we all should be ready to stand and support and/or join protesting this abomination of our natural rights as free humans
if not, we will be on our knees for generations
show of hands, who has been able to discuss or add to their new normal/reset plans?
we are to just sit-back and shut-up as they fundamentally change our society to their decrees, and allow them to inject foreign rna/dna into our cells
allow them to take and own everything, while they generously allow us to rent/lease everything
you'd be surprised how many people are begging for the government to strip them of all their humanity and become chattel slaves
there is nothing as anti-science as open dialog being shut down
we are descending into a technocratic oligarchy (a small group of elites and their 'experts), and any opposing views are derogatorily labeled and censored
this 'anti-vaxxer' narrative was visibly being ramped-up in the years preceding this 'pandemic', and here we are with the hatred firmly implanted triggered
it is now a visceral reaction impervious to facts, and you can see this throughout this episode
they demand peer-reviewed studies, so you produce them, they call you names, they point out how the orange man in a foreign country is evil, never an open discussion of the available data
not from media, not from government, not from science bodies, not from social platforms, nowhere will you find open discussion without a concerted effort on your part to search like a detective (like the lady in the vid above, just an average person doing the research we should have been given for informed consent)
masks don't work for this, proven by all the studies (statistically insignificant help for a very negative physical, mental and social gain)
lock-downs don't work, the data is undeniable
livelihoods destroyed, suicides, depression/rage, cancers and heart conditions going undiagnosed (look for spikes in the years ahead), millions of children projected to die and enter poverty again (for the first time in a long time the world is getting economically worse off instead of growing)
all this for a disease that infects 0.55% of the population, and has a 99.92% chance of recovery for those under 70
(a total population under 70 survival rate of 99.99956%)
- on to some written evidence -
from a
study in the lancet:
Lastly, government actions such as border closures, full lockdowns, and a high rate of COVID-19 testing were not associated with statistically significant reductions in the number of critical cases or overall mortality.
study in japan:
Face mask use in health care workers has not been demonstrated to provide benefit in terms of cold symptoms or getting colds.
from the annals of internal medicine comes this
...a recommendation to wear a surgical mask when outside the home among others did not reduce, at conventional levels of statistical significance, incident SARS-CoV-2 infection compared with no mask recommendation.
- and some pictorial evidence -