
Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Bizarre hospital selfie with dying man leads to criminal harassment guilty plea
Bubba Pollock of London, Ont. took a pic in a palliative care room in Windsor with the father of Britt Leroux

Author of the article:Doug Schmidt • Windsor Star
Published Jan 23, 2024 • Last updated 1 day ago • 3 minute read
Bubba Pollock of London in a selfie pic apparently taken in 2023 in a palliative care room at Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare in Windsor with the father of Britt Leroux of Windsor. Andre Leroux’s face has been obscured in the circulated pic for privacy reasons. (Photo: Diversity ED)
Bubba Pollock of London in a selfie pic apparently taken in 2023 in a palliative care room at Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare in Windsor with the father of Britt Leroux of Windsor. Andre Leroux’s face has been obscured in the circulated pic for privacy reasons. (Photo: Diversity ED)
A London man has pleaded guilty to criminal harassment for a bizarre episode in which he gained access to a Windsor hospital room last summer and took a selfie with a dying man.

The family of the palliative care unit patient found out about the strange visit shortly after Bubba Pollock posted the photo on his social media profile. He’s shown smiling in the foreground with the bedridden patient, hooked up to medical monitoring equipment, in the background.

The target of the disturbing stunt, according to police and prosecutors, was the patient’s daughter, Britt Leroux, who only knew of Pollock from several heated social media exchanges in the previous days over area Pride events.

Pollock, 34, would post his opposition online to Pride events, including drag queen storybook gatherings, and Leroux would respond as a vocal supporter of the Pride community.

How and why Pollock came to Windsor and gained access to the Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare room of Andre Leroux, Britt’s terminally ill father, remains unexplained. Ontario Court Justice Mark Hornblower on Tuesday ordered a pre-sentence report be prepared on Pollock ahead of a sentencing hearing in Windsor expected in the spring.

The incident “caused significant fear and concern,” assistant Crown attorney Jennifer Holmes told the court Tuesday after Pollock’s guilty plea. A grown daughter of the patient who was visited in June — and who passed away just weeks later — was “terrified and frightened,” Holmes added.

Britt Leroux
Britt Leroux and husband John Reh talk to reporters outside the Ontario Court of Justice in downtown Windsor on Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024, after Bubba Pollock of London pleaded guilty to criminal harassment for a bizarre episode last summer in which the London man accessed a Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare palliative care room and took a selfie with Leroux’s dying father. Leroux took her father’s ashes to Tuesday’s court proceedings. (DOUG SCHMIDT/Windsor Star) PHOTO BY DOUG SCHMIDT /Windsor Star
Pollock, the judge and the Crown and defence lawyers all appeared in the Windsor courtroom via Zoom, but Leroux and her husband John Reh sat in the public gallery, Leroux clutching a box containing her late father’s ashes.

“He said those words — ‘guilty.’ He admitted what he did was wrong,” Leroux told reporters later outside court. “I couldn’t have asked for anything more.”

Leroux said she’s suffered from PTSD “so severe … I can’t remember birthdays.” The episode left her scared for her safety but also determined to continue speaking out in support of the Pride community.

“I’m afraid, but I’ve got to be strong. I don’t want any youth to get afraid,” she said.

Holmes told the court that Pollock “may have done some research” to gain information on Leroux and her family. There had been a recent television news story on Leroux and Reh’s wedding, held at Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare so that the bride’s dying father could participate.

The prosecutor said Pollock had left flowers and a card with Leroux’s father, a man he didn’t know. She said the family was subsequently informed by Pollock that he was waiting for the dying man’s obituary so he could send more flowers.

As a result, Leroux told reporters, there has yet to be a published obituary for her father. “He should have an obituary,” she said, adding “it’s been hard.”

Holmes spoke of the “potential danger” this harassment presented.

On a brighter note, Leroux said the incident involving her father led to the Windsor-Essex Pride Fest hosting its first Drag Queen Storytime & Science Hour, which saw a Lanspeary Park tent packed with an audience of all ages last summer.

