
Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
A community organization representing LGBTQ+ people in Regina has filed a lawsuit against the Saskatchewan government over a pronoun policy affecting school children (under 16 years old).

McCarthy Tetrault LLP will be working with Egale Canada on a lawsuit that could bring the government of Saskatchewan to court over their controversial policy requiring teachers to get parental consent (for children under 16 years old) before calling a trans student their new name or pronouns.

“The Government of Saskatchewan remains committed to implementing the policy it announced on August 22, 2023, which requires parental consent if a student (under the age of 16) wants to change their name or pronouns at school,” a statement read.

“The Government maintains its position that parents and guardians have a key role in protecting and supporting their children as they grow and develop and will do everything in its power to protect parental rights.”

Both sides will start arguing the injunction next week.
I wonder how much government funding this community organization receives .


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Starting to look like a few nutters have more rights than parents in deciding what school is all about.

If your kid isn't GLBTQIA+, it doesn't affect you.

If your kid is GLBTQIA+ and you're good with that, it doesn't affect you.

This only affects kids who have parents who would have issues with GLBTQIA+ kids.

Where's the cries of "Government has no right to interfere in the lives of our families" from the usual crowd?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
If your kid isn't GLBTQIA+, it doesn't affect you.

If your kid is GLBTQIA+ and you're good with that, it doesn't affect you.

This only affects kids who have parents who would have issues with GLBTQIA+ kids.

Where's the cries of "Government has no right to interfere in the lives of our families" from the usual crowd?
I didn’t get the memo but the descriptive seem to have changed once again , who prints the programs and where can I get one .
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Where's the cries of "Government has no right to interfere in the lives of our families" from the usual crowd?
Isn’t this just balance against the school system arbitrarily deciding what a parent does or doesn’t need to know about their own child? That’s the way I’m seeing it anyway.

How many parents of School children where involved in the policies that seems to creep up regarding the decision to deny parents knowledge as to what was happening with their own children? Who the Hell decided that they had that authority over someone else’s children to make that decision not only for the child, but to also exclude the parents from those decisions? Seriously?

Yes, I’m sure there are loser exceptions to parents that love and will support their children, but wouldn’t that be the exception to the rule as opposed to the rule?
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Isn’t this just balance against the school system arbitrarily deciding what a parent does or doesn’t need to know about their own child? That’s the way I’m seeing it anyway.

If it was a school arbitrarily doing so, sure. In the case of NB, it wasn't arbitrary, rather a policy for a year or two before Higgs got his panties in a knot over it and had to make up lies to get it changed.

In the SK case, I think they looked at what NB went through and made things "firm" from the get go.

But schools put in policies all the time about how to deal with issues with students, there's not normally this kind of outcry over it, but then again, kids lives usually aren't at risk like they are with this kind of thing.

How many parents of School children where involved in the policies that seems to creep up regarding the decision to deny parents knowledge as to what was happening with their own children?

See above.

In the case of NB?

How many parents, I don't know, I keep getting the updated, 2023 stuff, nothing from 2020.

Who the Hell decided that they had that authority over someone else’s children to make that decision not only for the child, but to also exclude the parents from those decisions? Seriously?

Who the hell decided that they have the authority over GLBTQIA+ kids that aren't their kids to make the decision to have those kids outed to parents?

Yes, I’m sure there are loser exceptions to parents that love and will support their children, but wouldn’t that be the exception to the rule as opposed to the rule?

You'd hope it'd be the exception, but look on this board, look in the real world. Too many kids LIVE the exception for it to BE an exception. Exception implies it's rare, and kids being kicked out, abused, and pushed to suicidal ideation is not rare at all.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
If it was a school arbitrarily doing so, sure. In the case of NB, it wasn't arbitrary, rather a policy for a year or two before Higgs got his panties in a knot over it and had to make up lies to get it changed.

In the SK case, I think they looked at what NB went through and made things "firm" from the get go.

But schools put in policies all the time about how to deal with issues with students, there's not normally this kind of outcry over it, but then again, kids lives usually aren't at risk like they are with this kind of thing.

See above.

In the case of NB?

How many parents, I don't know, I keep getting the updated, 2023 stuff, nothing from 2020.

Who the hell decided that they have the authority over GLBTQIA+ kids that aren't their kids to make the decision to have those kids outed to parents?

You'd hope it'd be the exception, but look on this board, look in the real world. Too many kids LIVE the exception for it to BE an exception. Exception implies it's rare, and kids being kicked out, abused, and pushed to suicidal ideation is not rare at all.
Time might prove me wrong , however I still do not want my grandchildren any where near this persons ideology .


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
If your kid isn't GLBTQIA+, it doesn't affect you.

If your kid is GLBTQIA+ and you're good with that, it doesn't affect you.

This only affects kids who have parents who would have issues with GLBTQIA+ kids.

Where's the cries of "Government has no right to interfere in the lives of our families" from the usual crowd?
This is exactly what they are trying to prevent. Teachers grooming kids. It is not about government rights, but parent's rights to guide their kids into adulthood without interference from crazies on a mission.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
This is exactly what they are trying to prevent. Teachers grooming kids. It is not about government rights, but parent's rights to guide their kids into adulthood without interference from crazies on a mission.
If you're so terrified that giving kids information is "grooming," home-school 'em. Then you can groom them to be what you want them to be.

Won't work, mind, but parental-age morons seem to be unable to remember how they went their own ways instead of becoming clones of the 'rents.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
If you're so terrified that giving kids information is "grooming," home-school 'em. Then you can groom them to be what you want them to be.

