Trudeau Liberals surge ahead over Conservatives


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
US Democrats Help Kickstart Western Seperation

OTTAWA -- It’s a mid-sized pipeline with a bland name, but it packs a helluva punch to Central Canada’s energy supply.

Meet Line 5, a critical connection that will be ordered offline in just two weeks, an unjustified act of treaty-breaking hostility by our American neighbours.

The impact of any shutdown will be widely felt in Ontario and Quebec - at the pump, in the heating bill, in airline ticket prices and even at the backyard barbeque.

And that assumes there aren’t shortages of supply at any price.

Here’s the problem. For 68 years, Enbridge’s Line 5 has been pumping crude and natural gas products like propane across the bottom of the strait linking Lake Huron and Lake Michigan.

Yet despite a flawless safety record, beyond a dent from a tugboat’s dragging anchor, Line 5 carries the “unacceptable risk of a catastrophic oil spill," according to rookie Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

And in what seems to be setting up for a second 100 days that’s worse than his first in pipeline politics, U.S. President Joe Biden is not expected to save Line 5 from the governor’s wrath any more than he spared the Keystone XL pipeline from his inauguration day kill order.

If that happens, and there’s an air of inevitability about it, this is going to deliver a blunt-axe whack on Alberta as the oil supplier and to Central Canada as the consumer.

While modest in size at 540,000 barrels a day, Line 5 has an inordinately huge impact on multiple supply chains in Ontario, Quebec and several U.S. states.

It delivers two-thirds of Quebec’s crude requirements and meets 53 per cent of Ontario’s demand. It’s the dominant source of propane supplies in those provinces and several U.S. states. And it imports 100 per cent of the jet fuel for Toronto’s Lester Pearson Airport.

This has left the Canadian government under far greater cross-border duress than the untimely death of Keystone XL because this American irritant will be noticed by consumers in its Ontario base.

To give credit where due, Natural Resources Minister Seamus O’Regan gets high marks from the industry for leading the fight and declaring the continued operation of the pipeline to be “non-negotiable."

That’s brave talk when the guy facing him across the negotiating table could be POTUS.

Even if he wanted to save Line 5, President Biden would face some very awkward optics.

Taking on a friendly governor to rescue a Canadian pipeline which runs underwater at an environmentally-sensitive junction is not exactly in line with his central theme of fighting climate change.

Even the argument that replacing a pipeline with thousands of higher-risk trucks and rail tankers every day only goes so far in pushing Biden outside his comfort zone.

Now, one government insider cautioned me, it’s unlikely the taps will turn off on May 11 at midnight.

There’s mediation under way and court challenges to be fought. The federal government is likely to join Enbridge in the legal action.

And Enbridge has contingency plans for the short term in the event Whitmer suddenly slaps a cork in the pipeline at her border.

Still, it falls on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to back the Enbridge court actions and use whatever goodwill clout he’s got with American politicians to keep the pipeline operating.

There are literally thousands of jobs on both sides of the border which would be lost to idled refineries if the pipeline is decommissioned. And the proposed tunnel-wrapped, deeply-buried Line 5 replacement is years away from completion, if it’s ever built.

With the ticking clock getting very loud indeed, department officials and our ambassador in Washington are huddling today for yet another strategy meeting.

There’s really nothing new to discuss beyond how much more targeted arm-twisting can be done without antagonizing the new administration.

If all else fails, perhaps we should go back in history to when the U.S. was more concerned about keeping the pipelines flowing than choking off supplies.

A sleepy-sounding Transit Pipeline Treaty was signed in 1977 to prevent public officials from impeding the flow of oil products between the two countries except in emergencies.

Ironically, the prime minister of the day was Pierre Trudeau.

And an influential senator supporting the agreement was …. double irony here … Joe Biden.

Perhaps it’s time Canada resurrected this treaty, one designed specifically to prevent this sort of rogue-state, cross-border energy obstruction, to insist that Line 5’s right to operate is ‘non-negotiable’.

That’s the bottom line.
We can close the Alaska Highway. All that fossil fuel being bought in carbon scam tax US and being used in Canada just to run supplies to a frozen wasteland. Also Ban all US vessels from the Inside Passage for the same reason. And to protect the 1000 or so miles of virgin pristine coastline from spills.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
US Democrats Help Kickstart Western Seperation

OTTAWA -- It’s a mid-sized pipeline with a bland name, but it packs a helluva punch to Central Canada’s energy supply.