“Storytime, I said, is so important … it was beautiful,” said Leroux.

“Just because someone is a bigot and a homophobe doesn’t mean you can let them win,” she said.

Pollock’s London lawyer, Laura Ellis, told the judge the defence agreed with the facts read out by the Crown, but with a “caveat.”

She said her client “absolutely did not attend (Pride rallies and events) to terrorize or harass … that was absolutely not his intent attending these rallies.”

The maximum penalty Pollock faces for his criminal harassment summary conviction is two years less a day in jail.

In an interview to a CTV news reporter at a protest last summer at a London Pride storytime event, Pollock said it was “the sexualizing the outfits that they’re wearing while they’re reading to kids, I have an issue with that.”

Pollock still has a pending criminal case in London and has prior criminal convictions for obtaining sexual services on two occasions and distributing an intimate image without consent, according to court records.





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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

Great job Alberta, I hope trans parents sue because the government is interfering in the health care of and for their kids.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006

Great job Alberta, I hope trans parents sue because the government is interfering in the health care of and for their kids.
I went and looked up some statistics on trans kids, mostly just seeing the percentages of school children who were identified as trans. The number I got back was that in 2020, based on 100 students, 0.2 identified as trans, 0.5 identified as non-binary. It's not the newest statistic, but I wanted to have an idea on how many kids were talking about. A school with 500 students might have one kid who identifies as trans. Now, I was surprised by that statistic because this is all about nothing. Nobody, under the age of 18 in Canada is being given surgery. That's from the Canadian College of Physicians. Today, I heard a CBC commentator endorsing Puberty blockers and saying they were absolutely safe and completely reversible. Another so-called professional said the Premier of Alberta was going take women's rights away and make abortion a crime.

The kids are walking out, but nothing Danielle Smith has proposed changes anything.

I knew nothing about this, so I looked it up on the FDA website, and they said that puberty blockers can cause swelling in the skull and, if used in conjunction with hormones, can cause sterility.

I believe gender dysphoria is real, but I am very concerned with the self described experts wanting to circumvent parents, especially at such an early age.
We shouldn't be afraid to ensure kids aren't being steered toward something they are not. I trust very few people with the care of my family. I trust a doctor, but I don't trust administrators when it comes to mental health. There have been so many failures and not relegated to just to this subject. Young children are subjective to what adults tell them. It's about time someone stood up for our kids and their families. I see nothing wrong with what the Premier proposed. It was extremely balanced. I think if anyone bothered to compare the law in Alberta with what the reality is in the rest country isn't all that different.

But you can't criticize or question a tyrannical minority.

And henceforth the insults.
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Reactions: Ron in Regina


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I went and looked up some statistics on trans kids, mostly just seeing the percentages of school children who were identified as trans. The number I got back was that in 2020, based on 100 students, 0.2 identified as trans, 0.5 identified as non-binary. It's not the newest statistic, but I wanted to have an idea on how many kids were talking about. A school with 500 students might have one kid who identifies as trans. Now, I was surprised by that statistic because this is all about nothing. Nobody, under the age of 18 in Canada is being given surgery. That's from the Canadian College of Physicians.

Well at least you went to look up the stats and got some learning on the subject. Perhaps you need to look into it further.

Today, I heard a CBC commentator endorsing Puberty blockers and saying they were absolutely safe and completely reversible.

NO medications are completely safe, not even Tylenol/Advil/ASA and those are taken daily by millions. A small part of the population will always have reactions.

But GENERALLY, yes, blockers are safe and have been for decades. And "reversable" meaning that stopping blockers allows puberty to begin. It's why parents whose - say - daughters starting their puberty early (like 8) can stop that shit before the kid's ready for it. Then stop the blockers when she's older.

Another so-called professional

So called? Is that because they were just a Joe Public and giving opinion? Or do they have MD in their name and are being called "so-called" because you don't like what they said?

said the Premier of Alberta was going take women's rights away and make abortion a crime.

