Muslim Brotherly Love via Torch light


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
You deliberately evade the truth: the Palestinian existed in Palestine before the coming of the Hebrew with Moses then with Joshua.
Anyhow, as I said in the post #40
The Palestinian had been before the Hebrew came with Moses then with Joshua.. read the Torah (included in the Old Testament)
And to expose your trick: who were there in Palestine and Joshua fought them, and Saul fought and David fought them?? Was it empty land with no people there?
And I know your devilish deceit: so know that the Palestinian are the progeny of the Canaanite and the folks who inhabited Palestine at that time.
Anyhow, the ownership of the earth belongs to its True Owner God Almighty.
When the Palestinian fell in the idolatry, God brought against them the Hebrew with Moses and Joshua and God gave it to the Hebrew on condition they worship God alone without associate..
Then when the Hebrew fell in the idolatry, God stripped it from them and gave it to Christians, and God expelled all Jews from Palestine..
Then when Christians fell in the idolatry and associated the Christ with God in the glorifying and worshiping, God gave Palestine as inheritance to Muslims so as to worship God alone without associate or peer or son.
Now, some of Muslims have fallen in the enthusiasm about the Prophet himself and his family and they have glorified their tombs,
so God brought the Hebrew (with the assistance of some Crusaders), to degrade and discipline Muslims.. but God promised in the Quran and the Gospel to utterly destroy the Zionists and return the Aqsa Mosque to Muslims to worship God alone in this Holy Mosque and in the entire land of Palestine with safety and security and prosperity.

Where they not all one people at that time? Or was it 3 peoples Egyptians, Persians and Hebrews? You know the time before Mohammod and the scourge of Islam?

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The people lived in Palestine before the Hebrew were the people of Palestine at that time: the Palestinian and the Canaanite and the Amalecite: all of them were the ancestors of the Palestinian People.. but you deny all facts pretending not knowing: as if Palestine was a blank dead land without people living there.. they were not the Egyptian, not the Persian, but you only are cunning and a Wicked Zionist: that's it.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I love the righteous among the American People, not the American government, not the Zionist lobby there..

In fact all your words are the assertion of lies.
So according to your lies: the Israelite are the innocent and their neighbors are the terrorists; while the real truth is the opposite:

The Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv are not innocent, and they will pay the price of their crimes against the Palestinian People for the last 70 years.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Liar and guilty.. never on the same line of Jesus Christ, but on the same line of his enemies: the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv.

It is the Palestinian leadership that are truly godless & wicked. But since you approve of them keeping the average Palestinian down ensuring they remain poor, what does that say about you?


New Member
May 28, 2020
The term "Palaistine" comes from the Greeks and was first used by them in the 5th century BCE, specifically by thehistorian Hereodotus. It was used as a geographic term to describe the land along the sea from between the Phoenician and Egyptian kingdoms. He did use it in some references when he referred to ALL people living in where Syria, Israael and Jordan is today but never specific to Muslims and in fact only to differentiate the people living there from Phoenicians so he made no distinction between the Jews and other inhabitants of Palestine at that time.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
The people lived in Palestine before the Hebrew were the people of Palestine at that time: the Palestinian and the Canaanite and the Amalecite: all of them were the ancestors of the Palestinian People.. but you deny all facts pretending not knowing: as if Palestine was a blank dead land without people living there.. they were not the Egyptian, not the Persian, but you only are cunning and a Wicked Zionist: that's it.

Nomadic tribes with a couple of fishing villages?


New Member
May 28, 2020
Girth does my reputation precede me? Why doth thou ask pray tell?

Me thinketh this thread is quite funny.

I sometimes believe such threads are fake and posed to incite hatred to fish for extremists to either recruit or track or someone believes beards without mustaches are hip.

Either way the disinformation is absurd.

Trying to pretend there was a Palestinian civilization is hilarious. Then again people like to reinvent and rewrite history.

