Anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers file $11M lawsuit against Trudeau

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Just like everything else today, societal influencers have found it exceedingly efficient to put people against each other and create division within our society in order to force an idea or agenda. Nothing is ever quite as black and white as you may believe. Just like the yellow vest movement, black lives matter, etc. it's a little bit more nuanced than simply labelling anyone who is skeptical of the current narrative. "You're either a normal person, or an extreme tin foil hat wearing "anti-vaxer".... It's not true.

Believe it or not, you can be skeptical of the safety of a vaccine that would typically take years to develop... but has been pushed out in 8 months without being an "anti-vaxer". These labels are intended to discourage resistance and promote conformity. Funny though, you don't really see skeptics calling you an extremist, impugning your judgment or labeling you for being pro-vaccine. You don't see them trying to persuade you not to take the vaccine.

Oh, and btw, the article in the OP doesn't seem to have much to do with "anti-vaxers". The lawsuit appears to be over their response to the pandemic including business closures, mask mandates and social distancing rules.

The plaintiffs are arguing that the defendants' "extreme, unwarranted and unjustified" responses to the pandemic were "not scientific, nor medically based, nor proven." They also allege government mask mandates can cause "physical and psychological harm," according to the lawsuit.
The development of any pharmaceutical is only the first step and as you pointed-out, can take many years... On top of this, the testing protocols from the various regulatory bodies in any nation can also take years based on the premise that a lot of time is required in order to understand the short and medium terms affects/risks and dangers.... Bear in mind, this does not go far enough to understand or recognize any long term affects.

That said, how can any real confidence be applied to these vaccines for a virus that the experts/authorities deem 'novel'.

Mandating inoculation be mandatory is no different than the gubmint mandating that you be a lab rat


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Because it's mainly intended to show your virtue, that you're doing your part, and that "we're all in this together".

Also interesting that public education of proper mask use has been largely abandoned by the powers that be. In fact, most mask proponents are now telling people to wear a mask in restaurants and pull your mask down between bites!! Guess as long as it looks like you're conforming and are on board, it's good enough.

Not sure about gloves, but the disposable masks that everyone uses are not rated to stop anything smaller than a booger. They fit too loose and the virus and particles it's attached to simply passes right through them. N95 masks are marginally better if fitted properly and not pulled up and down constantly, but even those only filter particles down to .3 microns (the virus is between .06 and .125 microns for reference.) N95 will stop some water vapour that the virus is attached to (avg. .5-10 microns).
I've been wondering about that as when I take my walk in the morning I often encounter masks discarded on the street. Slobs? :)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Sadly, it's drivel like this on the internet that perpetuates the problems we're dealing with.

Some truth mixed with misunderstanding pushes the problem forward.

You're just wrong with a good portion of your assertions but I'm not about to get into an argument on the internet as to why.
Pete isn't wrong. And almost nobody is saying don't take precautions ,but we did not have to crater the economy to cure the virus.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Any barrier between you and the virus is bound to be better than nothing! Not rocket science!
Not really when it comes to masks. That has been one of the greatest fall downs in all our government directives about mask wearing. Very few people have been trained properly about masks. If you touch a surface and then readjust your mask without washing your hands you have just eliminated whatever small benefit that mask may have been to you. Then there is the noticeable lack of mask washing and replacement. If you have had a mask on for 4 hrs or it is wet it needs changing and washing.