Now that shit's just idiotic.

Then again... she IS suggesting denying trans women to play sports as women...

The kids are walking out, but nothing Danielle Smith has proposed changes anything.

Actually, it does.

It changes a few things, actually.

Have you listened to the concerns of those same kids to find out why they're walking out? Maybe start there to learn why it's changing things.

I knew nothing about this, so I looked it up on the FDA website, and they said that puberty blockers can cause swelling in the skull and, if used in conjunction with hormones, can cause sterility.

CAN - doesn't mean all cases will. As with any medication, due diligence and standard of care means doctors suggesting blockers have to tell the patient of adverse reactions to be aware of. Or the pharmacist. It's a discussion had with patients every day over all meds. It's then up to the patient - or patent and their parent - to decide if that's the route they want to go.

Sterility is if the blockers are taken long term but in the case of kids - both trans and not - blockers aren't meant to be taken long term. Just until the kid figures things out, in the case of trans kids, and for non-trans kids, when it's safe to stop them.

I believe gender dysphoria is real, but I am very concerned with the self described experts

Again with this comment about experts - what do you mean by "self described"?

wanting to circumvent parents, especially at such an early age.

It's not a matter of circumventing parents.

It's a list of things.


a) allowing the kid to be the one to decide when to be out to their parents.
b) it's about the privacy of the kid and rights of the kid.
c) it's allowing the kid to have maybe the only one safe space that they can be themselves.
d) it's about keeping teachers/schools from getting involved into family issues that they're not warranted to be.

As for early age...

By age 3 children generally know their gender identity. That's when trans kids also start to realize that they are NOT the gender that it's claimed they are.

We shouldn't be afraid to ensure kids aren't being steered toward something they are not.

Absolutely agreed, which is why it's not any business of the school/teachers to be involved unless asked to be.

Not because Government demands they be.

Funny thing though, trans kids with supportive parents, already ARE being cared for so that they aren't going towards something they are not. It's called Trans Health Care/Gender Affirming Care.

The issue is kids with NO trans supportive parents; those kids are now possibly at risk because the Government is demanding that they have their choices taken from them.

I trust very few people with the care of my family.


I trust a doctor,

And if someone - say the Government - said "No, your doctor is wrong" about medical care?

but I don't trust administrators when it comes to mental health.


Then you support keeping schools/teachers OUT of the issue?

There have been so many failures and not relegated to just to this subject.

True enough.

Young children are subjective to what adults tell them.

They are.

Like "God hates Fags".

Like "God will send you to HELL if you don't do X or aren't like X."

Like "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Like "You're no child of mine!"

Like "You're going to this camp so you can be healed/fixed!" (moreso a US thing but Conversion Therapy is still an issue)

It's about time someone stood up for our kids and their families.


I thought you didn't trust very many people with your family? Thought you didn't trust administrators?

WTF do you think the Government is?

And you say "Our" kids - so you've a trans kid? (I know you don't).

If you don't have a trans kid, then this topic and how trans kids and their families handle it is not your business.

And before you bring up me being "involved" - it's to support the kid involved, however they wish to be, REGARDLESS. Whether they think they're trans, but realize later they're not, whether they are trans and stay trans or anything in between, I support the kid. What I WON'T support is parents who demand their kid deny who they are and would prefer them on the streets or dead than being who they are.

I see nothing wrong with what the Premier proposed.

Well, you don't have a trans kid going through this, so of course you don't.

Families with trans kids and trans kids see LOTS wrong with it. Maybe try to look at their side of it?

It was extremely balanced.

Extremely balanced?

Okay, so we deny health care to kids and young adults because Government believed a bunch of right wing bullshit. Got'cha.

While we're at it, we discriminate against trans women (funny, not trans men, as usual) too.

Yeah, sure sounds balanced to me.

