COVID-19 'Pandemic'

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
What point you are willing to send people to countries with dictators (sh*t hole countries) no?
Not suggesting "Sending" anyone anywhere. The concept was to have cults like the neo Nazis and other extremists travel to dictatorships and live there for a while.........just to experience the real thing. They obviously don't appreciate the democracy they live in.
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Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
Gee, I hope the CDC gets a warning out to all the parents of little trick-or-treaters about the danger of that nasty life threatening bacteria filled spit that will be on the insides of their little Batman and Cinderella masks this coming Halloween. Would be a shame if little ones got a life threatening infection while hitting the neighbours up for some free Mars Bars.

I'll call myself out on this since no one else has yet. I should have said a Spiderman mask, a Batman mask would be safe, it would be that Spiderman mask that'd kill ya.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Those that want fascism should move to a country with that style of government.........and leave the rest to keep democracy fertile. They could find out directly what it is like . Mind you , they should NOT plan on returning.....if they don't like it. One way ticket to their authoritarian nation of choice .
Those in DENIAL........... can't be helped........... except with drugs.( mental health type)
Those that support to the bitter end.......regardless of consequences..........( are a cult......... and need group therapy).........
........Starving for a more rational world. ;-) Time for a calm after a major storm.

How high did you have to jump to reach that conclusion. I hope you didn't hurt yourself.

Because I know you wouldn't go back to read Cliffy I brought it to you and highlighted it for you so you don't miss it


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

The models say between 15 and 22 thousand deaths depending on population behaviour and government restrictions.
The very same models Doug Ford is adhering to.

The sky will always be falling as long as we have covidiots around who will still adhere to and believe the lies of their political masters and the lying media. This is not about a virus anymore, it is about power and control and our dear comrade leaders are taking advantage of this power and control given to them using this Convid virus as an excuse.

Stupidity is spreading faster in Canada than the virus. It certainly shows today that Canada has more stupid people running around than smart and intelligent ones. Wearing a mask outdoors has to be one of the most stupid things that anyone should be doing. Stupid bunch of trained seal followers. They make me always want to puke. Pathetic lowlifes.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
I'll call myself out on this since no one else has yet. I should have said a Spiderman mask, a Batman mask would be safe, it would be that Spiderman mask that'd kill ya.

It's your dear comrade leaders that are trying to kill you, fella. They have already been responsible for thousands of deaths in Canada, especially elderly people, and they are planning on killing more elderly this winter. But if one is not elderly, well then, who gives a bloody dam, right? This has nothing to do with a virus. It has more to do with power and control over we the sheeple by the communist globalists and their power crazy puppet on a string politicians that have been given the power and the glory to now rule over us. Woke up you bunch of following buffoons.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Not suggesting "Sending" anyone anywhere. The concept was to have cults like the neo Nazis and other extremists travel to dictatorships and live there for a while.........just to experience the real thing. They obviously don't appreciate the democracy they live in.

Better still let those leftits liberal/socialists/communists Convid 19 followers and believers go try living in some communist dictatorship country for awhile just to experience the real thing because they are the ones who do not appreciate the freedom and democracy that they live in now. Sadly, Canada appears to have more communist minded buffoons living in this country than there are of Nazis's or white extremists. It is those commies that are running and ruining this country with there communist programs and agendas. They need to be all shipped out to a communist country where they truly belong. Works like hell for me. LOL


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
It's your dear comrade leaders that are trying to kill you, fella. They have already been responsible for thousands of deaths in Canada, especially elderly people, and they are planning on killing more elderly this winter. But if one is not elderly, well then, who gives a bloody dam, right? This has nothing to do with a virus. It has more to do with power and control over we the sheeple by the communist globalists and their power crazy puppet on a string politicians that have been given the power and the glory to now rule over us. Woke up you bunch of following buffoons.

You really need to stop listening to your neighbours dog.

And for the record, I'm not a fella.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

😡 BBC £390k DJ Chases Man Not Wearing Mask 😷 SHARE

This is scandalous. Surely this can’t be how we want our £157.50 licence fee spent???



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Can We Trust Or Believe ANYTHING or Any MP Anymore?

What's the truth...I mean the REAL truth????????



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

BREAKING 😷 Masks OUTDOORS Across ALL Italy 🇮🇹 By Law

😮 doesn’t this go against all of the science we’ve been told???

What IS going on?



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
And ironically there are so many people on here who will try to tell you it is no worse than the flu or a cold or will even tell you a hundred or a thousand deaths is nothing to concern yourself about. I guess until they are one of the hundred or thousand! You just can't fix stupid!

Do you concern yourself with the thousands of deaths in Canada every year of the flu or do you just normally go round enacting your day to day life without even thinking about it?

You're right. You just can't fix stupid.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Come on, put the bravado and tough guy thing aside, you're better than that. You should know it neither impresses or intimidates me. So it's a waste of your time.
So the question I asked was how you cleaned/disinfected your mask/SCBA to which you answered only partly concerning masks. I asked what the step by step process was in cleaning both masks and your SCBA, so what is the process concerning your SCBA?
The remainder of your response concerning N95 masks and gloves and the protocols associated with their use is a mix of both common sense and common knowledge, so nothing enlightening in that at all. This is information that is repeated often in light of Covid and that any lay person is capable of understanding
Face diaper? So you're another of one of those guys? I swear, you all are cut from the same cloth. Do you really believe calling face masks face diapers gives one ounce of credence to any position you may offer on the subject? What is the point of it? What pleasure do you get from from calling them face diapers? It's so pointless and reflects nothing but a lack of reason and maturity.
Of course it makes sense that bacteria will collect on a face mask, so too can it on a ski mask, a motorcycle helmet, a face shield, a welders mask, an autobody painter's mask, a miner's mask etc. Again, provide the studies done that discusses the life threatening bacteria that plagues masks, disposable or not. Show me where Doctors are warning people of this life threatening bacteria that is widespread among wearers of multiple types of masks. I'll wait here while you look it up in a textbook...

If masks work, why do we have to social distance?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
If masks work, why do we have to social distance?

Because of a fact of life that even the most clueless dummy should understand. "There is nothing in this world that is 100% certain except for death and taxes" "It is better to remain silent and appear a fool...……………………………………..".


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Do you concern yourself with the thousands of deaths in Canada every year of the flu or do you just normally go round enacting your day to day life without even thinking about it?

You're right. You just can't fix stupid.

I'd explain it to you but you are too bloody dumb!


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Sadly NB is back to having Covid; breakout at a senior's home and traced back to Costco and a restaurant.

All it takes is one, just one...