Muslim Brotherly Love via Torch light

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The Zionist here with the avatar of the calf

It maybe the love of the calf inserted in their hearts and moves in their blood, like their grandfathers.

Quran 2: 93, which means:
(And [the love of] the calf was effusive into [the pericardium of] their hearts; because of their infidelity.
Say [Mohammed, to them:] 'An evil belief is that which enjoins on you [such conduct] if [indeed] you are true believers [in the Torah, as you claim.]'

The complete interpretation here:

Comment: when the Israelite were in Egypt under the rule of Pharaoh, they fell in the idolatry: some of which was the worship of the calf which was prevalent in Egypt, then when they went with Moses, and he then left them and went to the Mount Hor, they worshiped the calf in his absence: the Samaritan made a statue of calf and they worshiped it.

Once again they worshiped the two statues of the calf made for them by Jeroboam, after the death of Solomon.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Your soul inclines to blasphemy, so you choose Tecumsehsbones as your example, but you missed this good man: Wokova: Jack Wilson
His name was Wovoka, not Wokova, and he was Paiute. I'm Shaawanwaki. It's like saying that an Arab should identify with a Persian religious leader. Different nation, different language, different religion.

Try not to be an ignorant bigot.

Hint: best way to do that is to keep your idiot mouth shut when you have no idea what the hell you're talking about, insh'Allah.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
White german people have always identified as white french people and vice versa.
Why do indians have to be so difficult
its so much easier to hate you all at once.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
His name was Wovoka, not Wokova, and he was Paiute. I'm Shaawanwaki. It's like saying that an Arab should identify with a Persian religious leader. Different nation, different language, different religion.
Try not to be an ignorant bigot.
Hint: best way to do that is to keep your idiot mouth shut when you have no idea what the hell you're talking about, insh'Allah.
Not every religion is God's religion. God's religion is to worship God the Creator alone without associate or patron, and not any god besides Him alone.

Therefore, if the Persian or the Turk or the Arab or even English is Muslim and believes in God and glorify God alone and none else besides Him, why shouldn't I follow and support him for God's religion and God's cause.

And if the Arab is an atheist and evil-doer, what have I to do with him? I quit myself from him in fact.

So it is not your tribe or your religion, but man should seek about God's religion.

IMO I think this Wovoka or the Wood Cutter.. I think he was a messenger to Red Indians, and most of them followed him and were thus saved.. but later they apostatized and returned to their idolatry and the Totem worship, and were annihilated in consequence: God set on them their enemies who almost eradicated them.

And not every prophet: there were many false prophets (priests) of the idol Baal, but one true prophet: Elijah of God Almighty.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
A messenger specific to Red Indians:
God is called the Great Spirit by the Red Indian.

The criteria of this Wovoka are indicative:
>> He was one of the custodian religious family.
>> He invited his people to God alone: the Great Spirit.
>> He said: I went to the Great Spirit and He told me so and so: (this is like the Isra of Prophet Mohammed: his spiritual night journey to heaven and approaching the Throne of God Who inspired and instructed him.
>> He said: I saw extensive fields in heaven (he means: Paradise or Heaven), and I saw the grandfathers: (He means their souls in the Next Life.)

But his message is exclusive only to Red Indians, while now
"anyone who seeks after the truth should hold fast with the Quran which no falsehood may affect whether beforehand or afterwards; it is the revelation from a Wise and Praiseworthy (God.)"


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Not every religion is God's religion.

That's quite possibly the best thing you've ever said.

You need to remember that.

For your religion, that of your intreperter, is not God's religion.

And unless you are God, you cannot say FOR CERTAIN whether your religion is God's or not.

God's religion is to worship God the Creator alone without associate or patron, and not any god besides Him alone.

Did you know God had a consort at one point?

Did you know the Creator is the general name for God to most people and thus worshipping a Creator IS worshipping God?

Thought not.

Therefore, if the Persian or the Turk or the Arab or even English is Muslim and believes in God and glorify God alone and none else besides Him, why shouldn't I follow and support him for God's religion and God's cause.[/.quote]

You don't know Islam and being Muslim IS what God's religion is.

IMO I think this Wovoka or the Wood Cutter.. I think he was a messenger to Red Indians, and most of them followed him and were thus saved.. but later they apostatized and returned to their idolatry and the Totem worship, and were annihilated in consequence: God set on them their enemies who almost eradicated them.

The level of your ignorance is amazing sometimes.

And not every prophet: there were many false prophets (priests) of the idol Baal, but one true prophet: Elijah of God Almighty.


And who is to say Mohammed was not a false prophet? Or those who followed after him?

You don't know.

You can't know.

You only have the word of men who say their 'word is of God' as proof.

Which is no proof at all.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
And who is to say Mohammed was not a false prophet?

The best proof that Mohammed was a true prophet and a messenger of God is that he invited people to God alone without associate or son or patron. And he broke up all the idols of his people.

So this is the best indication that he pertains to God, while if he was false, he would invite to the idolatry and the association with God.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Sorry no, different species. One is a bison. The calf likely used in the Middle East was a domesticated cow, not bison.

You are sophisticating.
So if the calf and the bison are not of the same kind (In fact, I did not say of the same species)
they are cousins then.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
God on His Throne of Glory watches the wrong-doers and they cannot escape from His requital.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
God's revenge will befall the Zionists of Tel Aviv within 10 days, God's willing:

As I explained that in the post #8.
And here is the recitation of the great soora 89.

And this is a nice recitation of this great soora where God threatened the disbelievers

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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Not every religion is God's religion. God's religion is to worship God the Creator alone without associate or patron, and not any god besides Him alone.
Therefore, if the Persian or the Turk or the Arab or even English is Muslim and believes in God and glorify God alone and none else besides Him, why shouldn't I follow and support him for God's religion and God's cause.
And if the Arab is an atheist and evil-doer, what have I to do with him? I quit myself from him in fact.
So it is not your tribe or your religion, but man should seek about God's religion.
IMO I think this Wovoka or the Wood Cutter.. I think he was a messenger to Red Indians, and most of them followed him and were thus saved.. but later they apostatized and returned to their idolatry and the Totem worship, and were annihilated in consequence: God set on them their enemies who almost eradicated them.
And not every prophet: there were many false prophets (priests) of the idol Baal, but one true prophet: Elijah of God Almighty.
Yeah, we never understood that. You can't be Shaawanwaki the religion if you're not Shaawanwaki the nation.

What does the god of some camel-riders thousands of miles away mean to me? No more than the god of some sheepherders a few hundred miles from them, or the gods of seafarers far to the cold north, or the gods of the people of the western deserts or the central grasslands.