CDN Election 2019


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Lies, lies and more lies. And this is the same lie that Harper spread and got away with! And he knows it is a lie.
”Experts on Canada’s parliamentary system say Andrew Scheer should know better than to erroneously contend that whoever wins the most seats on Monday gets to form the government.
The Conservative leader was, after all, Speaker of the House of Commons for almost five years and, as such, should be well aware that the only rule that matters is who can command the confidence of the majority of MPs — whether they be all from one party, or from a multitude of partisan affiliations.
“It lowers him in my esteem and maybe the esteem of other people because I’m sure he knows he’s wrong,” said political science professor Peter Russell, who helped advise Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean in 2008, when she had to navigate an attempt by three opposition parties to form a coalition to replace Stephen Harper‘s minority Conservative government.”

‘Complete nonsense’: Experts dispute Scheer’s claims about forming government



Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Prog shit.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Lies, lies and more lies. And this is the same lie that Harper spread and got away with! And he knows it is a lie.
”Experts on Canada’s parliamentary system say Andrew Scheer should know better than to erroneously contend that whoever wins the most seats on Monday gets to form the government.
The Conservative leader was, after all, Speaker of the House of Commons for almost five years and, as such, should be well aware that the only rule that matters is who can command the confidence of the majority of MPs — whether they be all from one party, or from a multitude of partisan affiliations.
“It lowers him in my esteem and maybe the esteem of other people because I’m sure he knows he’s wrong,” said political science professor Peter Russell, who helped advise Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean in 2008, when she had to navigate an attempt by three opposition parties to form a coalition to replace Stephen Harper‘s minority Conservative government.”
‘Complete nonsense’: Experts dispute Scheer’s claims about forming government
Prog shit.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
They should then make every bill a referendum vote using your Revenue Canada account. First bill would be a vote on who should run Canada, Provincial or a Federal Government? Only Ontario and Quebec and BC become 'have nots' if they get 1 vote that is equal in value to all the other Provinces. As it stands both are needed only before the telephone was invented.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
on final polling it is wise to remember that the Liberal support was hugely under-estimated by polls in 2015 because all polls (except 1? angus reid?) are conducted by land line and that makes them poor barometers of the youth vote.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Lies, lies and more lies. And this is the same lie that Harper spread and got away with! And he knows it is a lie.
”Experts on Canada’s parliamentary system say Andrew Scheer should know better than to erroneously contend that whoever wins the most seats on Monday gets to form the government.
The Conservative leader was, after all, Speaker of the House of Commons for almost five years and, as such, should be well aware that the only rule that matters is who can command the confidence of the majority of MPs — whether they be all from one party, or from a multitude of partisan affiliations.
“It lowers him in my esteem and maybe the esteem of other people because I’m sure he knows he’s wrong,” said political science professor Peter Russell, who helped advise Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean in 2008, when she had to navigate an attempt by three opposition parties to form a coalition to replace Stephen Harper‘s minority Conservative government.”

‘Complete nonsense’: Experts dispute Scheer’s claims about forming government


All politicians lie so there's no use in even trying to dissect them, just observe the performance!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
In Westminster systems, in minority situations, the incumbent government usually has the first opportunity to attempt to win the confidence of the House. This is so even if the incumbents have fewer seats – the incumbent prime minister still holds his or her commission for the duration of the writ period and immediately following an election.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I don't like those guys. They've been haunting this country for far too long.

Our idiot Boy Justin is an aspiring Soviet Socialist Dictator as I have repeatedly said!!!

WE shall find out soon enough if he is also a CORRUPT CRIMINAL.........................

who broke too many laws in his defense of Lavalin BRIBERY....................................

WITHIN CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will he accept the loss of his power gracefully???????????????

MANY OTHERS NOW AGREE with what I have been saying for several years now...........

that the BEST Our idiot Boy can hope for is a Minority govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If he gets a minority HE MAY be able to stave off an investigation into Lavalin..........................

LAVALIN IS NOT DEAD...........................

IT IS ONLY POSTPONED till after the election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will Singh and May cover for the idiot Boy if he is investigated???????????????

Or will they feel they will be well rid OF A POTENTIAL felon.......................................

