
Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Were the parents involved in the decision?

Parents should always be involved; and if they're under 16, they HAVE to be involved. If they're not, the medical people involved are in serious criminal risk.

Not by her own words in the video she said that kids should have the right to decide for themselves.

Yeah, they should, because kids are the ones living their bodies. And parents should be supportive and try to HELP their kids, even if their own bigotry gets in the way.

And if the parents are sick people who want to "fix" their kids - aka keep them from being Trans - then that's a whole other issue. That is abuse and should be treated as such.

So who are these kids consulting with to make there own decision to take blockers until they decide what gender they want to be?

If their parents are unsupportive, sadly they're SOL unless they can somehow get medical help in the form of therapy, and just talk therapy. Because anything else is illegal.

In order for a kid to even GET on a list to have any sort of blockers, they need 2 doctors plus a Psych eval and a whole bunch of other steps, THEN they're approved. If they fail any of it, they aren't supposed to get blockers at all.

Until they're 16, then they can do what they want medically. But by then puberty has kicked in and the issues that blockers try to prevent are now a problem.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
... wow.

Just... wow.

You are TOTALLY ignorant to a lot of things.

1. Kids DO know what gender is. They know from the moment they understand the concept of 'male/female' as it pertains to them (or me/not like me). Freaks like you who keep combining sex and gender are the REAL issue here because you are sexualizing kids when you do that. And THAT is fucking disgusting beyond the pale.

2. Sex is something parents SHOULD teach, yes, but most parents DON'T because of reasons. Sex education should be taught age appropriate. Actually here you go since you're a lazy fuck: https://www.aboutkidshealth.ca/Article?contentid=716&language=English

3. Again, what about KIDS who use so called puberty blockers FOR OTHER THINGS THAN TRANS reasons? Because, you damned ignorant twat, GnRH - which is what 'blockers' are and has been in use since the 70's - treats a condition in KIDS called CPP and a whole bunch of other medical issues.

You and the mouth breathers like you should be all FOR puberty blockers, since you're all about the "let kids figure it out" and that's what the blockers would do. Give kids time to actually come to terms of whether they want to fully Transition, or if the feelings of dysphoria and other problems are NOT specifically Trans related. The added bonus is that by pausing the growth of external sexual characteristics, if a kid IS Trans and DOES want to Transition, their body doesn't have the added bullshit of being put through puberty which increases the dysphoria and thus increases suicide ideation and for trans girls/young women, passing is a HUGE problem and it's why they're the leading cases of suicide in the Trans community. It also allows for a closer appearance in adulthood for either gender, trans boys or trans girls - and again, passing.

Because ignorant fuckstains like you kill Trans kids and Trans adults.

What you REALLY want is to make it so Trans people don't exist, either as kids or adults, and anything that'll help them, well... fuck em, because they're Trans.

People like you are killing kids, and lying about how important kids are to you by spewing this "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" Bullshit. So long as that kid is a heterosexual, that's all you give a shit about.

And I will keep calling you out on that, you child killer, because hey, if you can throw around that I'm a "groomer" when I'm not, calling you a child killer is pretty spot on too.
Yea you aren’t a groomer , you just want them already groomed .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
This whole tranny thing brought back something that I half read a while ago that is semi related.
First is how far do we let modern medicine manipulate our bodies? What are potential downfalls for future generations?
Second is who pays?Is everybody entitled to whatever medical procedure they want regardless of ability to pay? Are some procedures paid for but not others? Who decides what is free and what isn't?
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
This whole tranny thing brought back something that I half read a while ago that is semi related.
First is how far do we let modern medicine manipulate our bodies?

That's up to that individual person and not someone outside their sphere of influences. Unless you want to open up the can of worms that society gets to tell you what you can and can't do?

What are potential downfalls for future generations?

As it pertains to Trans people? Considering they have been a thing since pre-history, I should think that the medical side of things providing them a chance to look like they should wouldn't be a downfall. If anything, it promotes the health of the individual, which is also the health of society and in the end, costs less.

Second is who pays?

Who pays for it now?

(hint, not who you think)

Is everybody entitled to whatever medical procedure they want regardless of ability to pay? Are some procedures paid for but not others? Who decides what is free and what isn't?

