Odd that's what you see and yet that is EXACTLY how the ALT-left operates. I don't do emotional and moral relativism. I don't do collective guilt for the past actions of ANYONE! You know whose actions I'm responsible for? MINE! But nahhh, the ALT-left racists insist I'm guilty of something JUST because of ,my skin colour. Not all Black people are criminals. Not all muslims are terrorists. But ALL WHite people are racists. That is part of the "woke" dogma.Odd that the new meaning you describe above has come from the right, as if it's some sort of justification for ignoring social injustice. Insult is the first line of defense when the right moves to defend what is ultimately an indefensible position.
I spent the vast bulk of my working life flying supplies in to remote Northern communities. Bush flying is dangerous and it almost killed me, but do you know WHY I did it? Because it combined something I loved (flying) with something that NEEDED to be done. And yet I get called a racist by assholes who do NOTHING for anyone except spew their "righteous morality" online because that takes pretty much NO effort.
And that's becauxse in the "woke" ALT-left mentality, words are FAR more important than actions.