Come on, put the bravado and tough guy thing aside, you're better than that. You should know it neither impresses or intimidates me. So it's a waste of your time.
So the question I asked was how you cleaned/disinfected your mask/SCBA to which you answered only partly concerning masks. I asked what the step by step process was in cleaning both masks and your SCBA, so what is the process concerning your SCBA?
The remainder of your response concerning N95 masks and gloves and the protocols associated with their use is a mix of both common sense and common knowledge, so nothing enlightening in that at all. This is information that is repeated often in light of Covid and that any lay person is capable of understanding
Face diaper? So you're another of one of those guys? I swear, you all are cut from the same cloth. Do you really believe calling face masks face diapers gives one ounce of credence to any position you may offer on the subject? What is the point of it? What pleasure do you get from from calling them face diapers? It's so pointless and reflects nothing but a lack of reason and maturity.
Of course it makes sense that bacteria will collect on a face mask, so too can it on a ski mask, a motorcycle helmet, a face shield, a welders mask, an autobody painter's mask, a miner's mask etc. Again, provide the studies done that discusses the life threatening bacteria that plagues masks, disposable or not. Show me where Doctors are warning people of this life threatening bacteria that is widespread among wearers of multiple types of masks. I'll wait here while you look it up in a textbook...