Meet Line 5, a critical connection that will be ordered offline in just two weeks, an unjustified act of treaty-breaking hostility by our American neighbours.

The impact of any shutdown will be widely felt in Ontario and Quebec - at the pump, in the heating bill, in airline ticket prices and even at the backyard barbeque.

And that assumes there aren’t shortages of supply at any price.

Here’s the problem. For 68 years, Enbridge’s Line 5 has been pumping crude and natural gas products like propane across the bottom of the strait linking Lake Huron and Lake Michigan.

Yet despite a flawless safety record, beyond a dent from a tugboat’s dragging anchor, Line 5 carries the “unacceptable risk of a catastrophic oil spill," according to rookie Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

And in what seems to be setting up for a second 100 days that’s worse than his first in pipeline politics, U.S. President Joe Biden is not expected to save Line 5 from the governor’s wrath any more than he spared the Keystone XL pipeline from his inauguration day kill order.

If that happens, and there’s an air of inevitability about it, this is going to deliver a blunt-axe whack on Alberta as the oil supplier and to Central Canada as the consumer.

While modest in size at 540,000 barrels a day, Line 5 has an inordinately huge impact on multiple supply chains in Ontario, Quebec and several U.S. states.

It delivers two-thirds of Quebec’s crude requirements and meets 53 per cent of Ontario’s demand. It’s the dominant source of propane supplies in those provinces and several U.S. states. And it imports 100 per cent of the jet fuel for Toronto’s Lester Pearson Airport.

This has left the Canadian government under far greater cross-border duress than the untimely death of Keystone XL because this American irritant will be noticed by consumers in its Ontario base.

To give credit where due, Natural Resources Minister Seamus O’Regan gets high marks from the industry for leading the fight and declaring the continued operation of the pipeline to be “non-negotiable."

That’s brave talk when the guy facing him across the negotiating table could be POTUS.

Even if he wanted to save Line 5, President Biden would face some very awkward optics.

Taking on a friendly governor to rescue a Canadian pipeline which runs underwater at an environmentally-sensitive junction is not exactly in line with his central theme of fighting climate change.

Even the argument that replacing a pipeline with thousands of higher-risk trucks and rail tankers every day only goes so far in pushing Biden outside his comfort zone.

Now, one government insider cautioned me, it’s unlikely the taps will turn off on May 11 at midnight.

There’s mediation under way and court challenges to be fought. The federal government is likely to join Enbridge in the legal action.

And Enbridge has contingency plans for the short term in the event Whitmer suddenly slaps a cork in the pipeline at her border.

Still, it falls on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to back the Enbridge court actions and use whatever goodwill clout he’s got with American politicians to keep the pipeline operating.

There are literally thousands of jobs on both sides of the border which would be lost to idled refineries if the pipeline is decommissioned. And the proposed tunnel-wrapped, deeply-buried Line 5 replacement is years away from completion, if it’s ever built.

With the ticking clock getting very loud indeed, department officials and our ambassador in Washington are huddling today for yet another strategy meeting.

There’s really nothing new to discuss beyond how much more targeted arm-twisting can be done without antagonizing the new administration.

If all else fails, perhaps we should go back in history to when the U.S. was more concerned about keeping the pipelines flowing than choking off supplies.

A sleepy-sounding Transit Pipeline Treaty was signed in 1977 to prevent public officials from impeding the flow of oil products between the two countries except in emergencies.

Ironically, the prime minister of the day was Pierre Trudeau.

And an influential senator supporting the agreement was …. double irony here … Joe Biden.

Perhaps it’s time Canada resurrected this treaty, one designed specifically to prevent this sort of rogue-state, cross-border energy obstruction, to insist that Line 5’s right to operate is ‘non-negotiable’.

That’s the bottom line.
It will also hurt Michigan residents as well, we all know she don't care about that either

Line 5 Michigan - Enbridge Inc.
Line 5 helps heat Michigan homes, schools, hospitals and businesses, fuels vehicles, and powers industry by safely and reliably transporting light crude oil, light synthetic crude oil and natural gas liquids (NGL). Families and businesses in the Upper Peninsula rely on Line 5 to meet 65% of their propane demand.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Conservatives are always so jealous of people with a sense of humour 🤭

I think that it is the leftist lieberals that are really and truly jealous of Conservatives. After all, it is the Conservatives that have the brains and intelligence and do have a real sense of humor, while all the leftist lieberals have left with their low IQ,, are boring and lack of anything funny to say stupid jokes that sounds like they do not have any sense of humor at all. Lieberals are such a big joke anyway.

