Roe v. Wade overturned?

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Oopsies! I dont think she was supposed to say that.

Yes she did. But apparently, the script has been changed to read "pollution" is what the word she was striving to say. But who knows what her "intent" was considering the WEF & Bill Gates actually support reducing world population so there's that too.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
The feds have now made up to $75000 available to employees for "gender affirming" surgery. Meanwhile, cancer patients can't get timely treatment in Canada and are being sent to the US by our government.

You realize that just because someone might get that qualification for GAS, doesn't mean they'll get the surgery anytime soon?

Because there is even LESS GAS doctors out there in Canada than doctors who treat Cancer patients.

It's not a question of what the person has, it's a reality of there aren't enough doctors; in this case cancer doctors, to handle the workload.

The two situations are not the same, at all.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You realize that just because someone might get that qualification for GAS, doesn't mean they'll get the surgery anytime soon?

Because there is even LESS GAS doctors out there in Canada than doctors who treat Cancer patients.

It's not a question of what the person has, it's a reality of there aren't enough doctors; in this case cancer doctors, to handle the workload.

The two situations are not the same, at all.
24 months start to finish.

12-18 months in just hair removal then approx 6 months later the first butchering.

The Gender Surgery Program is comprised of a multidisciplinary team of health care providers and surgical specialists devoted to providing high-quality gender-affirming treatment and surgical care. Patients will receive care through the Gender Surgery Clinic throughout their entire surgical journey, including pre- and post-operative care, until discharged to their primary care provider.

The Gender Surgery Program offers both feminizing and masculinizing procedures consistent with the guidelines established by the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH).

Feminizing Procedures
revision surgery
Masculinizing Procedures
clitoral release
penile and testicular implant surgery
revision surgery
All procedures will be performed at surgical sites in Vancouver.

For breast construction and mastectomy questions, referrals, and waitlist visit Surgery Referral

Unfortunately, we cannot provide your standing number as you wait for surgery. The waitlist changes are dependent on the complexity of surgeries, OR availability, differences in patient hair removal times, etc. We can, if needed, provide a general sense of where you fall in each stage of the process on request.

ERAS workbooks
Recovery and care
Lower surgery referral form (Print)
Lower surgery referral form (Fillable)
FAQ Vaginoplasty Hair Removal Template Change
Vaginoplasty and Vulvoplasty Workbook
TransCare B.C.

View document
Phalloplasty, Metoidioplasty, ET Release Workbook
View document
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) workbook

Visit the website
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) workbook

After completed referral - After the GSPBC receives a fully completed referral, patients are placed on an extensive, first come first serve waitlist dependent on their surgical type.
Intake and surgical consult - Patients will be booked for an intake appointment over the phone with one of the GSPBC Nurses. The purpose of this session is to confirm your medical history, and get a full sense of how best we can support you. At a later date, you will then meet with a surgeon either in person, or via zoom. They help provide more information about your surgery, answer questions, and help determine steps to move towards surgical readiness. For many, this includes starting on the process of hair removal.

Hair removal - The process of hair removal takes different amounts of time for each person, dependent on the type of surgery and your individual body (this can take up to 18 months). GSPBC is working with Trans Care BC to track hair removal progress. Trans Care BC will connect with patients and inform GSPBC once hair removal is near completion. Patients are then scheduled for a second surgical consult. *Please note that if Trans Care BC and GSPBC cannot reach you this may result in a discharge from the surgical program. To avoid this, please keep your contact information up to date and check your voicemail and email regularly.

Second surgical consult - This consultation is a check-in on your surgical readiness and helps to determine if any additional steps are needed. If all steps are completed, you are deemed surgically ready and added to a wait list for surgery. Please note the second surgical consult is often completed in person and may require a physical examination that can include one of the surgeons looking at your current genitals to help plan for your surgery.

Preparing for surgery - This stage involves multiple Allied Health professionals depending on your needs. You will meet with the GSPBC Social Worker for an assessment, and to help prepare multiple kinds of supports, travel, accommodation, and a post-surgery support plan. You will also check-in with the GSPBC Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist for an assessment and ongoing support as needed. When a surgical date is offered to you, you will receive further education on your surgery. An Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) booklet will be reviewed with the clinic nurse.

Surgery - Our aim is to provide patients 2 - 3 months’ notice prior to an available OR date for your surgery. We may offer an OR date sooner than this should there be cancellations. Surgery typically requires a few days of hospital stay, with the length of stay dependent on the type of surgery and follow-up requirements.

