Why one N.W.T. teen is suing the Canadian government over climate change inaction

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
So in other words, you're just being a total asshole to kids who actually care about the future of their planet.

I see kids throwing a tantrum and they should be treated as such

There is nothing wrong with the planet at present. If they screw up the future it's on them.

I had my home B&E'd today. Can I sue the cops because they never stopped it before hand?

Organize a protest and demand that someone, somewhere do something... if gvt doesn't do 'something', threaten that you will never forgive them and hold your breath!

Sorry but I see climate change every year so to me, it's not 'non-existent'.

Good point!.. Why, i see dramatic climate change from 05:00 compared to 14:00 each and every day!

I blame global warming for this obviously human induced daily climate change


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I see kids throwing a tantrum and they should be treated as such

Glad some people see it as otherwise.

Good point!.. Why, i see dramatic climate change from 05:00 compared to 14:00 each and every day!

I blame global warming for this obviously human induced daily climate change

So do you try extra hard to be an ass this much or is it natural?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Captain Morgan said:
Organize a protest and demand that someone, somewhere do something... if gvt doesn't do 'something', threaten that you will never forgive them and hold your breath!
They got caught 5 minutes later and we're pegged with 3 other B&Es. The alarm and video was their demise.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Glad some people see it as otherwise.

Too bad that 'some people' aren't strong enough in their convictions that they actually do something about it like cut-out the sources of causation that they demand all others do

So do you try extra hard to be an ass this much or is it natural?

How else do you respond to someone that is illogical, hypocritical and unreasonable.

.... Oh wait! I get it now, you're throwing a tantrum.. Straight out of the Greta playbook

What issues might those be?

Mental... No doubt about it
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
What issues might those be?

I'm not gonna repeat what's been said before just because you deny it. There's no point, right?

Cause to you, there's nothing wrong.

Fine, there's nothing wrong, to you.

There are to others and they want to do something about it.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Too bad that 'some people' aren't strong enough in their convictions that they actually do something about it like cut-out the sources of causation that they demand all others do

Except that cutting out the causation isn't that easy and to make it seem that way is idiotic and not being realistic about the situation.

How else do you respond to someone that is illogical, hypocritical and unreasonable.

.... Oh wait! I get it now, you're throwing a tantrum.. Straight out of the Greta playbook

I don't throw tantrums, grew out of those a long time ago.

So far I'm trying to handle it but you really make it hard; glad to know I can be an ass to you though since that's acceptable.

Mental... No doubt about it

Yes, yes you are.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I'm not gonna repeat what's been said before just because you deny it. There's no point, right?
Cause to you, there's nothing wrong.
Fine, there's nothing wrong, to you.
There are to others and they want to do something about it.
Climate change? If you want to cheer on kids in Sudan who work mining cobalt for EVs getting educations then yeah, count me in but no kids in Canada or anywhere else are victims of non-existint climate change.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Except that cutting out the causation isn't that easy and to make it seem that way is idiotic and not being realistic about the situation.

I see... So the answer is to demand a result that is essentially impossible (ie life in Canada's far North without any fuel) with the threat that "We shan't forgive you" if this impossible result is not achieved.

How rational

I don't throw tantrums, grew out of those a long time ago.

No you haven't


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I see... So the answer is to demand a result that is essentially impossible (ie life in Canada's far North without any fuel) with the threat that "We shan't forgive you" if this impossible result is not achieved.

How rational

What part of "is not that realistic" did you miss?

At this moment, if we focus on oil products, it is very, VERY hard to nix oil and it's influence out of our lives unless you do go to extreme measures.


Asking that the Government (or in this case, suing the Government) to do more to try and lessen our dependence on oil so we can shift those dependencies to something not as environmentally damaging is a viable solution.

The bonus of pushing implementation of such ideas, the jobs it'd create, etc, are all bonus off shoots.

Or let's not use oil, let's use something else; wood. We can keep harvesting our forests until there are none left (and replanting does NOT, in the end, help so much, if those same planted trees are taken too young), or we can grow other plants - like hemp - to replace such wood based products (and other products too) with less impact on the planet.

Government can push for better energy ideas, etc, etc...

All seems rational to me.

No you haven't

Do you say that because you have them yourself so often?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
There is nothing wrong with using oil. It's how you use it. Canada is leaps and bounds above others.

What more do you think needs to be done?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Asking that the Government (or in this case, suing the Government) to do more to try and lessen our dependence on oil so we can shift those dependencies to something not as environmentally damaging is a viable solution.
Shift to unreliable sources because we need to stop what isn't happening to the environment?
Should we kill off all the life that has been creating oil for 500M years?
The environment never stopped producing oil. It's never going away.
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captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
What part of "is not that realistic" did you miss?

Not that realistic?


At this moment, if we focus on oil products, it is very, VERY hard to nix oil and it's influence out of our lives unless you do go to extreme measures.

So what do you and the Greta clones propose?

... That's right, no proposal, just an impossible demand

Hence, "tantrum"

Asking that the Government (or in this case, suing the Government) to do more to try and lessen our dependence on oil so we can shift those dependencies to something not as environmentally damaging is a viable solution.

Do you think that they haven't tried? Further, it will be the private sector that innovates - gvt is excellent at wasting $$ with no result

The bonus of pushing implementation of such ideas, the jobs it'd create, etc, are all bonus off shoots.

Where do you think the cash comes from for all these go-nowhere jobs?

You're worried about these kids.. Any concern for the ridiculous amount of debt that they are inheriting?

Or let's not use oil, let's use something else; wood. We can keep harvesting our forests until there are none left (and replanting does NOT, in the end, help so much, if those same planted trees are taken too young), or we can grow other plants - like hemp - to replace such wood based products (and other products too) with less impact on the planet.


You heat your house with wood.... It will be extra more gooder for the environment but remember, you can only burn that carbon-free wood and hemp.

While you're at it, organize a bunch of wood burning stoves to heat the hospital in -20.

PS - hope that you enjoy your veggies and fruits in canned form in the winter.... Oh, and dust off the snowshoes and rifle, you'll be needing to hunt some deer or elk to stave-off starvation in those cold months

All seems rational to me.

You and those kids can enjoy your rational lifestyle... Let me know how it works out for ya


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Alarmists Are In Way Over Their Heads On Rising Ocean Claims

I have asked my very good friend Dr. Fred Singer to comment about the latest U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Summary for Policymakers report with particular regard to their most recent sea level rise projections.

Dr. Singer is an expert in remote sensing measurements, having served as founding director of the U.S. Weather Satellite Service, vice chair of the U.S. National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere, deputy assistant administrator for policy at the EPA, and as a reviewer for several of the IPCC reports.

He is an elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Geophysical Union, the American Physical Society, and the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Fred is a professor emeritus at the University of Virginia, and directs the Science & Environment Policy Project which has produced a series of scientific Non-Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (NICPP) report studies which often take issue with IPCC conclusions. NICPP’s new publication “Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science” is available at no cost on-line.

Larry, no, reality is a good deal more complex than that. First of all, the accelerated warming that was forecast to produce catastrophic sea level rise flooding Bangladesh and Pacific islands causing hundreds of millions of refugees to flee coastal regions hasn’t occurred

To ask a child for the type of scientific analysis needed to make a true determination of the facts you would have to be a totally sick braindead communist idjit. It's no different than renting children at the border to get into the country to get the welfare.