Those two buffoons like lieberal Colbert and Kimmel are always trying to make other dumb lieberals like themselves look and sound funny by trying to tell old stupid silly ass jokes about Trump. If that is all those two buffoons have left for jokes is trying to tell old jokes about Trump ad nauseam it is quite obvious that they have nothing better to offer as far as a sense of humor and jokes goes. Even Trump has a better sense of humor than any lieberals could ever have. :cool:

A recent study showed that 1 in 3 liberals are just as stupid as the other two liberals are. :LOL:

What's a liberals favorite drink? Whine. :ROFLMAO:

Have another joke less liberal day. Lol.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
US Democrats Help Kickstart Western Seperation

OTTAWA -- It’s a mid-sized pipeline with a bland name, but it packs a helluva punch to Central Canada’s energy supply.

Meet Line 5, a critical connection that will be ordered offline in just two weeks, an unjustified act of treaty-breaking hostility by our American neighbours.

The impact of any shutdown will be widely felt in Ontario and Quebec - at the pump, in the heating bill, in airline ticket prices and even at the backyard barbeque.

And that assumes there aren’t shortages of supply at any price.

Here’s the problem. For 68 years, Enbridge’s Line 5 has been pumping crude and natural gas products like propane across the bottom of the strait linking Lake Huron and Lake Michigan.

Yet despite a flawless safety record, beyond a dent from a tugboat’s dragging anchor, Line 5 carries the “unacceptable risk of a catastrophic oil spill," according to rookie Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

And in what seems to be setting up for a second 100 days that’s worse than his first in pipeline politics, U.S. President Joe Biden is not expected to save Line 5 from the governor’s wrath any more than he spared the Keystone XL pipeline from his inauguration day kill order.

If that happens, and there’s an air of inevitability about it, this is going to deliver a blunt-axe whack on Alberta as the oil supplier and to Central Canada as the consumer.

While modest in size at 540,000 barrels a day, Line 5 has an inordinately huge impact on multiple supply chains in Ontario, Quebec and several U.S. states.

It delivers two-thirds of Quebec’s crude requirements and meets 53 per cent of Ontario’s demand. It’s the dominant source of propane supplies in those provinces and several U.S. states. And it imports 100 per cent of the jet fuel for Toronto’s Lester Pearson Airport.

This has left the Canadian government under far greater cross-border duress than the untimely death of Keystone XL because this American irritant will be noticed by consumers in its Ontario base.

To give credit where due, Natural Resources Minister Seamus O’Regan gets high marks from the industry for leading the fight and declaring the continued operation of the pipeline to be “non-negotiable."

That’s brave talk when the guy facing him across the negotiating table could be POTUS.

Even if he wanted to save Line 5, President Biden would face some very awkward optics.

Taking on a friendly governor to rescue a Canadian pipeline which runs underwater at an environmentally-sensitive junction is not exactly in line with his central theme of fighting climate change.

Even the argument that replacing a pipeline with thousands of higher-risk trucks and rail tankers every day only goes so far in pushing Biden outside his comfort zone.

Now, one government insider cautioned me, it’s unlikely the taps will turn off on May 11 at midnight.

There’s mediation under way and court challenges to be fought. The federal government is likely to join Enbridge in the legal action.

And Enbridge has contingency plans for the short term in the event Whitmer suddenly slaps a cork in the pipeline at her border.

Still, it falls on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to back the Enbridge court actions and use whatever goodwill clout he’s got with American politicians to keep the pipeline operating.

There are literally thousands of jobs on both sides of the border which would be lost to idled refineries if the pipeline is decommissioned. And the proposed tunnel-wrapped, deeply-buried Line 5 replacement is years away from completion, if it’s ever built.

With the ticking clock getting very loud indeed, department officials and our ambassador in Washington are huddling today for yet another strategy meeting.

There’s really nothing new to discuss beyond how much more targeted arm-twisting can be done without antagonizing the new administration.

If all else fails, perhaps we should go back in history to when the U.S. was more concerned about keeping the pipelines flowing than choking off supplies.