BTW - funny how this policy JUST focuses on Trans kids; yet as mentioned above, the blockers they use are also used for other medical issues. What happens to those kids now? Can they access those meds? Who are you, or anyone, to know WHY the blockers are being used?

I think if anyone bothered to compare the law in Alberta with what the reality is in the rest country isn't all that different.

Actually it is.

Even what Alberta is doing is a step beyond what NB and Sask did.

And NB's might be reversed, cause they're being sued. For going against the rights of Children under the Charter.

Higgs also LIED about the entire 713 fiasco, to get his way, so there's also that.

Everywhere else hasn't got anything like these policies.

But you can't criticize or question a tyrannical minority.

You can question, sure.

It's when your questions are answered, even with data and research to back it up, and you still say "Lala NO IT'S NOT THAT WAY cause I said so!" is when it gets to the point of pissing people off.

There's a difference between questioning to educate, and questioning to be a fucking asshole.

But yes, minority. A minority of a minority.

And how does it affect YOU in the scheme of things?

As for criticizing and being tyrannical - well, how about you live what they live through daily, and tell us how YOU would feel eventually? Pretty sure that you won't be singing about rainbows and how great the world is then.

And henceforth the insults.

Frustration leads to pissed off people, especially when you deny them their lives.

Or is that only truckers or people that lean right/who are anti Trudeau that are allowed to be that pissed?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I went and looked up some statistics on trans kids, mostly just seeing the percentages of school children who were identified as trans. The number I got back was that in 2020, based on 100 students, 0.2 identified as trans, 0.5 identified as non-binary. It's not the newest statistic, but I wanted to have an idea on how many kids were talking about. A school with 500 students might have one kid who identifies as trans. Now, I was surprised by that statistic because this is all about nothing. Nobody, under the age of 18 in Canada is being given surgery. That's from the Canadian College of Physicians. Today, I heard a CBC commentator endorsing Puberty blockers and saying they were absolutely safe and completely reversible. Another so-called professional said the Premier of Alberta was going take women's rights away and make abortion a crime.

The kids are walking out, but nothing Danielle Smith has proposed changes anything.

I knew nothing about this, so I looked it up on the FDA website, and they said that puberty blockers can cause swelling in the skull and, if used in conjunction with hormones, can cause sterility.

I believe gender dysphoria is real, but I am very concerned with the self described experts wanting to circumvent parents, especially at such an early age.
We shouldn't be afraid to ensure kids aren't being steered toward something they are not. I trust very few people with the care of my family. I trust a doctor, but I don't trust administrators when it comes to mental health. There have been so many failures and not relegated to just to this subject. Young children are subjective to what adults tell them. It's about time someone stood up for our kids and their families. I see nothing wrong with what the Premier proposed. It was extremely balanced. I think if anyone bothered to compare the law in Alberta with what the reality is in the rest country isn't all that different.

But you can't criticize or question a tyrannical minority.

And henceforth the insults.
Sources are compromised.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Well at least you went to look up the stats and got some learning on the subject. Perhaps you need to look into it further.

NO medications are completely safe, not even Tylenol/Advil/ASA and those are taken daily by millions. A small part of the population will always have reactions.

But GENERALLY, yes, blockers are safe and have been for decades. And "reversable" meaning that stopping blockers allows puberty to begin. It's why parents whose - say - daughters starting their puberty early (like 8) can stop that shit before the kid's ready for it. Then stop the blockers when she's older.

So called? Is that because they were just a Joe Public and giving opinion? Or do they have MD in their name and are being called "so-called" because you don't like what they said?

Now that shit's just idiotic.

Then again... she IS suggesting denying trans women to play sports as women...

Actually, it does.

It changes a few things, actually.

Have you listened to the concerns of those same kids to find out why they're walking out? Maybe start there to learn why it's changing things.

CAN - doesn't mean all cases will. As with any medication, due diligence and standard of care means doctors suggesting blockers have to tell the patient of adverse reactions to be aware of. Or the pharmacist. It's a discussion had with patients every day over all meds. It's then up to the patient - or patent and their parent - to decide if that's the route they want to go.

