Not to mention also that they used to hang people at Nuremberg for forcing medical experimentation on other people.
Anyone who ever worked with screens and filters knows they block only larger particles then the spaces and aerosolize and scatter liquid and gaseous chit everywhere...then there is the ventilation and convection currents in EVERY ROOM...the masks are also made of hazardous material at times and when wet from slobber or humidity are PNEUMONIA covered WATERBOARD SLAVE DIAPERS.
Masks may actually increase your coronavirus risk if worn improperly, surgeon general warns
The US surgeon general not only wants people to stop buying facemasks to prevent coronavirus, but warns that you actually might increase your risk of infection if facemasks are not worn properly.
LOL, Another news report brought to you by Mr russian collusion himself, Alex "CNN" Jones.
BTW, I have yet to see a properly worn mask out on the street.