On a more serious note. I lived in Israel and witnessed things and learned things from BOTH Palestinians and Israelis. What I do say unreservedly is that no Palestinian let alone Arab or Muslim would use the vocabulary, syntax and references being used by certain posters on this or any other threads referring to Islam or Palestinians.

There is tell tale syntax, choice of words, choice of verbs, that no Arab writing English would use let alone a Muslim would state.

I had my share of being spit at by all kinds of extremists and seen first hand what terrorists can do. They do not talk like what you read on this forum. I can only assume its someone posing as a Palestinian or Muslim or a very young person who seeks attention.

By the way in spite of the absurd rhetoric you see on this forum I can assure you of this, one day, Palestinians and Israelis will live side by side with Jordanians and the three will have 3 nations and an agreement where people can use each other's roads, ports, hospitals, and share electricity and water and find solutions to the garbage and sewage problems which are the most serious issue son the West Bank.

No terrorist will stop that. No extremist will stop that.

It only needs on person to start the process and that process is underway.

Extremists and terrorists are not the real obstacle, people afraid of them are.

I know Palestinians. On one level I was their enemy but on another their friend. Its far more complicated than rhetoric on forums.

Shortage of water, medical issues, garbage, sewage, electricity, all are issues that transcend extremists who want to distort religious passages and spew hatred.

The same people who have spit in my face, later gave me bottles of water. Spit turns into water. Its not a miracle. Its staying calm.

There now. I didn't need to quite the New or Old Testament of Koran. Lol.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
You are well known for turning the truth upside down and manipulating the facts .. but at last, in spite of the Zionist: Palestine is for the Palestinian.

Anyhow, the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv have some options:
1- The best choice for Zionists: they better convert and become Muslims: honored by God's religion and to study the Quran.. in this instance, they will be equal to other Palestinians and Muslims and will live peacefully in the land of Palestine.

2- return back to the countries from where they came: will their countries accept them!?

3- at least the Zionists in Palestine have to mitigate their haughtiness and manners and be just and fair towards the Palestinian in their homeland .. here at this point: the Palestinian may allow them to live together with them in Palestine: this choice has been cited in the Quran also.

4- if they insist on their wickedness (which reached to every Muslim country like Iran, Turkey, Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan etc.

[Now the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv are behind the recent many explosions and many fires in Iran in many places; and in Lebanon they are stirring the riots, and in Iraq, they have plundered its oil, and in Syria they have devastated the country and the people.. etc.]

So if they insist on their offence and transgression and haughtiness (which is the expected thing), then the Zionists should wait for their ominous future.. in the near future when God's promise will be fulfilled.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Concerning point 3 in the previous post: I said it is cited in the Quran 17: 7, which means:

[God said advising them:]
(If you do good [to Muslims], you do good for yourselves; and if you do evil [to Muslims], [your evil] will be for yourselves [in like manner.])

This aya of the Quran has been explained in the link above which is:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The explanation of the previous aya of the Quran is here:

>> (If you do good [to Muslims], you do good for yourselves) because by doing good, you seed kindness in the hearts of people.
>> (and if you do evil [to Muslims], [your evil] will be for yourselves [in like manner.]) because anyone seeds [the bitter] colocynth, will not get but [the bitterness of] the colocynth.

The colocynth is a plant with a bitter pungent taste.. it is a parable.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The USA is afflicted by God's horrible retribution

The USA is the worst country in the world hit by the pandemic of the Coronavirus, which killed more than 135 thousands of them, infected more than 3.5 million people and it is now surging to more figures.. which also devastated their economy and everything .. so what will the outcome be in the next wave of this fatal disease in the coming season?

This is on account of
>> the bias of the USA to the side of the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv against the Palestinian..
>> in addition to their atheism, homosexuality, adultery and idolatry,
>> and in addition to their transgression on God's House of worship: the Aqsa Mosque in Al-Quds (Jerusalem.)