Won't work, mind, but parental-age morons seem to be unable to remember how they went their own ways instead of becoming clones of the 'rents.
Convincing kids to change their pronouns is NOT giving them information. It is grooming. It is not up to teachers with a wacko agenda to decide what is right for kids.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Convincing kids to change their pronouns is NOT giving them information. It is grooming. It is not up to teachers with a wacko agenda to decide what is right for kids.

Well, other than the fact you're lying about kids being groomed and that somehow kids are being "convinced" by others to change their pronouns, TB's right. Don't want teachers to have anything to do with your kids, home school them.

Granted parents lose that babysitter and now they have to worry about teaching kids themselves but hey, they're not "Groomed" anymore.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Convincing kids to change their pronouns is NOT giving them information. It is grooming. It is not up to teachers with a wacko agenda to decide what is right for kids.
"Grooming" them to be what, exactly? C'mon, you're a studly, red-blooded, hard-dicked Canadian hero. Are you admitting that it would have been that easy for a teacher in grade three to bend to to become a limp-wristed fairy, and the only thing that saved you from becoming an interior decorator with excellent taste in clothing and cuisine was rigid protection from the EEE-vil Sodomites?
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
If your kid isn't GLBTQIA+, it doesn't affect you.

If your kid is GLBTQIA+ and you're good with that, it doesn't affect you.

This only affects kids who have parents who would have issues with GLBTQIA+ kids.

Where's the cries of "Government has no right to interfere in the lives of our families" from the usual crowd?
Schools do not have the right to determine if a child is trans. That is the issue! They're over reaching (as are governments who condone this stupidity) & parents need to know what the hell is going on with their kids. The assumption with this trans B.S. is that ALL PARENTS ARE MEAN & VIOLENT so kids mustn't tell their parents anything for fear of being abused. How ridiculous is that? Generalizations like this is what is so dangerous to our society with people making up crap & then deciding that said "crap" is true & must be resolved by making sure parental authority is not allowed. Just schools & "other" people who "know what's right" for your child apparently, are the only arbiters of what is correct for children. What an absurd idea & a vile ideology!

When the child is of legal age to determine what they want, THEN if they want to "transition" then go for it. Children DO NOT UNDERSTAND NOR ARE THEY CAPABLE AT THE AGE OF 4, 5 8, 10 or whatever even have a clue what this is all about. It's adults that are ruining our kids & it must stop. Mental Health is on the rise & manipulating & stripping children of various "parts" is not going to help them at all. In fact, data is starting to show that either before or after transitioning, suicides of kids are still happening. That is why Europe has made a change & disallows the transitioning of children. So why is that? Because it's got nothing to do with gender & everything to do with Mental health. If the kids are left alone, most will turn out fine with a few maybe wanting to get trans surgery which, hopefully, as an adult, they can then consent to having the change.

I sincerely hope that kids with gender dysphoria get the help they need for their mental health & when they truly understand what is going on, they can make the decisions for themselves instead of having others do it for them.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
This kind of insidious "let's hide shit from students' parents" has been going on since I was in school. If you needed an aspirin they had to call home to make sure it was okay to give you one. But if you were pregnant and wanted an abortion, the school would not only help you but they'd keep it from your parents.

Today's nonsense is just another example of govt and school board overreach. If school's were REALLY interested in protecting kids and not just pushing their insidious ideology on them, they wouldn't be scrapping their security personnel over a teeny-tiny minority of "activist" parents who don't like the school having armed security. Sadly, these are the same assholes that would turn around and sue the school if something happened to their precious little spawn due to a lack of school security.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Nor are they old enough to get pregnant at "whatever."

But they do.
Yep, but the impregnator is also "guilty" of statutory rape regardless of whether he was also underage. So technically for the guy it's a juvenile crime. In fact I remember a while back when a 14 yr old was arrested and charged with statutory rape for getting his 15 yr old girlfriend pregnant. So it's not quite the same thing now is it.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Well, other than the fact you're lying about kids being groomed and that somehow kids are being "convinced" by others to change their pronouns, TB's right. Don't want teachers to have anything to do with your kids, home school them.

Granted parents lose that babysitter and now they have to worry about teaching kids themselves but hey, they're not "Groomed" anymore.
You giving advice to parents is about the same as a catholic priest giving marital advice.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Yep, but the impregnator is also "guilty" of statutory rape regardless of whether he was also underage. So technically for the guy it's a juvenile crime. In fact I remember a while back when a 14 yr old was arrested and charged with statutory rape for getting his 15 yr old girlfriend pregnant. So it's not quite the same thing now is it.
So, if it's all up to the parents, do you think the parents should have the power to force a pregnant 13-year-old to have a baby? If so, do you think the parents should have the power to force a pregnant 13-year-old to have an abortion?

As far as your stat rape story goes, I'm sure it's a great comfort to the pregnant child that the father of her child is in prison. Or at least it's a great comfort to you.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
This kind of insidious "let's hide shit from students' parents" has been going on since I was in school. If you needed an aspirin they had to call home to make sure it was okay to give you one. But if you were pregnant and wanted an abortion, the school would not only help you but they'd keep it from your parents.

Today's nonsense is just another example of govt and school board overreach. If school's were REALLY interested in protecting kids and not just pushing their insidious ideology on them, they wouldn't be scrapping their security personnel over a teeny-tiny minority of "activist" parents who don't like the school having armed security. Sadly, these are the same assholes that would turn around and sue the school if something happened to their precious little spawn due to a lack of school security.
Move to Texas. They require teachers to have six whole hours of training to pack heat.
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