Trudeau calls trucker protest an 'insult to truth'


Time Out
Dec 3, 2021
Yes, that is what they said but not what they did.
The news release put out Wednesday by Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez begins well: "The Government of Canada understands that for a democracy to function properly, it needs to have solid, independent news media."

If only he had stopped there. But instead, the release goes on for another 700 words to outline a plan whose principal effect will be to undermine the independence of the news media.

The purpose of the release was to announce the plan for the "independent panel of experts" who will be tasked with helping figure out the toughest part of the government's $600 million bailout of the print news business: namely, who should be eligible for the money?

Making a list of State Approved Media Outlets For Purposes of Getting Public Money was always going to be a Pravda-y sort of business.

Instead, Rodriguez has handed deciding the membership of the panel over to eight associations, a group that includes News Media Canada (a newspaper industry lobby group), a handful of press councils and professional organizations, and two media unions including Unifor, an organisation whose leadership has actively campaignedessentially on behalf of the Liberals.
Thing is that the opinion piece you linked is almost 3 years old and since then the government gave another $60 million, again, to print media.
I am pretty sure the non print media did not get much (CBC notwithstanding :)) except the wage subsidy that all corporations and companies could apply for.


Time Out
Dec 3, 2021
And absolutely no media groups have both print and video formats, right?
I only responded to your statement "No, it's wrong and corrupt when media outlets are paid $600 million by a govt to "maintain their independence".
If you want to be more precise , then be so and provide media groups that have print and video.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Aha.... a fan of fringe partisan media I see.
That's OK, you go your way and I will go mine.
I still say - broaden your horizons cuz your schtick doesn't do you any justice LOL. Watch the MSM but don't simply take their crap as credible. There are alternative opinions out there and you actually can learn things - I know I do!! Just sayin'


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Okay, let me put this as succinctly as possible. It's NOT a free press when it's been bought and paid for, regardless of who provided the cash incentive. Jesus man, it's like talking to a brick wall.
Reason I ask is, if it's something done by both major parties when in power, it ain't exactly the Great Big Conspiraceeee it'd be if it'd never been done before.

Of course it's a bribe. But in some systems, bribes are normal.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
If anyone has an insult to the truth it's Trudeau! What he accuses Canadians albeit truckers or otherwise is what HE actually believes. HE is the racist & bigot. Just needs to look in the mirror!! He is the most asinine Leader in our country's history.


Time Out
Dec 3, 2021
I still say - broaden your horizons cuz your schtick doesn't do you any justice LOL. Watch the MSM but don't simply take their crap as credible. There are alternative opinions out there and you actually can learn things - I know I do!! Just sayin'
Where did you read that wanted any justice??? LOL
I don't have a "schtick", I have an opinion, just like you. Do you need to agree with me? Heavens no but, you have ot respect that I do not have agree with yours or others either. Some are more vehemently opposed to what I write than others and they are so easily baited.
I read and watch many sources of media except fringe left or right media.
I agree that there are alternative opinions but I do not read or watch those from self identified left or right wing or political party associated media.
Just sayin :)
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Time Out
Dec 3, 2021
If anyone has an insult to the truth it's Trudeau! What he accuses Canadians albeit truckers or otherwise is what HE actually believes. HE is the racist & bigot. Just needs to look in the mirror!! He is the most asinine Leader in our country's history.
I agree that Trudeau is handling this very poorly, as are most politicians and police authorities.
As for being the "most asinine leader" well that is debatable depending on your political allegiance.
Seems that almost everybody in Quebec and Ontario at least liked him enough to make him the PM 3 times. Many must have disliked the other "asinine leaders" more. :)


Time Out
Dec 3, 2021
CBC is not print media. All the rest have web sites with video content so I'm not sure that still qualifies them as print media.
Are you really that daft?? You aske me if I had reading comprehension issues and it is clearly that has that LOL
I said
"I think it was only print media that got the bail out.
Of course, all companies could request wage support/\.".

CBC is a electronic (tv, radio and web) news outlet, and is a government funded company. The bail out was for print media. I have posted a link to all the print media that got bailed out.
Try and be an adult. LOL


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Are you really that daft?? You aske me if I had reading comprehension issues and it is clearly that has that LOL
I said
"I think it was only print media that got the bail out.
Of course, all companies could request wage support/\.".

CBC is a electronic (tv, radio and web) news outlet, and is a government funded company. The bail out was for print media. I have posted a link to all the print media that got bailed out.
Try and be an adult. LOL
After you. So you admit CBC has been bailed out by the long suffering taxpayer?


Man of Memes
Mar 22, 2019
I agree that Trudeau is handling this very poorly, as are most politicians and police authorities.
As for being the "most asinine leader" well that is debatable depending on your political allegiance.
Seems that almost everybody in Quebec and Ontario at least liked him enough to make him the PM 3 times. Many must have disliked the other "asinine leaders" more. :)
Ontario is a huge province, with a most of the vote coming from Toronto. Other than the GTA and probably Ottawa, most of the province can't stand the guy. I imagine Quebec is similar, with Montreal and Quebec City calling the shots.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I still say - broaden your horizons cuz your schtick doesn't do you any justice LOL. Watch the MSM but don't simply take their crap as credible. There are alternative opinions out there and you actually can learn things - I know I do!! Just sayin'
More importantly there are facts out there that the paid for media either ignores or outright lies about.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Thing is that the opinion piece you linked is almost 3 years old and since then the government gave another $60 million, again, to print media.
I am pretty sure the non print media did not get much (CBC notwithstanding :)) except the wage subsidy that all corporations and companies could apply for.
The $600 Million that Trudeau doled out to select media outlets 3yrs ago was what I thought was being talked about, & thus the CBC blurb current to that timeframe.


Time Out
Dec 3, 2021
After you. So you admit CBC has been bailed out by the long suffering taxpayer?
Once again, are you truly that unaware??
The CBC has been bailed out by government for decade upon decade. The government is the CBC rich uncle, it gives them money annually....and lots of it. Almost all of the 36 million Canadians know that LOL


Time Out
Dec 3, 2021
Ontario is a huge province, with a most of the vote coming from Toronto. Other than the GTA and probably Ottawa, most of the province can't stand the guy. I imagine Quebec is similar, with Montreal and Quebec City calling the shots.
Enough of Ontario and Quebec liked him to vote him back. Even the Maritimes and some Western ridings liked him too. I think BC has 15 liberal MP's and Alberta 2 and Manitoba 2.
So, there is more than just Toronto :)


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Enough of Ontario and Quebec liked him to vote him back. Even the Maritimes and some Western ridings liked him too. I think BC has 15 liberal MP's and Alberta 2 and Manitoba 2.
So, there is more than just Toronto :)

Eh, I gotta disagree on people here in the Maritimes liking Trudeau.

It's more the "my family is Liberal" and "We're French, we don't vote Conservative" that got Liberals in, at least in NB.

Trudeau's an idiot and getting moreso but he's the 'best' idiot there was at the time. And so far, no one else has shown they'd be better, either.