Sterility is if the blockers are taken long term but in the case of kids - both trans and not - blockers aren't meant to be taken long term. Just until the kid figures things out, in the case of trans kids, and for non-trans kids, when it's safe to stop them.

Again with this comment about experts - what do you mean by "self described"?

It's not a matter of circumventing parents.

It's a list of things.


a) allowing the kid to be the one to decide when to be out to their parents.
b) it's about the privacy of the kid and rights of the kid.
c) it's allowing the kid to have maybe the only one safe space that they can be themselves.
d) it's about keeping teachers/schools from getting involved into family issues that they're not warranted to be.

As for early age...

By age 3 children generally know their gender identity. That's when trans kids also start to realize that they are NOT the gender that it's claimed they are.

Absolutely agreed, which is why it's not any business of the school/teachers to be involved unless asked to be.

Not because Government demands they be.

Funny thing though, trans kids with supportive parents, already ARE being cared for so that they aren't going towards something they are not. It's called Trans Health Care/Gender Affirming Care.

The issue is kids with NO trans supportive parents; those kids are now possibly at risk because the Government is demanding that they have their choices taken from them.


And if someone - say the Government - said "No, your doctor is wrong" about medical care?


Then you support keeping schools/teachers OUT of the issue?

True enough.

They are.

Like "God hates Fags".

Like "God will send you to HELL if you don't do X or aren't like X."

Like "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Like "You're no child of mine!"

Like "You're going to this camp so you can be healed/fixed!" (moreso a US thing but Conversion Therapy is still an issue)


I thought you didn't trust very many people with your family? Thought you didn't trust administrators?

WTF do you think the Government is?

And you say "Our" kids - so you've a trans kid? (I know you don't).

If you don't have a trans kid, then this topic and how trans kids and their families handle it is not your business.

And before you bring up me being "involved" - it's to support the kid involved, however they wish to be, REGARDLESS. Whether they think they're trans, but realize later they're not, whether they are trans and stay trans or anything in between, I support the kid. What I WON'T support is parents who demand their kid deny who they are and would prefer them on the streets or dead than being who they are.

Well, you don't have a trans kid going through this, so of course you don't.

Families with trans kids and trans kids see LOTS wrong with it. Maybe try to look at their side of it?

Extremely balanced?

Okay, so we deny health care to kids and young adults because Government believed a bunch of right wing bullshit. Got'cha.

While we're at it, we discriminate against trans women (funny, not trans men, as usual) too.

Yeah, sure sounds balanced to me.

BTW - funny how this policy JUST focuses on Trans kids; yet as mentioned above, the blockers they use are also used for other medical issues. What happens to those kids now? Can they access those meds? Who are you, or anyone, to know WHY the blockers are being used?

Actually it is.

Even what Alberta is doing is a step beyond what NB and Sask did.

And NB's might be reversed, cause they're being sued. For going against the rights of Children under the Charter.

Higgs also LIED about the entire 713 fiasco, to get his way, so there's also that.

Everywhere else hasn't got anything like these policies.

You can question, sure.

It's when your questions are answered, even with data and research to back it up, and you still say "Lala NO IT'S NOT THAT WAY cause I said so!" is when it gets to the point of pissing people off.

There's a difference between questioning to educate, and questioning to be a fucking asshole.

But yes, minority. A minority of a minority.

And how does it affect YOU in the scheme of things?

As for criticizing and being tyrannical - well, how about you live what they live through daily, and tell us how YOU would feel eventually? Pretty sure that you won't be singing about rainbows and how great the world is then.

Frustration leads to pissed off people, especially when you deny them their lives.

Or is that only truckers or people that lean right/who are anti Trudeau that are allowed to be that pissed?
Maybe you Femcels should have children before you criticize parents instead of believing the bullshit found on your Alphabet Mafia forums.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Well at least you went to look up the stats and got some learning on the subject. Perhaps you need to look into it further.