IF the investigation does show criminal wrong doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Recall that idiot Boy has ALREADY ADMITTED BREAKING ethics laws............................

THE BIG QUESTIONS ARE HOW BADLY BROKEN.....................................

AND WHAT PUNISHMENT is deserving???????????????????????

LIE-berals have made it CLEAR they will RABIDLY FIGHT any move by Scheer to form a Conservative minority govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it just bold talk - LIE-berals whistling past the grave yard???????????????????

Or would Our idiot Boy plunge the country into a constitutional crisis over Lavalin????????????????

Would he perpetrate a POLITICAL COUP to retain power and control?????????????????

Merely to avoid a Conservative investigation into Lavalin?????????????????????

How far will Our idiot Boy GO.............................

to protect his entitlements????????????????????????????

Would he answer like his vile father - "JUST WATCH ME"??????????????????????????????????????

WE will find out soon enough if Canada faces an existential CRISIS.................................

if the idiot Boy refuses to YIELD quietly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Lies, lies and more lies. And this is the same lie that Harper spread and got away with! And he knows it is a lie.
”Experts on Canada’s parliamentary system say Andrew Scheer should know better than to erroneously contend that whoever wins the most seats on Monday gets to form the government.
The Conservative leader was, after all, Speaker of the House of Commons for almost five years and, as such, should be well aware that the only rule that matters is who can command the confidence of the majority of MPs — whether they be all from one party, or from a multitude of partisan affiliations.
“It lowers him in my esteem and maybe the esteem of other people because I’m sure he knows he’s wrong,” said political science professor Peter Russell, who helped advise Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean in 2008, when she had to navigate an attempt by three opposition parties to form a coalition to replace Stephen Harper‘s minority Conservative government.”

‘Complete nonsense’: Experts dispute Scheer’s claims about forming government


Better read it again Cliffy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And get somebody to EXPLAIN the legal realities to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral reaction to this post indicates I REALLY HIT A NERVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are RUNNING VERY SCARED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NEWS FLASH: Canada may be headed for constitutional crisis and political COUP!!!!!!!

This article has some comments of my own in brackets):

'Nonsense:' Experts weigh in on Scheer's claims about who can form government
By Joan Bryden, Cdn Press

Published October 19, 2019.

OTTAWA — Experts on Canada's parliamentary system say Andrew Scheer should know better than to erroneously contend that whoever wins the most seats on Monday gets to form the government.

(I say the “Experts” are issuing Fake News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The Conservative leader was, after all, Speaker of the House of Commons for almost five years and, as such, should be well aware that the only rule that matters is who can command the confidence of the majority of MPs — whether they be all from one party, or from a multitude of partisan affiliations.

(Is there not some obligation for MP`s to assemble in Parliament and to VOTE for Non Confidence first?? How can a newly elected govt party assume power WITH OUT going through the standard FORMALITIES?? Simply setting aside election results WITHOUT first having convened Parliament sounds DANGEROUS to me -since I do NOT BELIEVE LIE-berals are trust worthy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(As a voter and Cdn citizen I want ALL done IN FULL PUBLIC VIEW in the standard and expected way!! LIE-berals scorn my views as usual!!!!)

(The MAJOR ISSUE that LIE-berals are ignoring is LAVALIN!! They want to PRETEND it is has GONE AWAY!! Yet all they have done is play out the clock to election time - secure in the knowledge that RCMP DOES NOT investigate political parties in MID ELECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"It lowers him in my esteem and maybe the esteem of other people because I'm sure he knows he's wrong," said political science professor Peter Russell, (of Scheer) who helped advise Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean in 2008, when she had to navigate an attempt by three opposition parties to form a coalition to replace Stephen Harper's minority Conservative government.

(I suggest that the civil service union HOG Russell - who is a teacher- meaning a member of a group NOTORIOUS for its HATE of Conservatives - is gaming us!!!!!!!)

