UNRWA. It's like this...


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
When people like me die off, you will be wishing you joined us.

It's a dumb argument, Bones. The Harper government dumped them because they felt they were too closely aligned with Hamas,.
It is a long way from "too closely aligned" to "participation."

That said, this is the first bit of real info anyone has brought. I'm going to do some computer stuff and look into that.
Present-day Western Leadership thinks differently. Let the rockets flow, and textbooks encouraging terrorism, and we can argue about percentages and how much they are needed and round and round she goes. If you want to play a numbers game, go play with Ron.
What present-day Western leadership? Biden? He's in hot water for unwavering support of Israel. Or are we talking about the mighty colossus of the West, True Dope?
As for Jan 6th being a terrorist act. How the fuck should I know. Your constitution and laws protect a president who incited the Running of the Tards and will be able to pardon himself next year. That's pretty fucked. But, I'm not a Trumper.
If you define terrorism as attempting by illegal, violent means to compel a government to do your bidding, it totally qualifies.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
It is a long way from "too closely aligned" to "participation."

That said, this is the first bit of real info anyone has brought. I'm going to do some computer stuff and look into that.

What present-day Western leadership? Biden? He's in hot water for unwavering support of Israel. Or are we talking about the mighty colossus of the West, True Dope?

If you define terrorism as attempting by illegal, violent means to compel a government to do your bidding, it totally qualifies.

Different points of view on the issue.

So the question is, why did Canada, the US, the UK and other nations fail in their 'due diligence' of monitoring the UNRWA to ensure the funds were used properly?

It's another failure on JT, of course, and he deserves the backlash he gets from it. He should have done what Harper did, and pushed funding aid to Palestinians through other legitimate sources.

But that swings things back to TB's point - considering the corruption that happens in most/all organizations,

Also, in the JPost article:

"In August, following the arrest of two workers for international aid organizations in Gaza for allegedly diverting funds to Hamas, Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee chairman Avi Dichter (Likud) told Israel Radio that “it is clear that the number of UNRWA clerks who are working for Hamas is close to 100%.” Dichter is a former head of the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency)."

Quite the stretch there, Chairman (at the time). But then, this is also the same one who:

"When asked if images of the displacement of civilians were comparable to images of the Nakba, he said "We are now rolling out the Gaza Nakba. From an operational point of view, there is no way to wage a war – as the IDF seeks to do in Gaza – with masses between the tanks and the soldiers." When asked again he reiterated, "Gaza Nakba 2023. That’s how it’ll end." He later said that he did not know whether the residents of Gaza City would be allowed to return.[19] "

So I guess there should be no surprise at the statement that somehow 2 workers = 100%.

In the end though it still swings back to TB's point - there's corruption in most/all organizations. So does that mean we should stop dealing with all of them, when some are found to be corrupt, or do you deal with the corrupt ones and then continue the help with those who aren't?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

Different points of view on the issue.

So the question is, why did Canada, the US, the UK and other nations fail in their 'due diligence' of monitoring the UNRWA to ensure the funds were used properly?

It's another failure on JT, of course, and he deserves the backlash he gets from it. He should have done what Harper did, and pushed funding aid to Palestinians through other legitimate sources.

But that swings things back to TB's point - considering the corruption that happens in most/all organizations,

Also, in the JPost article:

"In August, following the arrest of two workers for international aid organizations in Gaza for allegedly diverting funds to Hamas, Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee chairman Avi Dichter (Likud) told Israel Radio that “it is clear that the number of UNRWA clerks who are working for Hamas is close to 100%.” Dichter is a former head of the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency)."

Quite the stretch there, Chairman (at the time). But then, this is also the same one who:

"When asked if images of the displacement of civilians were comparable to images of the Nakba, he said "We are now rolling out the Gaza Nakba. From an operational point of view, there is no way to wage a war – as the IDF seeks to do in Gaza – with masses between the tanks and the soldiers." When asked again he reiterated, "Gaza Nakba 2023. That’s how it’ll end." He later said that he did not know whether the residents of Gaza City would be allowed to return.[19] "

So I guess there should be no surprise at the statement that somehow 2 workers = 100%.

In the end though it still swings back to TB's point - there's corruption in most/all organizations. So does that mean we should stop dealing with all of them, when some are found to be corrupt, or do you deal with the corrupt ones and then continue the help with those who aren't?
Vote with the pocketbooks while weeding out the most corrupt. Rinse & repeat.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Why, because you think the world would be worse off?