Therefore, why shouldn't the USA be just and fair? and why shouldn't they retort the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv from their transgression and evil? and why shouldn't they stop supporting the Zionists to the disadvantage of the Arab and Muslims? ..

While at last the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv will make the USA succumb, collapse and corrupt in all respects, unless the American correct their programs before it is too late.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
It could be some accident,
but the source of all evil and the suspect no. 1 is Tel Aviv;
Tel Aviv has recently started many explosions in the region extending from the Iran's many explosions, to Gaza in the days of the Eid, to the south of Lebanon in the same days.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
It could be accident, and could also be designed by the flagrant enemy of the Arab and Muslims.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Quran 5: 64, which means:
(The Jews a have said: "God's hand is bound with restriction [from expenditure!]" b

[Therefore, God said:]
Bound are their hands [with fetters of iron, in the world of souls, after death], and they are accursed c for saying so.

[Then God rejected their words:]
Not so, but His two hands are open [with generosity]; He expends e as He pleases. f

That [: their dispraisal g in the Quran] which has been revealed to you [Mohammed] from your Lord will surely increase the arrogance and unbelief [about your Book] of much many of [Jews.]

We cast enmity and hatred among them h till Doomsday;

>> every time [Jews] kindle [with sedition] the fire of war [against Muslims], God does extinguish it.

>> They strive to make mischief in the earth i, but God loves not mischief-makers j.)

64 a i.e. some of Jews said when their livelihood became hard.
64 b So they ascribed the stinginess to Him.
64 c i.e. they are shifted far away from His mercy.
64 e Out of His treasuries, on His servants.
64 f Neither does anything prevent Him from expending, nor do His treasuries deplete whatever He may expend.
64 g And the exposing of their shameful acts, flaws, disbelief and hypocrisy, all this will increase their arrogance toward you, Mohammed, and on those believing in you.
64 h i.e. among Jews and Christians, which will continue till Doomsday.
64 i By stirring the sedition, transgressing on the honor and misleading the common people.
64 j Therefore, God does not guide them to the Islam because they are hypocrites and mischief doers.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
God's revenge is coming:

I was much upset with this massacre of Beirut, so I prayed God and supplicated Him to take revenge on the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv: those who did this massacre and even attacked Muslims in their Eid.. so I prayed God Almighty, and consulted Him with the Great Quran, and I find this in the Quran:

These the ayat of this blessed Quran 89: 1-14, which mean:

(In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)

(1. [I swear] by [the zone of] the dawn!

2. And by the ten nights [preceding the standstill of the earth!]

3. And by the even and the odd!

4. And by the night when it will spread [like an infection, from one planet to another.]

5. Will this [threatening and warning] be enough as an oath for a rational man?

[Then God – be glorified – described to them the conditions of the ancient who denied the messengers, and how God terminated them with the chastisement, in order that the associaters might receive admonition and would not be like the nations that preceded them, so He said:]
6. Have you not considered how your Lord dealt with [the tribe of] Aad?

7. And [their city of] Irum with its [high] pillars [built of stone, and its marvelous buildings]?

8. The like of which was never made in the land?

[Then God – be glorified – mentioned another tribe who denied their messenger, so He terminated them on account of their denial, and He said:]
9. And [the tribe of] Thamood who brought the rock [from the mountains and built their dwellings] in the Valley [of Qura.][/COLOR]

[Then God – be glorified – mentioned other people who denied the messengers, and so He terminated them because of their denial, and He said:]
10. And Pharaoh [and his people] with his stakes [of torture.]

11. Who transgressed, beyond the bounds, in the land.

12. And worked much iniquity therein?

13. Therefore, your Lord poured on them various kinds of chastisement.

14. Surely, your Lord is [over His Throne] in the place of ambush.)

See the complete interpretation of these ayat here:

The implication of these horrible ayat is:
God will take revenge on the Zionists within or after 10 days, and that His promise will not be broken, as I understood it; God is the All-Knowing.
Because I thought I might be wrong, then the consultation said: God will not go back in His promise.
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