Roe v. Wade overturned?


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
She headed out of state for her abortion.

She shouldn't have had to, but... I'm glad she did.

I hope Kenny tries to sue though. The outrage should be epic.

And for people who are glad she's gone but side with the anti-abortion people... go fuck yourself with a rusted nail, fucking hypocrites.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
She headed out of state for her abortion.

Poor thing. She wasnt capable of handling the death part of life and death.

Have you ever experienced a miscarriage?

What was it like for you?

The second was the hardest.

If youve never created another human being or ever will create another human being....



Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

“No one disputes that Ms. Cox’s pregnancy has been extremely complicated. Any parents would be devastated to learn of their unborn child’s trisomy 18 diagnosis,” the justices wrote. “Some difficulties in pregnancy, however, even serious ones, do not pose the heightened risks to the mother the exception encompasses.”

In Monday’s ruling, the justices say the law does not “ask the doctor to wait until the mother is within an inch of death or her bodily impairment is fully manifest or practically irreversible. The exception does not mandate that a doctor in a true emergency await consultation with other doctors who may not be available. Rather, the exception is predicated on a doctor’s acting within the zone of reasonable medical judgment, which is what doctors do every day.”

The ruling also called on the Texas Medical Board to offer more guidance to physicians, reminding the agency that it can “assess various hypothetical circumstances, provide best practices, identify red lines, and the like” as it has done for COVID-19 protocols and similar circumstances."

So basically Doctor's should "act within the zone of reasonable medical judgment", but when that judgment is for a woman with a terminal pregnancy, that risks her future fertility and/or her life, and makes her fetus suffer either in the womb or out of it, it "does not pose the heightened risks to the mother the exception encompasses"? Can this get anymore fucking confusing/backwards? Why not just come out and say "We trust doctors only we don't trust doctors"; at least it'd be more intellectually honest.

And for those who have no clue:

Given the prognosis of the doctor, the fetus likely has the most severe case.

This isn't a case of she couldn't keep her legs closed, or abortion for prevention, this fetus WAS wanted until this situation happened, and with the complications arising from the pregnancy, the suggestion was to terminate. That Kate was getting sick is NOT a good sign that this is a healthy pregnancy and even an idiot can understand that much.

So not only is anyone who supports this ruling and Texas' interference with this woman a vile, disgusting human being, they are for the torture - mentally, emotionally and physically - of both mother and that unborn that they claim to be oh so needing protection, and the family overall.

This isn't about giving a shit about an unborn baby, this is about controlling women. Period. And that's ALL this ever was about. Because somehow, women suffering gets the jollies of certain people going. Sure, all pregnancies are a risk, but when that risk fucks with the life of one or both involved, then the woman should have the fucking choice to mitigate further risks.

I think now we can legitimately say - those who support this decision are the murderers, they ARE torturers and the only one's going to hell - if you believe in it - are these monsters.

I only hope the friends I have in Texas, who sadly have daughters, get the fuck out before those girls are old enough to want families of their own.

In regards to the interview Kate Cox gave: "If you can watch that and think that a bunch of politicians have the right to tell this woman what her medical decision should be, I'm sorry but you can fuck all the way off."



Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
According to the definition of a bunch of MAGAhat lawyers.

So long as that zone of judgment agrees with the MAGAhat lawyers and their beliefs, apparently.

The scary part is, this isn't a "US only" thing.

So while our Federal Liberals are "Studying" the subject of access, we have provincial Conservatives saying "Nah, y'all got enough funding" even though the report says otherwise.

So it's not just a "Conservative" issue.

And shows that women everywhere need to keep up on this.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
So long as that zone of judgment agrees with the MAGAhat lawyers and their beliefs, apparently.

The scary part is, this isn't a "US only" thing.

So while our Federal Liberals are "Studying" the subject of access, we have provincial Conservatives saying "Nah, y'all got enough funding" even though the report says otherwise.

So it's not just a "Conservative" issue.

And shows that women everywhere need to keep up on this.
I honestly don't understand why this is such a big issue. Most women will NEVER have an abortion. So, is it the minority that is dictating to the majority? Just wondering....


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
It wasn't until the right made it one.

Kate isn't the only one right now having issues.

A woman in Ohio is being charged with "abuse of corpse" because she miscarried in a toilet after being told her fetus was nonviable and dead before the expelation of the tissues.

And opinion:

"Are women supposed to drop to their knees to fish through their own blood and uterine lining inside a toilet bowl to find fetal remains? And what are we supposed to do with them after that? It’s inhumane to ask that task of anyone, especially for someone dealing with the immediate and dual shocks of blood loss and pregnancy loss."

Exactly. There are even births of live fetus/babies that happen in toilets (young mothers who don't know their pregnant usually), miscarriages are horrible, yet now women will be forced with jail time too?

The more this shit goes on, the more I am glad I wasn't a mother, despite really wishing to be. (And if that's a "hold it against you" thing, go fuck yourself; I was not wanting to go whore myself out just to have a kid, thanks. I'd rather have had a partner and all the other "idyllic" things that go with it, or that is supposed to. That didn't happen and that's just how the cards fell, that does NOT mean I don't have a say in any of this)


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Warren Assistant Prosecutor Lewis Guarnieri said the police investigation found that Watts miscarried the baby while using the restroom and tried to plunge and flush the remains down the toilet, where it got stuck in the pipes.

Guarnieri said the toilet had to be removed by police and taken to the Trumbull County Coroner’s Office. The fetus was about 22 weeks old when the incident took place on Sept. 22.

Plumbers really need this or they are just misogynist and right wing wackadoodles.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

4:00 minute mark.

And then 4:22, you tell me that that woman didn't need an abortion.

Disgusting that she was denied and she had to suffer through that.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

4:00 minute mark.

And then 4:22, you tell me that that woman didn't need an abortion.

Disgusting that she was denied and she had to suffer through that.
Ok Ill tell you why its unnecessary. Nature has its ways. Advocating for killing disabled before birth is eugenics.