Post-op follow-up - Follow-up is provided by our team of surgeons, nurses, social worker, and physical therapist. This will look different for each person but requires multiple check-ins and support sessions for the first six weeks, followed by ongoing support as needed. Depending on your type of surgery you will be asked to stay local in Vancouver for a given length of time after you leave the hospital.

Discharge - When your post-operative care is complete, you will be discharged from the Gender Surgery Clinic to your primary care provider for any required ongoing care.



Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

And to satisfy the "CNN is Liberal!" types...

So tell me again, how the HELL this is "protecting patients" or "saving babies"? How the HELL is this not fucking torture for the families, mother and fetus/baby involved?

THIS is what this overturning and "leave it to the states to decide" has done. It's made doctors fearful enough to do what needs to be done, it's promoted vagueness so much in the law that people are suing just to CLARIFY what the law says, and it's torturing people in the meantime.

This isn't just in Texas, but in many US states.

Because this isn't about the fucking fetus', this is about control, plain and simple.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

And to satisfy the "CNN is Liberal!" types...

So tell me again, how the HELL this is "protecting patients" or "saving babies"? How the HELL is this not fucking torture for the families, mother and fetus/baby involved?

THIS is what this overturning and "leave it to the states to decide" has done. It's made doctors fearful enough to do what needs to be done, it's promoted vagueness so much in the law that people are suing just to CLARIFY what the law says, and it's torturing people in the meantime.

This isn't just in Texas, but in many US states.

Because this isn't about the fucking fetus', this is about control, plain and simple.
The beautiful thing about living in a free country , is you can always move .
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

And to satisfy the "CNN is Liberal!" types...

So tell me again, how the HELL this is "protecting patients" or "saving babies"? How the HELL is this not fucking torture for the families, mother and fetus/baby involved?

THIS is what this overturning and "leave it to the states to decide" has done. It's made doctors fearful enough to do what needs to be done, it's promoted vagueness so much in the law that people are suing just to CLARIFY what the law says, and it's torturing people in the meantime.

This isn't just in Texas, but in many US states.

Because this isn't about the fucking fetus', this is about control, plain and simple.
I tell ya what. Fight for even more Catholics to run freely over the border to take away the fake right to murder. Guess what you'd best fight against the nearly 800,000 Ukrainians coming to Canada.They hate dykes fags trannys and baby murderers.

Have great leftist day Poopsie!


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON

And to satisfy the "CNN is Liberal!" types...

So tell me again, how the HELL this is "protecting patients" or "saving babies"? How the HELL is this not fucking torture for the families, mother and fetus/baby involved?

THIS is what this overturning and "leave it to the states to decide" has done. It's made doctors fearful enough to do what needs to be done, it's promoted vagueness so much in the law that people are suing just to CLARIFY what the law says, and it's torturing people in the meantime.

This isn't just in Texas, but in many US states.

Because this isn't about the fucking fetus', this is about control, plain and simple.
My basic understanding of the pro-live position is that they feel that abortion is being used as a form of birth control and killing unborn children. So the law would protect these unborn babies. Just not this baby. This is the problem when you remove the exceptions from the law and that is all politics. I think that if a state chooses to ban abortions, they should allow them if the mother's health is at risk, the baby is not viable or the pregnancy was a result of rape or incest. The last one should have a week limit on it.

For the record, i am pro-choice. But I do support limits on abortion if the fetus is beyond about 20-22 weeks.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
My basic understanding of the pro-live position is that they feel that abortion is being used as a form of birth control and killing unborn children. So the law would protect these unborn babies. Just not this baby. This is the problem when you remove the exceptions from the law and that is all politics. I think that if a state chooses to ban abortions, they should allow them if the mother's health is at risk, the baby is not viable or the pregnancy was a result of rape or incest. The last one should have a week limit on it.

For the record, i am pro-choice. But I do support limits on abortion if the fetus is beyond about 20-22 weeks.

I think the fear is that abortion is used for birth control, yes. Not sure how real that situation is though.

As the law currently stands in Texas, it does have 'exceptions for health of the mother", but doctors either don't have clarity from their employers on if they're covered for certain in cases like that, or they don't trust the law to give them the benefit of the doubt in a situation where the baby isn't viable. Considering the punishments, I don't blame the doctors FOR being afraid. Which is why this suit is going through.

But watching the videos, these women suffered horribly all out of fear the state caused the doctors.

For me personally, I don't agree that abortion should be a form of birth control. But I also realize that in the end it's not my call or my business to dictate to someone else what they can do in this instance. It's between that person and their doctor.

