Why one N.W.T. teen is suing the Canadian government over climate change inaction


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
So in other words, you're just being a total asshole to kids who actually care about the future of their planet.



You ACTUALLY THINK that Greta represents a "gotcha moment"??????????

HOW DELUSIONAL ARE YOU ANYWAY???????????????????????????

Just WHAT HAS Greta proposed that is so brilliant or unique????????????????

All she has said is that we would be better off if we burned less fossil fuel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE KNOW that breathing fossil fuel exhaust fumes is not good for us........................

so less burning would be good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But the LIE-beral DEVIL is is EVERY DETAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EVERY SINGLE LIE-beral proposal involves DESTROYING THE LIVES OF ORDINARY PEOPLE.............................

while LIE-berals and their civil service union HOG ALLIES PROFIT and continue to GROW their own carbon foot print!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO LIE-beral govt can sell such a policy to the public UNLESS THEY LIE BETTER THAN ADOLF HITLER OR JOE STALIN!!!!!!!!!!

It is a good idea to add extra insulation to your home - but such work IS COSTLY AND LABOUR INTENSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And thus WHO can or will pay for such work in our LIE-beral tax EXTORTION SYSTEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IT IS a good idea to take public transit instead of driving - BUT IN OUR LIE-beral taxed system where so many people work..............

SUCH LONG HOURS just to keep from drowning in debt - WHO HAS THE EXTRA HOURS EACH DAY............................

to stand virtuously on a JAM PACKED SLOW MOVING BUS - that MAY BREAK DOWN......................................

and strand you for EVEN MORE hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How can a person sit sweltering and complacent in a concrete box in a city of condo canyons.............................

knowing that their taxes are allowing a pack of HOGS to PLAY in the fresh water and sunshine...............................

AT THEIR RURAL SECOND HOME ON SOME SCENIC LAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How can you cripple the lives of ordinary people by driving their jobs to China or Mexico................................

while Teacher HOGS retire at age 55 and GET BETTER PENSION MONEY than most CDNS EARN WHILE WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How can a Cdn work happily to age 70 when HOGS are TAKING EARLY RETIREMENT .............................

and living it up ON OUR MONEY - from age 55 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Many teachers LIVE LONGER ON THEIR PENSION INCOME......................................

than they do IN THE WORK FORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If LIE-berals really expect to IMPOSE their deceitful, selfish and quite GROSSLY BIGOTED Climate policies on us......................

then THEY BETTER BUY A LOT OF GUNS AND TEAR GAS and set up MULTIPLE TORTURE CHAMBERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just like Stalin and Chinese Chairman Mao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have seen the LIE-beral future.....................................

and it LOOKS LIKE HONG KONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But we MUST PRAY it does not end up like Tiananmen Square!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Privy Council Clerk Michael Wernick WARNED US OF THE VIOLENCE TO COME.............................

if we did not surrender totally to LIE-beral values!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TOO BAD BIGOT Wernick cannot explain coherently WHY we should grovel like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
What is the definition of IRONIC again?

Strongest cold anomaly on the planet located in this unlucky Canadian province
Thursday, November 7th 2019, 5:01 pm - Temperatures will feel brutally cold in this location by Monday morning.


Better get those furs out.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Not that realistic?


So what do you and the Greta clones propose?

... That's right, no proposal, just an impossible demand

Hence, "tantrum"

Do you think that they haven't tried? Further, it will be the private sector that innovates - gvt is excellent at wasting $$ with no result

Where do you think the cash comes from for all these go-nowhere jobs?

You're worried about these kids.. Any concern for the ridiculous amount of debt that they are inheriting?


You heat your house with wood.... It will be extra more gooder for the environment but remember, you can only burn that carbon-free wood and hemp.

While you're at it, organize a bunch of wood burning stoves to heat the hospital in -20.

PS - hope that you enjoy your veggies and fruits in canned form in the winter.... Oh, and dust off the snowshoes and rifle, you'll be needing to hunt some deer or elk to stave-off starvation in those cold months

You and those kids can enjoy your rational lifestyle... Let me know how it works out for ya

Okay then.

I give, you're absolutely right, about everything. I'm a gullible sheep.

That make you feel better?

I still say good on the kids, we'll see what happens.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Glad you live in a perfectly awesome world.

The rest of us see that there are serious issues and want something done about it.

What are you personally doing about it....
How do you heat your house Electricity or Natural gas? when electric is almost twice the cost of gas

What kind of car do you drive what is it's performance? MPG?

My next clothes dryer will be gas
and my car does 42 MPG highway
Bottom line....I do that to save money ...not because any temperature change is caused by humans....just the temperature in my house!