NO medications are completely safe, not even Tylenol/Advil/ASA and those are taken daily by millions. A small part of the population will always have reactions.

But GENERALLY, yes, blockers are safe and have been for decades. And "reversable" meaning that stopping blockers allows puberty to begin. It's why parents whose - say - daughters starting their puberty early (like 8) can stop that shit before the kid's ready for it. Then stop the blockers when she's older.

So called? Is that because they were just a Joe Public and giving opinion? Or do they have MD in their name and are being called "so-called" because you don't like what they said?

Now that shit's just idiotic.

Then again... she IS suggesting denying trans women to play sports as women...

Actually, it does.

It changes a few things, actually.

Have you listened to the concerns of those same kids to find out why they're walking out? Maybe start there to learn why it's changing things.

CAN - doesn't mean all cases will. As with any medication, due diligence and standard of care means doctors suggesting blockers have to tell the patient of adverse reactions to be aware of. Or the pharmacist. It's a discussion had with patients every day over all meds. It's then up to the patient - or patent and their parent - to decide if that's the route they want to go.

Sterility is if the blockers are taken long term but in the case of kids - both trans and not - blockers aren't meant to be taken long term. Just until the kid figures things out, in the case of trans kids, and for non-trans kids, when it's safe to stop them.

Again with this comment about experts - what do you mean by "self described"?

It's not a matter of circumventing parents.

It's a list of things.


a) allowing the kid to be the one to decide when to be out to their parents.
b) it's about the privacy of the kid and rights of the kid.
c) it's allowing the kid to have maybe the only one safe space that they can be themselves.
d) it's about keeping teachers/schools from getting involved into family issues that they're not warranted to be.

As for early age...

By age 3 children generally know their gender identity. That's when trans kids also start to realize that they are NOT the gender that it's claimed they are.

Absolutely agreed, which is why it's not any business of the school/teachers to be involved unless asked to be.

Not because Government demands they be.

Funny thing though, trans kids with supportive parents, already ARE being cared for so that they aren't going towards something they are not. It's called Trans Health Care/Gender Affirming Care.

The issue is kids with NO trans supportive parents; those kids are now possibly at risk because the Government is demanding that they have their choices taken from them.


And if someone - say the Government - said "No, your doctor is wrong" about medical care?


Then you support keeping schools/teachers OUT of the issue?

True enough.

They are.

Like "God hates Fags".

Like "God will send you to HELL if you don't do X or aren't like X."

Like "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Like "You're no child of mine!"

Like "You're going to this camp so you can be healed/fixed!" (moreso a US thing but Conversion Therapy is still an issue)


I thought you didn't trust very many people with your family? Thought you didn't trust administrators?

WTF do you think the Government is?

And you say "Our" kids - so you've a trans kid? (I know you don't).

If you don't have a trans kid, then this topic and how trans kids and their families handle it is not your business.

And before you bring up me being "involved" - it's to support the kid involved, however they wish to be, REGARDLESS. Whether they think they're trans, but realize later they're not, whether they are trans and stay trans or anything in between, I support the kid. What I WON'T support is parents who demand their kid deny who they are and would prefer them on the streets or dead than being who they are.

Well, you don't have a trans kid going through this, so of course you don't.

Families with trans kids and trans kids see LOTS wrong with it. Maybe try to look at their side of it?

Extremely balanced?

Okay, so we deny health care to kids and young adults because Government believed a bunch of right wing bullshit. Got'cha.

While we're at it, we discriminate against trans women (funny, not trans men, as usual) too.

Yeah, sure sounds balanced to me.

BTW - funny how this policy JUST focuses on Trans kids; yet as mentioned above, the blockers they use are also used for other medical issues. What happens to those kids now? Can they access those meds? Who are you, or anyone, to know WHY the blockers are being used?

Actually it is.

Even what Alberta is doing is a step beyond what NB and Sask did.

