I havent see so much goal post moving since the Loma Prieta quake in 89.
Says every person who loses an argument due to bad thinking
If you're resorting to buzzwords, that's a bad sign.
my "goalposts" stayed the same from beginning to end and always do.
Your problem, and it's the same problem in several of our discussions, is you start off with something in your head as an answer BEFORE you research it. You then present it boldly as an absolute answer - and when it turns out the facts don't support that then you start bringing up equally indefensible positions and eventually get confused enough that no less than 3 times now you've actually posted "proofs" that demonstrate you're wrong by accident.
In this case you went from "there might not be a migrant issue" (your source was that it slowed down in 2020 due to covid), and quickly went from that to 'but there's tonnes of homes just not in the core cities (two studies showed that was wrong) to arguing that there's tonnes of homes right in your area (there's 200 or so, but they already have people in it so you can't give them to new people without finding homes for the existing people), to arguing we could be knocking out 4 plexes every 90 days (we can't) to the absoutely ludicrus claim that we could build houses in 2 days because habitat for humanity does (they don't).
A little googling brefore hand would have shown that all of those are wrong. If you'd done that we could have had a great conversation about how to actually fix the issues or address the problems but instead it was 3 pages of you insisting we can build homes in 2 days where we can't.
In the future just take a deep breath and do a bit of research to see if your position is defensible first, and THEN defend it if it is. Your problem is you fall in love with a position and defend it to the death regardless of whether it's defensible or not.