(If Scheer gets the most seats but fails to get a majority - most Cdns EXPECT he will be allowed to try to govern!! As the guy with the most seats - SCHEER SHOULD GET FIRST CHANCE TO FORM A GOVT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Scheer is in an especially STRONG POSITION because his opponent Trudope HAS ADMITTED the Ethics Commissioner is RIGHT - that Trudope HAS BROKEN the RULES!! The ONLY QUESTIONS REMAINING ARE: “how badly were the rules broken and what punishment IS SUITABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Cdns generally expect that if Scheer gets the most votes but not a majority then he should get his chance to govern- and then MAY be defeated on a LEGITIMATELY HELD non confidence vote in spring 2020 when he presents his first budget!!!!)

(Just to make the MESS even bigger is the Conservative PROMISE to investigate Lavalin FULLY as soon as they can!! Would the Greenies or NDPees wish to support a CONVICTED FELON?? Assuming the RCMP gets the kind of evidence many people SUSPECT is out there?????????????????)

(So WHY are LIE-berals so determined to cut Scheer off at the knees using slippery AND SUSPECT legal interpretations - that AVOID ANY discussion of what would happen to LIE-beral support if Lavalin turns out to be REALLY DIRTY AND CORRUPT???????????????????)

(This total lack of ANY REAL RESOLUTION to Lavalin could possibly turn out to be a LIE-beral support KILLER?? Can the LIE-berals legitimately CLAIM any right to rule -even in a coalition if their leader is eventually convicted of Lavalin corruption????????)

(If Trudope is convicted of wrong doing - WOULD NDPees or Greenies be so hungry for POWER at any price that they would HELP LIE-berals minimize the Lavalin damage?? HOW DEEP Might the corruption end up????????????)

(If Scheer forms a govt -then Scheer will turn loose the RCMP to investigate Lavalin!! And there is GOOD REASON to suspect that LIE-berals WILL NOT BENEFIT from such exposure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Thus LIE-berals are bending political tradition and attempting what looks unpleasantly like a political COUP!! I BELIEVE LIE-berals have NO MANDATE to put aside election results they DO NOT LIKE - without FIRST assembling a FULL PARLIAMENT and counting MP VOTES FIRST - and even that action is SUSPECT until Lavalin is investigated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And LIE-berals should be especially FORBIDDEN when their main reason for meddling is TO HIDE EVIDENCE of corruption and bribery on a NATIONAL SCALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(I suggest that if a REFERENDUM WAS held regarding a Lavlin investigation - most Cdns would WANT that investigation!! AS so much HINGES on that investigation I SUGGEST that SCHEER MUST be permitted to install his minority govt - if he should get suitable votes!! If Scheer gets his majority then there is no problem- the Lavalin mess will be investigated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(WE need to recall that Lavalin has BEEN CONVICTED of bid rigging and bribery WITHIN CANADA and the Lavalin SCANDAL is all about LIE-berals apparently TRYING TO BREAK THE LAW - by ILLEGALLY EXCUSING Lavalin!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Thus we NEED TO ASK if LIE-berals should be permitted to play fast and loose with election rules and traditions simply because it apparently makes it easier for them to HIDE CRIMINAL and shameless behaviour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(THE ONLY REASON that RCMP is not investigating LAVALIN RIGHT NOW is because they don’t do corruption probes in the middle of elections - and now we have LIE-berals planning to SET ASIDE the results of the election - apparently to PROTECT THEIR OWN SELFISH POSITION in a bribery investigation!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(I have stated many times that I believe Our idiot Boy Justin is an aspiring Soviet Socialist Dictator!! And it looks like we will find out if I am right - as soon as NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(The OBVIOUS SOLUTION to this CORRUPTION is a full and complete investigation!! Without that a LIE-beral govt IS NOT LEGITIMATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Thus if Scheer should win his minority govt then HE MUST BE ALLOWED the chance to try to govern UNTIL LAVALIN IS DEALT WITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(I suggest that a full investigation might expose enough evidence to SEVERELY DAMAGE the LIE-beral party and END their hope of retaining any power with their existing leadership !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(We need also to recall the testimony at the Charbonneau Inquiry “that MULTIPLE engineering firms were involved in bid rigging - IN CANADA!! Sadly Charbonneau DID NOT HAVE the mandate to investigate claims made about Federal contracts inside Quebec nor to investigate claims made about contracts outside Quebec!!!!!!!!)