Right now there are medical procedures that are considered NMR - not medically required - and thus aren't covered by Medicare/Health Care. Either insurance or the person themselves must pay for it.

"Most Canadian provinces cover the cost of gender reassignment surgery. However, feminizing surgeries considered cosmetic, such as breast augmentation, voice surgery, Adam’s Apple reduction, and facial feminization, are not currently covered by all health insurance programs. Each Canadian province has its own reimbursement program. You can find information specific to your province in the Being Trans section of our website or of your provincial government. "

Oh, and before it's brought up, Kids are NOT given GRS (bottom surgery).

"According to WPATH's Standards of Care, an individual must be of the age of majority in the country of reference (Canada) to be allowed to undergo gender reassignment surgery. Therefore, the required age for genital reconstructive surgery is 18 years of age and 16 for masculinization of the torso surgery (mastectomy)."

Not all gender dysphoria is Trans based or Trans focused but this is where blockers can come in, to help figure out if Trans is the right direction, or if the person involved is gender-nonconforming or even Transsexual (which is not the same as Transgender).

IF anyone is so inclined. They're updating the SOC and it looks like it'll be out this spring.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Yep, a person who believes it's not my business what a woman does even if I don't agree with abortion itself in any means other than medical emergency/necessity.

Not that you'd get that either.
Yet you believe in forcing people to inject an experimental foreign product into their bodies , go figure .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
That's up to that individual person and not someone outside their sphere of influences. Unless you want to open up the can of worms that society gets to tell you what you can and can't do?

As it pertains to Trans people? Considering they have been a thing since pre-history, I should think that the medical side of things providing them a chance to look like they should wouldn't be a downfall. If anything, it promotes the health of the individual, which is also the health of society and in the end, costs less.

Who pays for it now?

(hint, not who you think)

Right now there are medical procedures that are considered NMR - not medically required - and thus aren't covered by Medicare/Health Care. Either insurance or the person themselves must pay for it.

"Most Canadian provinces cover the cost of gender reassignment surgery. However, feminizing surgeries considered cosmetic, such as breast augmentation, voice surgery, Adam’s Apple reduction, and facial feminization, are not currently covered by all health insurance programs. Each Canadian province has its own reimbursement program. You can find information specific to your province in the Being Trans section of our website or of your provincial government. "

Oh, and before it's brought up, Kids are NOT given GRS (bottom surgery).

"According to WPATH's Standards of Care, an individual must be of the age of majority in the country of reference (Canada) to be allowed to undergo gender reassignment surgery. Therefore, the required age for genital reconstructive surgery is 18 years of age and 16 for masculinization of the torso surgery (mastectomy)."

Not all gender dysphoria is Trans based or Trans focused but this is where blockers can come in, to help figure out if Trans is the right direction, or if the person involved is gender-nonconforming or even Transsexual (which is not the same as Transgender).

IF anyone is so inclined. They're updating the SOC and it looks like it'll be out this spring.
Of coiurse you have to make everything all about you. This is much more important subject than what happens to a few trannys. Things like organ transplants, cloning, cosmetic surgery. The question is, just because modern science has made it possible, is it desirable? Call it modern medicine playing god if you will.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Of coiurse you have to make everything all about you.

What the hell you talkin' bout? This isn't about me at all. You asked questions, I answered. You want specific people to answer your questions, maybe ask specific people from now on.

This is much more important subject than what happens to a few trannys.

But it's just as important, if not more so, to the Trans people it involves.

Things like organ transplants,

?? Okay, how does that factor into things?

Cloning??? Where is THAT coming from?

cosmetic surgery.

People do cosmetic surgery all the time for stupid and not stupid things. What business is it of yours if more people are put on that list? Unless medically required, THEY pay for it personally or through insurance, so it has nothing to do with you.

The question is, just because modern science has made it possible, is it desirable?

Considering the number of people wishing for GRS and the time it takes to even get appointments from the one (far as I know) place that does it, yeah, it's desirable.

Call it modern medicine playing god if you will.

Oh please; if you want to take that excuse, then giving people antibiotics for things is "playing God", with two life forms actually. If medicine does ANYTHING, it's "playing God". So that excuse doesn't float.

