B.C. reports 102 new COVID-19 cases, two new deaths
Go cry to mom.Personal attacks are against ROC..........IF you are a mod.YOU should KNOW that. and set and example.
Canada now?He wanted to bet on the fatality rate for Canada against me. I say on October 21, it will surpass 50 deaths/day. When he realized I was serious, he got a little anxious. It's all good.
Smack talk is what I live for. $20, Pete. What do ya say?
Join your local fire department. I got better things to do with my time than look things up for stupid people.
You've changed the bet 3 times. Which now?He wanted to bet on the fatality rate for Canada against me. I say on October 21, it will surpass 50 deaths/day. When he realized I was serious, he got a little anxious. It's all good.
Smack talk is what I live for. $20, Pete. What do ya say?
Miller- a well known White Supremacist, who was discovered writing columns for White Nationalist websites in 2019, under a pseudym.
Giuliani-under investigation for corruption, fraud, and racketeering. Likely will do prison time.
Bill Barr- the worst. Attorney Generals are supposed to be impartial. Barr does Trumps bidding, and was appointed to either rig the election, or challenge the election results.
I hope Barr dies, but Miller and Giuliani I just want them to be sick for a couple of weeks.
Not a good year to be going as Batman.Gee, I hope the CDC gets a warning out to all the parents of little trick-or-treaters about the danger of that nasty life threatening bacteria filled spit that will be on the insides of their little Batman and Cinderella masks this coming Halloween. Would be a shame if little ones got a life threatening infection while hitting the neighbours up for some free Mars Bars.
Not a good year to be going as Batman.
I rarely ever gamble. It's common knowledge. You purposely altered that chart, so it ended when the COVID rate was just about to take off. Many people do not succumb to COVID until a month after they have been diagnosed with it (i.e. Herman Cain). Considering the daily COVID rate began its climb in early September, and did not hit 1,000 until mid September, then 2,000 at the beginning of October. We will likely see the fatality rate increase exponentially, most likely by mid October, although it is already increasing in the past few days.
The daily COVID death rate was at roughly 10 people for every 350 reported cases. Considering there were nearly 7 times that many cases today, that should be reflected in the figures by the end of the month. By that time, Saskatchewan will likely have a huge outbreak, as it's inevitable. They have dodged the bullet so far, but it's just a matter of time before it spreads all over the reserves, and into the inner city.
ROLMFAO. You truly are pathetic. GO get a reality check.What's both funny and pathetic about your response in calling me stupid is that it proves to me that you got nothing.
The first you pitched. Outbreak in SK within 14 days that kills 24 people for a total of 50.pete???
You have missed the point completely. and please don't make it personal.
Personal attacks are against ROC..........IF you are a mod.YOU should KNOW that. and set and example.
How high did you have to jump to reach that conclusion. I hope you didn't hurt yourself.What point you are willing to send people to countries with dictators (sh*t hole countries) no?
ROLMFAO. You truly are pathetic. GO get a reality check.