They're really not. Such support is very soft, and has gone the other way many times.That’s great , but the lower mainland and southern Vancouver Island are solidly behind confederation . There is support for separation in the North and central areas of the province . I do agree that we in the west should band together to counter Ottawa . I also believe the western provinces , all provinces for that matter , should be preparing for the inevitable break up of Canada . But that is just me.
Most of them actually like the idea of more power to the provinces, more political say in their direct lives, etc. Remember - one of the largest growing batches of PP supporters are coming from the youth in those areas. Traditionally the CPC does pretty well in greater vancouver.
And remember - we're not talking about seperation here. We're talking about something closer to quebec 'soverignty association', or a power group that stands up to the east.. Not leaving Canada.
You are simply wrong here entirely. British columbia would not take much convincing to support a western alliance to gain more powers and less interference from the feds.