(It seems to me as if the Lavalin Mess is MUCH BIGGER AND MORE DIRTY than LIE-berals wish to admit!! Cdn govt will LOSE respect and credit if all this is swept under the rug by slippery LIE-beral machinations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And How can any DULY ELECTED MINORITY GOVT BE DEFEATED - if there is NO vote of Non Confidence?? What LIE-berals are apparently planning is their MOST DIRTY back room deal EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals are planning to BYPASS PARLIAMENT COMPLETELY and strangle the new Scheer govt literally before it is born!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(AND IT LOOKS VERY MUCH LIKE THE LIE-BERAL MOTIVATION IS FEAR - of what a FULL Lavalin investigation would reveal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And THERE is the best reason of all NOT TO ALLOW LIE-berals to set aside the possible results of our next election just so they can COVER THEIR ASSES!!!!!!!!)

(Our situation is UN-PRECEDENTED!! LIE-berals managed to play out the clock and slip into election mode- AND AVOID facing a police investigation into Lavalin - as they SHOULD HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And now we have MORE LIE-beral plans to ensure NO INVESTIGATION ever gets started!! One way or another - SCHEER MUST FORM A GOVT - if only so we can sort out LAVALIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
on final polling it is wise to remember that the Liberal support was hugely under-estimated by polls in 2015 because all polls (except 1? angus reid?) are conducted by land line and that makes them poor barometers of the youth vote.

This time, those voters will be stoned and may get distracted on the way to the polling station by a box of cookies.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I hope Trudeau gets a minority government, then he will have to initiate Pro Rep and we will never have a conservative or liberal dictatorship again and we will get to see Boomer's head explode and Alberia attempt to leave confederation. The drama, the intrigue and the insanity will be priceless.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
This time, those voters will be stoned and may get distracted on the way to the polling station by a box of cookies.

I might be laughing more at that stoner stuff........................

if firstly - it was not so TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And secondly it might be funnier if the fate of the country..........................

for generations to come did not hang in the balance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an older article detailing the continuing debate over a Cdn teacher's comments - which some people consider racist!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

First posted: Sunday, September 25, 2016 08:00 PM EDT | Updated: Sunday, September 25, 2016 08:14 PM EDT

By Nadia Shoufani

Related Stories

Peel teacher suspended for alleged support of terror groups
Free speech only for those who anti-Israel activists deem worthy

(Our idiot Boy Justin has made it CLEAR which side he stands on since immediately after being eledcted - he started shipping Cdn AID to terror group HAMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Earlier this month, the Toronto Sun’s Sue-Ann Levy wrote a column questioning whether anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian statements by Mississauga school teacher Nadia Shoufani, and by supporters defending her freedom of speech, amounted to espousing hate.

Shoufani was suspended following a recent Al-Quds Day rally where she urged attendees to “resist the occupation” of Palestine, to “support the resistance in any form imaginable” and praised the “martyrs” resisting Israel, presumably including the Palestine Liberation Front (a known terrorist group).

(The OBVIOUS PROBLEM with the Muslim position is they WANT TOTAL CONTROL!! And once they have that total control then MAYBE they will let A FEW Jewish people remain in “Palestine” AS SECOND CLASS CITIZENS!! Muslims have made it abundantly CLEAR there will be NO PEACE until Israel is destroyed completely!! Naturally Israel CANNOT NEGOTIATE with such people who are offering only two choices- surrender or DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Few conflicts around the world are as divisive or emotionally charged as ongoing troubles between Israel and Palestine. During a Queen’s Park press conference in support of Shoufani, her supporters lashed out at Levy, suggesting her characterizations were “disgraceful,” “insulting” and “grotesquely false.” Following publication of her column, both her supporters and B’Nai Brith requested space in the paper to address the matter.

Here are both sides:


CEO, B’nai Brith Canada

As reported by the Toronto Sun’s Sue-Ann Levy, the Queen’s Park Media Studio recently played host to an odd spectacle.

Four self-proclaimed “defenders of free speech” held a quixotic press conference in defence of Nadia Shoufani, a Mississauga school teacher under investigation by Toronto Police and suspended with pay by her own school board for comments that can be interpreted as praising terrorists and inciting violence against Israelis at a rally held at Queen’s Park in July.