And if there is an abortion beyond 20-22 weeks, it's because something major happened to the fetus, not because the mother, on a whim, decided nah, I'm done carrying thanks.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
My basic understanding of the pro-live position is that they feel that abortion is being used as a form of birth control and killing unborn children. So the law would protect these unborn babies. Just not this baby. This is the problem when you remove the exceptions from the law and that is all politics. I think that if a state chooses to ban abortions, they should allow them if the mother's health is at risk, the baby is not viable or the pregnancy was a result of rape or incest. The last one should have a week limit on it.

For the record, i am pro-choice. But I do support limits on abortion if the fetus is beyond about 20-22 weeks.
We've had a number of anti-abortion politicians and public figure who, through comments such as "Keep your legs together" and "You should have thought of that when. . ." make it clear that their intent is to punish harlots, or as Justice Brennan said in Eisenstadt v. Baird (1972), they have "prescribed pregnancy and the birth of an unwanted child as punishment for fornication." They appear unaware that many abortions are performed for married women, and that not all foeti are healthy.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

Of course Texas is going to appeal because they're fucking stupid, but good on this judge to clarify things.

"“The court has been clear: doctors must be able to provide patients the standard of care in pregnancy complications,” Northup said. “That standard of care in certain cases is abortion because it is essential, life-saving healthcare. This decision is a win for Texans with pregnancy complications, however Texas is still denying the right to abortion care for the vast majority of those who seek it.”

The challenge, filed in March, does not seek to repeal Texas’ abortion ban, but instead aims to force more clarity on when exceptions are allowed under the law, which is one of the most restrictive in the U.S.

Under the law in Texas, doctors who perform abortions risk life in prison and fines of up to $100,000. Opponents say that has left some women with providers who are unwilling to even discuss terminating a pregnancy."

Despite the stupidity of some, all they wanted was to make it clearer what is and isn't allowed by the law. Because what was on the books, WASN'T clear, which led to doctors being afraid of doing anything, less being charged and put into prison, FOR LIFE and fined for doing their job.

We'll see what happens now with the 'appeal'. Though the question is, what the HELL are they appealing?


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

A summary of the year since Dobbs.

Oh, and just for those who might go off on this lady.

Danielle Jones, MD Board Certified Obstetrician & Gynecologist Educational Content Creator Expert in Periods, Pregnancy, & Science Communication

Think she's a bit more qualified than most to know wtf she's talking about.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

Of course Texas is going to appeal because they're fucking stupid, but good on this judge to clarify things.

"“The court has been clear: doctors must be able to provide patients the standard of care in pregnancy complications,” Northup said. “That standard of care in certain cases is abortion because it is essential, life-saving healthcare. This decision is a win for Texans with pregnancy complications, however Texas is still denying the right to abortion care for the vast majority of those who seek it.”

The challenge, filed in March, does not seek to repeal Texas’ abortion ban, but instead aims to force more clarity on when exceptions are allowed under the law, which is one of the most restrictive in the U.S.

Under the law in Texas, doctors who perform abortions risk life in prison and fines of up to $100,000. Opponents say that has left some women with providers who are unwilling to even discuss terminating a pregnancy."

Despite the stupidity of some, all they wanted was to make it clearer what is and isn't allowed by the law. Because what was on the books, WASN'T clear, which led to doctors being afraid of doing anything, less being charged and put into prison, FOR LIFE and fined for doing their job.

We'll see what happens now with the 'appeal'. Though the question is, what the HELL are they appealing?

A summary of the year since Dobbs.

Oh, and just for those who might go off on this lady.

Danielle Jones, MD Board Certified Obstetrician & Gynecologist Educational Content Creator Expert in Periods, Pregnancy, & Science Communication

Think she's a bit more qualified than most to know wtf she's talking about.
WTF do you have against Democracy?

Why the fuck should anyone tolerate your hate speech, delusions and narcissism?

One more cookie. One more.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
You realize that just because someone might get that qualification for GAS, doesn't mean they'll get the surgery anytime soon?

Because there is even LESS GAS doctors out there in Canada than doctors who treat Cancer patients.

It's not a question of what the person has, it's a reality of there aren't enough doctors; in this case cancer doctors, to handle the workload.

The two situations are not the same, at all.
Yet much needed doctors are squandering time and money on vanity projects, while people that need life saving surgeries are left waiting.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Yet much needed doctors are squandering time and money on vanity projects, while people that need life saving surgeries are left waiting.

Uh, no.

The issue is there are too many doctors (and that's not to say there are a lot of doctors going to school TO graduate) who graduate wanting to do specialist occupations - more money in it - instead of going into something like GP.

It has nothing to do with "Vanity projects" - where the hell do you get that idea from? And what kind of "Vanity projects" would doctors do? Unless the doctors in your area are extra weird or something.