Proving there is life after death, or not, could win you $500K


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Proving there is life after death, or not, could win you $500K
Postmedia News
Jan 22, 2021 • 18 hours ago • 2 minute read
This NASA photo shows NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver and President and founder of Bigelow Aerospace Robert T. Bigelow as they talk while standing next to the Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM) on January 16, 2013 in Las Vegas. Photo by BILL INGALLS /AFP/Getty Images
An American multimillionaire known for chasing UFOs has another question he’s dying to have answered.
Namely, is there life after death?
And Robert Bigelow, a 75-year-old Las Vegas-based entrepreneur who has long funded UFO research projects, is willing to pay for your answer. Big money, too.
Bigelow, the owner of Budget Suites of America, announced earlier this week via his Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies an essay contest that will pay out nearly $1 million for proof, according to the New York Times.
A 25,000-word thesis that confirms whether or not there is life after death – a panel of academics and scientists will judge the work – must be submitted to the Institute before Aug. 1, 2021. The winner, which will be announced Nov. 1, will get a whopping $500,000 while the second and third-place entrants get $300,000 and $150,000, respectively.
There’s one caveat: The contest is only open to legit scientists who have been working in the field of neurology and psychology
Bigelow started the Institute for Consciousness Studies after the death of his wife of 55 years, Diane Mona Bigelow, in February. The 72-year-old died of bone marrow disease and leukemia.
That, along with Bigelow’s otherworldly and paranormal interests, sparked the Institute and its ensuing essay contest.
“The Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies, was formed to try to conduct research and facilitate research into the possibility of the survival of human consciousness beyond bodily death,” he told Mystery Wire.
And he has a valid reason for wanting to know.
“It may matter what you do while you’re here,” he told the Times. “It could make a difference on the other side.”
Bigelow is the sole owner of Bigelow Aerospace – creator of the Bigelow Expandable Activity Module used in space by NASA – and Budget Suites of America. He has spent $350 million on developing his aerospace company, which he called “my own real black hole” in a Times report, that he founded in 1999.
In 1992, Bigelow lost his 24-year-old son Rod Lee to suicide then, 19 years later, grandson Rod II, also to suicide after a bout of drug addiction.
In an effort to get over his son’s death, Bigelow turned to a medium but there was no contact.
“But what I got out of the readings, I think, was that his spirit existed and that he was OK,” Bigelow told the Times.
In addition to his interest in UFOs, Bigelow also founded the National Institute of Discovery Science to study paranormal phenomena. He bought Skinwalker Ranch in Utah, a parcel of land named after Navajo shape-shifting witches that has long been connected to weird and unexplainable goings-on.
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Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Been there, done that.. eternal darkness..

Had a traffic accident when I was in my 20's, wasn't wearing a seat belt..

You know when they tell you wear a seatbelt or you will go through the window, they lie..

The window shatters alright and as you scrape your head and face along it and you get shards of glass stuck in your scalp and get scalped.

The steering wheel and your teeth do a pretty good job of severing your bottom lip off too.

The police and hospital claimed I was dead for about 20 minutes from the car to the hospital.

When they called my parents, only my father went to the hospital to claim my body.. my mom was too distraught.

What a surprise to my dad when he arrived at the hospital and I was alive, me too after they told me what happen and I looked in the mirror.. with no bottom lip and looking like a pincushion with glass stuck out of my head and face and blood everywhere..
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Sounds familiar but as a passenger I did end up on the hood staring at a box elder that jumped in front of Kevin's 65 'Stang. I have the linear scars to prove it.

I got my revenge, the dash and glove box took the brunt of my knees.

Fuck, that was a nice car.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
6 ft pine box.
This will be for the body only, not for the soul or the spirit.
The body will decay, while the spiritual soul will survive forever: if good will be in prosperity, and if bad will be in hell and suffering.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Proving there is life after death, or not, could win you $500K

The essential part of belief is the belief in the Next Life or Afterlife.
The believer believes in the Next Afterlife, while the disbeliever deny it; and even if he is doubt about the Next Afterlife, he is a disbeliever.

God let Satan suggest to man in order to know who is certain and who is in doubt about the Next Life.

Quran 34: 21, which means:
(Yet [Iblies or Satan] had no authority over them a, but only that We would know [and distinguish] the one believing in the Next Life from the one doubting about it;
surely your Lord [O Mohammed] is All-Observing of everything.

More explanation:


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
I would have to agree with TS - the word spirit is actually a mathematical equation written in greek.
the word Pi in there being an obvious clue.

It gives irrational numbers as answers relevant to both the Tau cross ( T ) and the Wheel or Celtic cross ( R ). The word Holy does the same.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
There is no such thing as soul or spirit. All made up to keep the peons living in fear.
This is the non-sense in fact!
How can you assert this with certainty?

One point can be the answer to you: if you speak about yourself, and you say: I am.. what do you mean: do you mean your body or what?

Now say: "I am" and ask yourself this question: what do I mean? Do I mean my body?

Of course, no... but you point to your soul which is inside your body, and the body is only a cover for the soul.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I would have to agree with TS - the word spirit is actually a mathematical equation written in greek.
the word Pi in there being an obvious clue.

It gives irrational numbers as answers relevant to both the Tau cross ( T ) and the Wheel or Celtic cross ( R ). The word Holy does the same.

When your father or grandfather died, what happened to him .. so that his body is there, but it is only a dead body.
Moreover, the sleeping man does not see or hear the surroundings.. so what happened to him: because his organs are intact, while he is unaware and if you speak to him he will not answer.

Another point: the thirsty plant: you water it, and it becomes viable, while beforehand it was withering: so the water is the reason for the life of the plant, and similarly, the soul or the spirit is the reason for the life of the body, without which the body will die.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Now let us suppose the human body is a robot: why doesn't the robot have free will, and of his own accord go wherever he wants, but only according to his programs?
While the man goes wherever he wants and thinks as he likes? that is because the true man is not the body, but the soul and the soul thinks and feels the emotions and the pain and pleasure, not the body.
Because the robot has no soul or sprit, and it is only a machine.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The body (like the robot) cannot go wherever it likes, but the soul is the driver that drives the body and uses it to its purposes... like the unconscious man: the body is there but has no will to move as it likes.
Then when man awakes, he can go wherever he likes.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
This is also in the Quran 22: 5, which means:
(If you [people] are in doubt about the sending forth [of souls to the 'gathering together' for Judgment in the Next Life], then [know that]

We created you from dust,

then from scanty fluid [: semen],

then from a ‘structure shaped like the mosquito larva’,

then from a 'morsel of flesh': completely created and incompletely created,

and We keep in the wombs whatever We want [to continue living] to an appointed time [of birth],

then We take you out [of your mothers' wombs] as a child [after another],

then that you may
attain your [age of] full ‘perfection and strength’,

and some of you are called to die [at your age of full ‘perfection and strength’ or before it], and some may be left to attain his lowliest elderly so that he may not – following his knowledge – know anything.

You even may see the land desolate but when We send the [rain] water down on it, it quivers [with the plant], and swells and [that soil] grows every pleasant kind [of plant.]

More explanation by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
This is the non-sense in fact!
How can you assert this with certainty?

One point can be the answer to you: if you speak about yourself, and you say: I am.. what do you mean: do you mean your body or what?

Now say: "I am" and ask yourself this question: what do I mean? Do I mean my body?

Of course, no... but you point to your soul which is inside your body, and the body is only a cover for the soul.
Have you ever seen a soul or spirit? No. Because there is no such thing.