Yep for sure a 5 year old boy knew that he was born to be a girl

I smell bullshit on this for lots of reasons.

1. If that DID happen to a child that young, there had better be a medical issue going on, like cancer or so on. It is NOT acceptable to do any surgery like that on a child that young unless it's something life threatening. That INCLUDES kids born with both sexual parts. Doctors should NOT be deciding after birth if an infant is a boy or girl, they should "leave that up until they're older", right? (and that people/kids with this kind of issue DO have preferences for one gender or another, usually, supports the theory of gender being a MENTAL state, not social one).

2. The biggest sign of this is bullshit: NO anesthesiologist is going to talk to Joe Public about ANY case and risk their license, ESPECIALLY paranoid right wing crazies. But those same crazies love to make up shit from "stuff they heard" from "professionals" to prove their point.

3. No Doctor is going to sign off on a 5 year old saying they're Trans. It's a risk to THEIR license if they did so. But maybe because it's 'Murica, the parents bribed the doctor? Who knows.

4. NO parent - both of them - is going to agree that a 5 YEAR OLD gets GRS. SOMEONE is going to be against it and fight it in court. Unless there's a case to prove that - bullshit.

5. IF this is anywhere true, the parents, doctor AND anesthesiologist should ALL be put on trial for what they did. THAT is clearly so many levels of wrong and it's NOT the way to handle Trans kids.

6. The source is from a Hate group that's focused on the continued demonization of people who aren't straight. They are lobbiests for "conservative Christian sexual morality". Which is a BUNCH of oxymoron if there ever was. They changed their name from Citizens for Community Values to Centre for Christian Values.

So yeah, unless you can provide proof it actually happened... "Fake News!"


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
What the hell you talkin' bout? This isn't about me at all. You asked questions, I answered. You want specific people to answer your questions, maybe ask specific people from now on.

But it's just as important, if not more so, to the Trans people it involves.

?? Okay, how does that factor into things?

Cloning??? Where is THAT coming from?

People do cosmetic surgery all the time for stupid and not stupid things. What business is it of yours if more people are put on that list? Unless medically required, THEY pay for it personally or through insurance, so it has nothing to do with you.

Considering the number of people wishing for GRS and the time it takes to even get appointments from the one (far as I know) place that does it, yeah, it's desirable.

Oh please; if you want to take that excuse, then giving people antibiotics for things is "playing God", with two life forms actually. If medicine does ANYTHING, it's "playing God". So that excuse doesn't float.

I smell bullshit on this for lots of reasons.

1. If that DID happen to a child that young, there had better be a medical issue going on, like cancer or so on. It is NOT acceptable to do any surgery like that on a child that young unless it's something life threatening. That INCLUDES kids born with both sexual parts. Doctors should NOT be deciding after birth if an infant is a boy or girl, they should "leave that up until they're older", right? (and that people/kids with this kind of issue DO have preferences for one gender or another, usually, supports the theory of gender being a MENTAL state, not social one).

2. The biggest sign of this is bullshit: NO anesthesiologist is going to talk to Joe Public about ANY case and risk their license, ESPECIALLY paranoid right wing crazies. But those same crazies love to make up shit from "stuff they heard" from "professionals" to prove their point.

3. No Doctor is going to sign off on a 5 year old saying they're Trans. It's a risk to THEIR license if they did so. But maybe because it's 'Murica, the parents bribed the doctor? Who knows.

4. NO parent - both of them - is going to agree that a 5 YEAR OLD gets GRS. SOMEONE is going to be against it and fight it in court. Unless there's a case to prove that - bullshit.

5. IF this is anywhere true, the parents, doctor AND anesthesiologist should ALL be put on trial for what they did. THAT is clearly so many levels of wrong and it's NOT the way to handle Trans kids.

6. The source is from a Hate group that's focused on the continued demonization of people who aren't straight. They are lobbiests for "conservative Christian sexual morality". Which is a BUNCH of oxymoron if there ever was. They changed their name from Citizens for Community Values to Centre for Christian Values.

So yeah, unless you can provide proof it actually happened... "Fake News!"
Can you provide proof it didn't happen?