Becoming independent is hardly stealing.
Yes, it is. It's stealing British land from Britain. There is no justification for those 13 colonies belonfing to the United States, regardless of what your romantic history books say.
So vast swathes of eastern America was stolen from the British.
Most of western and southern America was stolen off Mexico.
Even areas that weren't part of the 13 colonies were stolen, such as Florida. Florida was stolen from the British by the Spanish. That only became American because Americans started to settle in Florida in defiance of the Spanish governors and claimed it for America. Florida was basically invaded by the United States.
Ohio was also British, until we were told to hand it to the Americans in 1783.
Alabama was stolen from the British by the Spanish AND Americans, splitting it between them, until the Americans shat on the Spanish by stealing the Spanish part of Alabama.
Hawaii was an independent nation state with its own monarchy until the Americans simply arrives and took it.
The only parts of the United States which are legitimately part of the United States are Alaska and those areas which were part of the Louisiana Purchase, which the United States bought, and Washington State and Oregon, which the United States bought off Britain in 1846.
So the United States should only consist of this area...
... and Washington State, Oregon and Alaska. The rest should be handed back to its rightful owners.