A sleepy-sounding Transit Pipeline Treaty was signed in 1977 to prevent public officials from impeding the flow of oil products between the two countries except in emergencies.

Ironically, the prime minister of the day was Pierre Trudeau.

And an influential senator supporting the agreement was …. double irony here … Joe Biden.

Perhaps it’s time Canada resurrected this treaty, one designed specifically to prevent this sort of rogue-state, cross-border energy obstruction, to insist that Line 5’s right to operate is ‘non-negotiable’.

That’s the bottom line.

This is what happens when welfare recipient politicians get involved in anything that has to do with the free enterprise system. More taxes, more government, and less freedom is Canada's problems today. Canada has only a bunch of leftist liberals, socialists, communists, pinko conservatives and environ"mental" wackos running this once great country.

Bidumb and Turdeau are two peas in a communist pod. One is a dumb communist and the other is dumber then dumb democrat liberal communist. When those two get together and are in power in both countries at the same time this is what Canadians will get. More hardship, more bull shit and more political shit.

Western Canada needs to separate fast if it is to survive another, hopefully not, four more years of the communist buffoon that Canada has now running this country. The communist government in Da Attawa "IS" the problem, and not the solution. It's time to go Western Canada. Stop trying to negotiate with the communists in Da Attawa. Live free or die. It's your call and move now Western Canada. ;)


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Democrats love to shoot themselves in the mouth.
Doesn't Michigan have one of the highest crime cities in the continent?

I hear that Michigan apparently has one mean bitch running that state. She has become a real communist like tyrannical dictator in that American state. While over 22 American states have pretty much drooped all of their Convid 1984 restrictions and gave their people back their old normal freedoms this dumb bitch wants to keep the Convid 1984 restrictions in place.

Of course, here in Canada, we have the same kinds of dumb ass political leaders who want to do the same thing. Keep this Convid 1984 hoax alive and well. They do not want to give up their new found communist like dictatorial powers and control over we the stupid Canadian sheeple that has been handed to them thanks to this Convid 1984 farce and hoax. It's the majority of Canadian buffoons out there that is keeping this Convid virus alive and well. It would seem that those buffoons seem to love communism and living in a communist country called Canada now.

Apparently, there was one American Red state that had a UFC fight going on in one of their stadiums where the fans in the audience were all mask less and were not social distancing. OH MY!! They are all going to die now from Covid now. LOL. Tens of thousands of UFC fans all huddled together enjoying their freedoms once again. I doubt that will be happening anytime soon here in commie country Canada. Yet, the poor smucks in Blue Michigan state still have to live with their communist like Convid 1984 restrictions for at least another who knows how long. They should think about moving to a RED state where freedom thrives once again.

Maybe this is why comrade Doug Ford does not want the land border crossings to open ever again. Ford's slaves in Ontario might drive into one of those RED states and see something that he does not want them to see, FREEDOM and FUN being had by all in those RED states. If some of them were to go visit one of those RED states and then they return home to Ontario they may come back and spread the word and may start to demand their FREEDOMS and FUN and their old normal lives back once again.

Hey, we never know, eh Dougie boy? :D Your day in the court of opinion will hopefully come one day. You will always then be remembered only as a dictator and not a real and true Conservative leader. Only you can end this Convid 1984 bull shit once and for all. Open up Ontario. Works for me. ;)


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I think that it is the leftist lieberals that are really and truly jealous of Conservatives. After all, it is the Conservatives that have the brains and intelligence and do have a real sense of humor, while all the leftist lieberals have left with their low IQ,, are boring and lack of anything funny to say stupid jokes that sounds like they do not have any sense of humor at all. Lieberals are such a big joke anyway.

Those two buffoons like lieberal Colbert and Kimmel are always trying to make other dumb lieberals like themselves look and sound funny by trying to tell old stupid silly ass jokes about Trump. If that is all those two buffoons have left for jokes is trying to tell old jokes about Trump ad nauseam it is quite obvious that they have nothing better to offer as far as a sense of humor and jokes goes. Even Trump has a better sense of humor than any lieberals could ever have. :cool:

A recent study showed that 1 in 3 liberals are just as stupid as the other two liberals are. :LOL:

What's a liberals favorite drink? Whine. :ROFLMAO:

Have another joke less liberal day. Lol.

You're right. Conservatives are funnier 😇