I'd rather a world have sensible, reasonable people who accept facts, and THEN act - even if it means conflict - not hate driving pieces of crazed lunatics who want war regardless because it fulfills their lack of humanity somehow.

Right now it's still too even to each side.

Tear at your clothes and gnash your teeth some more.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
It is a long way from "too closely aligned" to "participation."

That said, this is the first bit of real info anyone has brought. I'm going to do some computer stuff and look into that.

What present-day Western leadership? Biden? He's in hot water for unwavering support of Israel. Or are we talking about the mighty colossus of the West, True Dope?

If you define terrorism as attempting by illegal, violent means to compel a government to do your bidding, it totally qualifies.
Where and when did that happen ?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Wouldn't it be more like treason?
Not here. That's pretty close to the definition in the State Department Glossary. . .

Premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents.
(Quoting Title 22, United States Code, Section 2656f.)

Other definitions exist, even in the Code, but all are pretty similar.

Treason is easy. It's in Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Why, because you think the world would be worse off?

I'd rather a world have sensible, reasonable people who accept facts, and THEN act - even if it means conflict - not hate driving pieces of crazed lunatics who want war regardless because it fulfills their lack of humanity somehow.

Right now it's still too even to each side.
Yup, it seems the Dems want to lead into a war as do some neo-cons. It has "something" to do with "money" don't 'cha know?


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Why, because you think the world would be worse off?

I'd rather a world have sensible, reasonable people who accept facts, and THEN act - even if it means conflict - not hate driving pieces of crazed lunatics who want war regardless because it fulfills their lack of humanity somehow.

Right now it's still too even to each side.
I am sensible.
You hurt my feelings, Serryah.
I thought we were making progress. LOL
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The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Sometimes RCS, I can absolutely agree with you.

Other times I wonder what the fuck hit you in the head to make you that senseless.
You take me too seriously. Certain nuances are lost in print, including emotion, facial expressions. I love debate and rarely take anything personally.
Probably his lady. Wouldn't even need to hit him.
Not you too?
It's a conspiracy. :LOL:
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
You take me too seriously.

Likely. Plus it all depends too on my own mood. I can go from letting anything ride to being pissed off at everything.

Getting old as a woman fucking sucks.

Certain nuances are lost in print, including emotion, facial expressions. I love debate and rarely take anything personally.

Pretty sure if I took things too personally, I would'a been long gone from this forum.

As it is, as frustrating as a lot of things said is... I like it here. The debate is... interesting.

Not you too?
It's a conspiracy. :LOL:

Everything is a conspiracy!
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
There has been much wringing of hands, furrowing of brows and raising of eyebrows over the “news” that some employees of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) participated in the terror attacks of Oct. 7. Some pearls have even been clutched.

Canada has “paused” its funding of UNRWA, even though it has already sent $48 million this fiscal year. The figure includes $20 million sent as emergency aid for Gaza after the Israel-Hamas war had begun. Another $25 million was sent as the first instalment of $100 million in funding announced last June. Officials at Global Affairs Canada are shocked to find out that gambling is going on in Casablanca. Might there have been some way to know what UNRWA was up to?

They might have tried reading the Post. Here is the headline on Avi Benolo’s column from last June, not last week: “Liberals to spend $100M to prop up terror-supporting Palestinian governments.”


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
There has been much wringing of hands, furrowing of brows and raising of eyebrows over the “news” that some employees of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) participated in the terror attacks of Oct. 7. Some pearls have even been clutched.

Canada has “paused” its funding of UNRWA, even though it has already sent $48 million this fiscal year. The figure includes $20 million sent as emergency aid for Gaza after the Israel-Hamas war had begun. Another $25 million was sent as the first instalment of $100 million in funding announced last June. Officials at Global Affairs Canada are shocked to find out that gambling is going on in Casablanca. Might there have been some way to know what UNRWA was up to?

They might have tried reading the Post. Here is the headline on Avi Benolo’s column from last June, not last week: “Liberals to spend $100M to prop up terror-supporting Palestinian governments.”
Here's my point. It is unlikely you will find a single major organization, private, government, or international, that does not have some members/employees involved in nefarious activities. I guess the easy solution would be to stop funding any of them, but they also do important work.

This is what audits are for. Thus far on this site all I've heard is "Fund UNRWA because they do necessary work" and "Nuke UNRWA."
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