Israel - Destruction of Gaza, or peace with Egypt and other nations in the region.

Considering the past 24 hours... Israel's given the finger to everyone, proving it doesn't give a shit about peace even outside of its borders.

Now it's more on Egypt to follow through, and if it really does... then the region is that much closer to a shitshow and that is all on Israel.
The northern portion of the Sinai peninsula is where the water is, so if Israel splits that chunk of land with the new nation of Palestine….With Israel taking a strip along the east coast of what is currently that peninsula…leaving the fertile chunk that’s physically connected to Gaza and a whole lot more land…as part of their peace agreement with Palestine, do you think the nation of Palestine would appreciate that hand up?
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House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Wish I was, it might make me more tolerable to your bullshit.

Again, you've said nothing about the actual humans and animals suffering. Just sided with Israel's Genocide.

So do not claim to be some sort of pro-humanity person. You aren't; far from it.
So you consider terrorists human, but not Israelis. Gotcha. Funny how you continue to support a group that would gladly murder you.
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House Member
Aug 13, 2022
I suppose it bears repeating that I personally know some Muslims who don't want to kill non-Muslims.

Overgeneralization, deciding that because some members of Group X want to harm you, that means all members of Group X want to harm you, is sloppy thinking.
Depends. If group X is all terrorists, then yes, they probably all want to kill you.