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
What are you personally doing about it....
How do you heat your house Electricity or Natural gas? when electric is almost twice the cost of gas

What kind of car do you drive what is it's performance? MPG?

My next clothes dryer will be gas
and my car does 42 MPG highway
Bottom line....I do that to save money ...not because any temperature change is caused by humans....just the temperature in my house!

If you had read what I posted before, I do what I can, sometimes I fail or sometimes, because reality, I have no choice at the moment.

My house is - *gasp* - oil heat, although right now it's not any heat. I won't get any oil until absolute necessary, despite needing said oil to also heat hot water. I didn't trust the wood furnace the house came with so ditched it. If I use electric heat at all it's just a heater in a room, as needed, not actual baseboard electric heat. I also don't trust natural gas, for personal reasons.

My car is an SUV, a 2015. Not great but it fits my lifestyle that I have.

Bottom line is as above; I do what I can where I can.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
I was talkin' to the guy who runs the the fuel boat that supplies (our places) and the island gas pumps in season up on the bay where the family cottages are where many of the height of Canada and the US's academic and industrial families have had family cottages for the last 130 years...

They are loving the era of cheap fuel, and they are burning more and more every year. Most of those places are not even active in the winter time. So that is who is at the top, and they are NOT concerned about global warming, only in influencing YOUR behavior to THEIR profit.

You should hear some of them at cocktail parties. You'd Puke.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Okay then.

I give, you're absolutely right, about everything. I'm a gullible sheep.

That make you feel better?

I still say good on the kids, we'll see what happens.

This isn't about getting someone to say uncle.

In terms of these kids, what will be the learning experience as a result of this?

For them to be concerned and care about their future is great, but the problem (in their eyes) has been identified... The value in this exercise will be strongly based upon a solution set that they can/could propose as 'the action' they want gvt to take... this part requires a thoughtful approach and working to develop a reasonable understanding of the big picture.

Even if their proposed solution was flawed (I hate to use the word 'wrong'), there would be great value in the exercise and the experience

Ultimately, this is my beef with their position/actions, they only go 1/2 way, and it's the easy 1/2

(PS - What a crappy lesson to learn so early in life that all problems are solved through legal actions)


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If you had read what I posted before, I do what I can, sometimes I fail or sometimes, because reality, I have no choice at the moment.
My house is - *gasp* - oil heat, although right now it's not any heat. I won't get any oil until absolute necessary, despite needing said oil to also heat hot water. I didn't trust the wood furnace the house came with so ditched it. If I use electric heat at all it's just a heater in a room, as needed, not actual baseboard electric heat. I also don't trust natural gas, for personal reasons.
My car is an SUV, a 2015. Not great but it fits my lifestyle that I have.
Bottom line is as above; I do what I can where I can.
Apparently you are the problem.

Nothing is stopping you from propane or natural gas other than you.

Both NG and propane can used with an efficiency of 99.9% for your heat, hot water and cooking.

Should I be sueing you over unsubstantiated fears you have?
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Apparently you are the problem.

Nothing is stopping you from propane or natural gas other than you.

Both NG and propane can used with an efficiency of 99.9% for you heat, hot water and cooking.

Should I be sueing you over unsubstantiated fears you have?

No, nothing is stopping me from using either, except my distrust of it.

If you want to sue me, go ahead. As for unsubstantiated fears - I wouldn't go that far.

FYI I don't even like having to use Oil to heat the house as I don't trust it really either. I'd much rather a different system all together - geo-thermal perhaps, or some sort of hot water based system that also encompasses regular water use I have as well. But all that costs money that I just don't have. Unlike many, I'm just me and there is no secondary income here.

So, I deal with it.

Hence, the reality of things.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
And yet these kids are doing just that, and now you don't like where they took that stuff.
In actual fact they have learned nothing. All they are doing is jumping on a rolling band wagon filled with selfie-taking kids who can't wait to get 'liked'. I grant you there might be the odd one who actually has a clue about our climate but that child is an anomaly considering most of them don't take the time away from their gadgets long enough to see what the weather is like let alone the climate.

Please explain exactly what this frivolous and very costly law suit is going to accomplish? Any thinking person is well aware that as happened in the past, our climate is changing. However, thinking people also realize that our world would be best served by these kids staying in school and possibly learning something that will help them come up with viable solutions. Because other than nutbar schemes to seed the clouds so they produce rain or plans to help cool the Arctic - which don't bear repeating they are so whacko - there are no solutions as long as other countries refuse to adopt climate control measures and continue to pollute their air, land and water. We Canadians could be taxed to bankruptcy in order to fund green technology and it would not affect the climate one iota.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
No, nothing is stopping me from using either, except my distrust of it.
If you want to sue me, go ahead. As for unsubstantiated fears - I wouldn't go that far.
FYI I don't even like having to use Oil to heat the house as I don't trust it really either. I'd much rather a different system all together - geo-thermal perhaps, or some sort of hot water based system that also encompasses regular water use I have as well. But all that costs money that I just don't have. Unlike many, I'm just me and there is no secondary income here.
So, I deal with it.
Hence, the reality of things.
You distrust the most clean, safe and reliable for of energy but it's not unsubstantiated?

