Trudeau Liberals surge ahead over Conservatives


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I couldn't do nearly as good, but at least I'd start out by TRYING to fill positions with the MOST qualified people, NOT trying to attain a balance between genders. Overriding that fact I'd hope I have enough brains not to run in the first place! Eron O'Toole should just tell us WHAT he is going to do and QUIT sniping at Trudeau 24/7. We ALL know he's a loser, but it's too late, for get it! :)

Honestly, I'm tired of this "Balanced Government People" BS too. Pick the best people for the job and just get on with it already. And if the Cabinet IS full of men, women, all colors and genders, great, awesome! And if it's not; if they do the job then great, awesome!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I couldn't do nearly as good, but at least I'd start out by TRYING to fill positions with the MOST qualified people, NOT trying to attain a balance between genders. Overriding that fact I'd hope I have enough brains not to run in the first place! Eron O'Toole should just tell us WHAT he is going to do and QUIT sniping at Trudeau 24/7. We ALL know he's a loser, but it's too late, for get it! :)
In your reply there is enough to make you a better fit then what we have .
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Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
I think it's moreso that they don't understand that Canada has changed both politically and socially and the 'old values' don't work anymore. People might be all for lower taxes and smaller government still, but they want more liberal social ideas. The Cons just don't do that.

They ever get someone who can walk both lines, they might have a chance; until then, they're gonna be the whiney bitches they are.
You just spoke the Toole mandate out loud, are you a supporter of his?


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
1.8% increase in pay for elected officials kicked in April 1 adds $3,300 to the lowest level bumping it to $182,000. Another one coming next year.

3.5 times average Canadian median income. Never mind the expense account or the golden pension at the end for all the years of hard work and devotion.

It's an incredibly broken system with appointed senators on the same gravy train.

Time for reform or to somehow bail on the system which is what everyone does anyway to the extent that they can.

A 20% cut across the board is totally justifiable. Green party, please step up.

What? Are you trying to say here that our dear welfare recipient dictating politicians are not worth a pay raise for taking away our rights and freedoms? Shocking!!! :ROFLMAO:

Here in communist BC, our dear globalist comrade so called health official Bonnie Poo Henry gets paid $360,000 bucks a year to get to feed bull shit to we the stupid people of BC. This moron has the nerve to tell us that we should now stay in our own city and do not travel to the city next door. WTF?

The contempt that our fearless welfare recipient politicians have for us is quite astounding to say the least. So called conservative Doug Ford, ha-ha, is treating his citizen's like total buffoons. Sadly, those buffoons keep doing what he says without a question or challenge. They get the government that they deserve and boy are they sure getting what they deserve. Aw well.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Yea, it's probably time to give up the racism, sexism, homophobia, climate change denial, economic fear mongering and religious zealotry.

If they can get those few things under control they might have a shot.

All those things you mentioned above are all necessary evils for our welfare recipient comrade politicians to use against we the sheeple to try and keep us all divided and conquered. Stop listening to those welfare recipient dictating politician bums and those lying and fake social justice warrior MSM fake reporters and journalists. They both have become the real enemy of we the people. Hello out there? Are you listening? :cool:
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Actually, we need a real "Conservative" now more than ever. If we did have a "true" Conservative Leader, it would certainly be the best option for Canadians. Unfortunately, we don't & I don't see one in the horizon - maybe the People's Party but we'd require a leader that one can actually understand what they're saying & one with clear objectives & solutions to what ails our Country; someone with "common sense" who isn't in it for the money or credit but someone who actually cares what happens to us. I would even go so far as to state we need a "Leader" period albeit Liberal or Conservative - someone who doesn't pit one part of the country against the other and who won't be intimidated by the "progressives" (in actuality regressive) idiots currently in power.

Guess I'm asking for a lot LOL!

The Conservative People's Party of Canada are against mandatory vaccinations and mandatory vaccine passports. No lock downs, no quarantines for traveller's or businesses. No forced mask wearing and no social distance requirements. In other words, the PPC are in favor of going back to the good old normal life and days before this Convid 1984 hoax came along. Many American states have dropped all their Covid 1984 restrictions and have given freedom back to their citizen's. When will a province in Canada do the same? At this time none seem to want to do so. i guess the dictator politicians of all our provinces like their communist like dictating power that has been handed to them on a silver platter and do not want to give them up. Today, Canada has pretty much become a communist looking country. Hard to believe but oh so true. It's time for we the people to take our country back from those welfare recipient political bum dictators. :D
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Yep that's why I'm asking, you were railing about the Reform party that was in charge for the last 15 years you know the one the West endorses.

Yeah, the one the west endorses. A conservative party that is so far right it should be considered illegal (and yes, I think far left should also be illegal).
The Toole is from the old PC party line, Liberal lite

LOL - are you serious? O'Toole "liberal lite"? LOL. That's hilarious...