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
Any barrier between you and the virus is bound to be better than nothing! Not rocket science!
Actually, there's good evidence to suggest that the opposite is true. Not only do masks offer a false sense of security which makes people complacent on more effective control measures like physical distancing, etc., but as TS indicated, improper mask use and constantly touching your mask could actually be promoting a perfect pathway to the location the virus trying to get to...the holes in your face. It's never as simple as you may think.
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Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
Pete isn't wrong. And almost nobody is saying don't take precautions ,but we did not have to crater the economy to cure the virus.
It's polarizing, just as we've been conditioned to respond to virtually everything nowadays by government and SJW's. Either you buy into what's being shoved down your throat, or you're an "anti-vaxxer", or "anti-masker", or anti....whatever. The skill of independent critical thought has been all but weaned out of society, replaced with smarmy, arrogant labeling, character attack, and intimidation designed to promote conformance and obedience. No longer are people allowed to question the "experts", even though the experts often tend to be proven completely wrong in hindsight, after the damage has been done. Even Anthony Faucci scoffed at the use of masks not too long ago, when it appeared that mask shortages were going to be a problem within the front-line workers. But he found the path and is on the righteous side now.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I see far to much of it to be the minority. Not everybody but a significant number.
Where I live I find most people are pretty considerate and walk the extra few step to the garbage receptacles. On another matter virtually everyone (among regular walkers) will step aside in the interest of social distancing, even most of the school kids when walking on their lunch break are very considerate.


Council Member
Apr 24, 2020
Which part did you not like, the facts in graph form, the linked peer-reviewed studies, or the historical truths?

You cannot dispute any of the facts that has been presented in this thread, so you throw insults around.
Read the data, and try to actually cogitate on what you have read, you know, research to learn.

Here is a massive meta-analysis peer-reviewed study from the WHO,
all the evidence you need to leave your ignorance behind and start your journey back to humanity.
We will be here to welcome you, no name-calling, no belittling, no tit-for-tat.

Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. – Martin Luther King, Jr.

I'm not about to argue about this on the internet with some anonymous person who has pulled facts and then twisted them to suit their own narrative.

But you go on thinking that your strewn together theories mean something and arguing them. The rest of us and those in charge will do the heavy lifting while you critique.
  • Haha
Reactions: Aetheric


Council Member
Apr 24, 2020
Any barrier between you and the virus is bound to be better than nothing! Not rocket science!
This is true.

People who say that it is useless are like people who say that speeding laws are useless if someone speeds anyway. The reality is that if most people follow them then effectiveness ensues.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Sadly, there is no law against being a moron.

I hope that this case gets thrown out and they end up paying the gov't's legal fees.
Seems to me that being against a vaccine that will have been rushed through without rigorous testing and in a matter of months rather than a decade and we don't even know what's in it is a sensible position to take.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
And in the case of vaccination, like anything else, I will do what needs to be done to protect myself and my family, and let the antis fall by the wayside!View attachment 3074
So you would willingly give your children a mysterious substance that has been rushed through so quickly that not enough research and testing will have been done on it?


Council Member
Apr 24, 2020
Seems to me that being against a vaccine that will have been rushed through without rigorous testing and in a matter of months rather than a decade and we don't even know what's in it is a sensible position to take.
The vaccine issue itself I am going to consider to be a separate issue in this suit. My point would be more directed towards the "mask mandates and social distancing rules" of it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
So you would willingly give your children a mysterious substance that has been rushed through so quickly that not enough research and testing will have been done on it?
" rushed through so quickly" are your words, possibly of no real concern. What I would be most concerned is the amount of time and the process involved in the testing. If they tested a thousand people and it worked, what is your concern?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
" rushed through so quickly" are your words, possibly of no real concern. What I would be most concerned is the amount of time and the process involved in the testing. If they tested a thousand people and it worked, what is your concern?
If it's okay to rush through a vaccine in a much shorter period of time than it normally takes, why are many medical experts so concerned and why does it usually take so long when it can be done much quicker?


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
So you would willingly give your children a mysterious substance that has been rushed through so quickly that not enough research and testing will have been done on it?
Either I didn't explain myself properly or you jumped to conclusions . what I meant was that I will take the vaccine so that I am not a carrier of the virus so I don't infect any of my family, who by the way are all grown-up.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Either I didn't explain myself properly or you jumped to conclusions . what I meant was that I will take the vaccine so that I am not a carrier of the virus so I don't infect any of my family, who by the way are all grown-up.
Oh, that's alright then. You can inject whatever you want into yourself, however dubious.

Just don't insult all those people who don't want to take a mysterious government injectable.