Geothermal uses shitloads of electricity, hot water heat requires gas.

Even the "it's too expensive" BS is exactly that BS.

What are you waiting for? Me to buy it for you?


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
You distrust the most clean, safe and reliable for of energy but it's not unsubstantiated?

Geothermal uses shitloads of electricity, hot water heat requires gas.

Even the "it's too expensive" BS is exactly that BS.

What are you waiting for? Me to buy it for you?

Clean, safe and reliable? Okay, sure, maybe reliable but clean and safe I question, especially safe.

That's on me, not you.

I said maybe to those, I don't know. For now it's not worth thinking about.

Too expensive isn't BS at all. I'm glad you have money to toss around. I don't. I certainly don't want anyone else to 'buy it' for me. Hence why I don't have any other options than what I currently have.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Why weren't they 'woke' to the problem before the kid from Sweden came on the scene? Climate change has been in the news for decades, dear. If they really gave a hoot they would have been protesting and suing long before it became the popular thing to do.

But it's okay to impose your assumptions on these kids?
Rather difficult to impose an assumption on someone.

I already answered this but if they fail and the feds go after them, that's part of the deal, part of what happens when you sue the Government.
You've got that much right.

But I point out that you don't know they don't have solutions so...
If they had any solutions we would have heard about them. We haven't.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Yoda in braids.



YODA IN BRAIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Made me laugh out loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But calling her the Demon Possessed Swedish Linda Blair

IS REALLY GOOD TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
If you had read what I posted before, I do what I can, sometimes I fail or sometimes, because reality, I have no choice at the moment.

My house is - *gasp* - oil heat, although right now it's not any heat. I won't get any oil until absolute necessary, despite needing said oil to also heat hot water. I didn't trust the wood furnace the house came with so ditched it. If I use electric heat at all it's just a heater in a room, as needed, not actual baseboard electric heat. I also don't trust natural gas, for personal reasons.

My car is an SUV, a 2015. Not great but it fits my lifestyle that I have.

Bottom line is as above; I do what I can where I can.


Why dont you ADD SOME INSULATION TO YOUR HOUSE?????????????????

That is what LIE-berals AND THEIR IDIOT COUSINS of NDPee and GREENIES are DEMANDING WE DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Are you a HYPOCRITE????????????????????????

AND HOW DARE YOU burn OIL for any reason at all??????????????????????????


HOW DARE YOU NOT USE electric heat when IT IS WHAT OUR LIE-beral OVERLORDS WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOW DARE YOU IGNORE LIE-beral policy when Wynne-bag Ontari-owe LIE-berals HAD A PLAN...................................

TO ORDER US ALL to junk our fossil fuel appliances.............................

meaning NO MORE natural gas furnaces....................................

NO MORE natural gas water heaters...........................................

NO MORE natural gas cooking stoves either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wynne-bag LIE-berals PLANNED to FORCE US TO USE ONLY THEIR electricity for all needs...............................

meaning using ONLY energy PRODUCED BY LIE-beral ALLIES!!!!!!!

Fortunately the PUBLIC STORM OF PROTEST FORCED WYNNE-BAG to shelve the "proposals"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And here YOU ARE - TRYING FOOLISHLY to DEFEND LIE-beral policy..............................................

while LIVING IN WAYS THAT LIE-berals DESPISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOU OWN a gas guzzling SUV - and HOW DARE YOU drive instead of riding a bike or a bus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What kind of HYPOCRITE ARE YOU????????????????????

Answer: THE LIE-beral KIND that orders US to "Do as I say and NOT as I do"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Clean, safe and reliable? Okay, sure, maybe reliable but clean and safe I question, especially safe.
That's on me, not you.
I said maybe to those, I don't know. For now it's not worth thinking about.
Too expensive isn't BS at all. I'm glad you have money to toss around. I don't. I certainly don't want anyone else to 'buy it' for me. Hence why I don't have any other options than what I currently have.
What makes you believe NG or propane aren't clean and safe?

How can you afford not to get into this century?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Are they valid reasons for you to stubbornly hang onto the dirtiest forms of heat and hot water?

Why not burn tires and save up to get out of the 1800s? It's not dirtier than what you are doing now.
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Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
If you went to a high efficiency gas furnace and they are loaded with safety features It would pay for itself in five year with what you would save in oil cost!