Harper's legacy is a mixture of good and bad, but he is history, and let's not forget that he was shown the door by the voters, leaving behind a country more divided than ever before. O'Toole is as nothing-burger, his party is rife with internal discord, and their "Policy Declaration" released earlier this year is seventy-some pages of vagueness and same-old. The pandemic has shone a spotlight on problems of inequality and the Conservative party is quietly devoted to maintaining a status quo of privilege according to bank account.
That being said, I don't see the Liberals as being a whole lot better, but in terms of political philosophy they do put more emphasis on creating an economy where everyone can get ahead, not just the few at the top.
A Conservative vote is a step in the wrong direction. Unless you're rich.
Wow. You have things completely upside down.
The Liberal Party is the party of Bay Street. Want evidence? The PM was born a millionaire, the finance minister for 5 years was born a millionaire, while the leader and the finance critic of the Conservatives were born to modest, middle class families.
Want more evidence? The Liberal Party hid a clause in an omnibus bill alloing deferred prosecutions for the benefit of SNC-Lavalin, and then interferred with a criminal prosecution to spare the Laurentian Elite a prosecution on bribery charges.
Now THAT is privilege by bank account.
The Liberals are doing what lefty morons always do.....wrecking the economy so everyone (except the elites) are equally miserable.
Add to that fact they have burdened us with debt that will cause inflation, eating up peoples' savings and degrading their quality of life, and the fact that they are a threat to liberty, are trying to shut down free speech, and have violated the spirit (if not the letter) of the Charter a couple of times.........and their absolute lack of either ethics or competence, and it is clear that a vote for the Liberals is simple national suicide.
In fact, considering that the only other national party in the House will vote for the Liberal minority every time, a vote for anyone other than the Conservative Party is a move in the wrong direction.