And NB's might be reversed, cause they're being sued. For going against the rights of Children under the Charter.

Higgs also LIED about the entire 713 fiasco, to get his way, so there's also that.

Everywhere else hasn't got anything like these policies.

You can question, sure.

It's when your questions are answered, even with data and research to back it up, and you still say "Lala NO IT'S NOT THAT WAY cause I said so!" is when it gets to the point of pissing people off.

There's a difference between questioning to educate, and questioning to be a fucking asshole.

But yes, minority. A minority of a minority.

And how does it affect YOU in the scheme of things?

As for criticizing and being tyrannical - well, how about you live what they live through daily, and tell us how YOU would feel eventually? Pretty sure that you won't be singing about rainbows and how great the world is then.

Frustration leads to pissed off people, especially when you deny them their lives.

Or is that only truckers or people that lean right/who are anti Trudeau that are allowed to be that pissed?
When I was three I said I was a cowboy , no one bought me a horse . Should I sue

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
When I was three I said I was a cowboy , no one bought me a horse . Should I sue
So…you’re not a cowboy? Do you still self identify as a cowboy? Are you offended when people don’t realize that you are a cowboy? Did you drift away from that identity?

Perhaps you were gifted something that self identified as a horse? Like a bicycle named Trigger?

There’s nothing stopping you from using that as one of your pronouns…& apparently people have to address you as such if you make that known….like “Cowboy Pgs” has left the building, etc…

(Personally, I’m still sticking to the pronouns of Doctor and/or Captain, but I’m not militant about people addressing me by these)


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
So…you’re not a cowboy? Do you still self identify as a cowboy? Are you offended when people don’t realize that you are a cowboy? Did you drift away from that identity?

Perhaps you were gifted something that self identified as a horse? Like a bicycle named Trigger?

There’s nothing stopping you from using that as one of your pronouns…& apparently people have to address you as such if you make that known….like “Cowboy Pgs” has left the building, etc…

(Personally, I’m still sticking to the pronouns of Doctor and/or Captain, but I’m not militant about people addressing me by these)
Virtual Ron too.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
So…you’re not a cowboy? Do you still self identify as a cowboy? Are you offended when people don’t realize that you are a cowboy? Did you drift away from that identity?

Perhaps you were gifted something that self identified as a horse? Like a bicycle named Trigger?

There’s nothing stopping you from using that as one of your pronouns…& apparently people have to address you as such if you make that known….like “Cowboy Pgs” has left the building, etc…

(Personally, I’m still sticking to the pronouns of Doctor and/or Captain, but I’m not militant about people addressing me by these)
I am offended by most people . Especially the offensive line kind , they were big meanies .
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Reactions: Ron in Regina


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
So…you’re not a cowboy? Do you still self identify as a cowboy? Are you offended when people don’t realize that you are a cowboy? Did you drift away from that identity?

Perhaps you were gifted something that self identified as a horse? Like a bicycle named Trigger?

There’s nothing stopping you from using that as one of your pronouns…& apparently people have to address you as such if you make that known….like “Cowboy Pgs” has left the building, etc…

(Personally, I’m still sticking to the pronouns of Doctor and/or Captain, but I’m not militant about people addressing me by these)

I think it's cute how people do the "I identify as a helicopter" or "I identify as a Pirate" or whatever bullshit, as if it negates the point of things.

If you want to ID as any of that, fill your boots, who the hell are others to give a damn?

Not that gender is equal to a spontaneous feeling of suddenly wanting to be a helicopter or pirate or anything. But the ignorant keep claiming that they're somehow equal.

Funny how you comment about not being militant about people not calling you Doctor or Captain; but talk to a REAL doctor, for example, and don't call them that, and watch them get pissed.

If pronouns don't matter, then why should we bother with them at all? Well, language and grammar sort of demands it. So guess we're stuck with it.

But if someone doesn't want to be respectful and use someone's proper pronouns, don't expect others to either.
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