At that rally, attendees carried placards with the Jewish star crossed out, or called for a boycott against Israel.

(Muslims are doubly outraged - first that Israel should exist at all and second- that Jews FIGHT BACK and how dare they succeed against “The Faithful”??????????)

Shoufani urged attendees to “fight back” and “resist the occupation” of Palestine. She called on the crowd to “support the resistance in any form imaginable” and her statement “Glory to the martyrs” doubtlessly referenced the Palestine Liberation Front, a terrorist group bent on the destruction of Israel and the creation of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

(LIE-berals routinely IGNORE wild Muslim statements that would be AUTOMATICALLY LABELED HATE CRIME if spoken by a JEW or Consevative!! WE have only to look at the outrage Trump generated when he suggested moving the U.S. embassy to the ancient capitol of the Jewish Kingdom - Jerusalem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And does anybody care to guess how LOUD the screams of Muslim outrage would be if a JEW called for “resistance to Hezzbollah and Hamas and the PLO by ANY MEANS”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

While casting themselves as respected academics and social justice activists, many of the panelists have somewhat shady histories themselves. Michael Keefer and Graeme MacQueen, retired professors from Guelph and McMaster, both are listed as members of “Scholars for 9/11 Trust and Justice,” a 9/11 conspiracy website.

(Oh yes- just another white HATER who cannot coherently explain WHY George W. Bush would want to kill his own TAX PAYERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Keefer, who is not himself Jewish, has taken it upon himself to repeatedly cast doubt on B’nai Brith Canada’s Annual Audit of Antisemitic Incidents and suggest hatred toward Jews is not a serious problem in Canada. Meanwhile, Toronto Police statistics confirm that Jews, who constitute a tiny fraction of the city’s population, suffered the most hate crimes in 2015.

Karin Brothers, another participant in the free speech panel, also addressed the 2015 iteration of the al-Quds Day rally which landed Shoufani in hot water. Birds of a feather tend to flock together.

(Yes and the HOGS of Toronto Silly Hall are twisting their logic into pretzels as they struggle to come up with some way to BAN Al Quds Day - WITHOUT Losing Muslim votes!! Al Quds Day has encouraged such anti Jew bigotry that it has BEEN BANNED from Queens Park - so it has been moved to city land!!!!!!)

Nevertheless, the real issue here is not the panellists’ odd views, but rather their blatant hypocrisy.

When Ms. Levy asked the panellists whether free speech should also protect someone who shouts that “all Muslims are terrorists” at a public rally, she was shouted down and condemned rather than being given a meaningful answer. This hypocrisy and lack of respect for her free speech did not seem to bother Shoufani’s supporters.

(Yeah the same people who smear all white people as systemic racists do NOT want to discuss their deliberate smears of Jews!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Freedom of expression is indeed written into our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but like all rights, it has its limits. As a famous American jurist once wrote, one cannot shout “Fire!” in a crowded theatre where there’s no problem.

(The DEVIL is in the details - the VILE Pierre Trudope left some DANDY loopholes in his “constitution” that ALLOW LEGAL SUPPRESSION of free speech by UNELECTED LIE-beral dominated Human Rights Kangaroo Courts!!)

(LIE-beral bias is so strong that they are even willing to defend Muslims making highly inflammatory statements - such as the Calgary Imam who explained to a cheering crowd that IT IS LEGAL IN GODS EYES - to kill gays so they will not “SIN” AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And yet a person publicly announcing that the majority of Muslims support TERRORISTS is considered a hate monger and arrested!! This in spite of various polls - mainly in Britain - that indicate that many Muslims WOULD NOT TELL THE COPS - if they got wind of a planned terror attack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

By telling a large crowd of angry and primed Israel-haters that resistance “by any means necessary” is a virtue, and that Ghassan Kanafani, a terrorist who planned the murder of 26 innocent civilians, was a “martyr,” Shoufani poured gasoline on an already volatile situation.

The crowd which Shoufani addressed at Queen’s Park on July 2 was filled with young, impressionable children, dragged to the event by their enthusiastic parents. What can we expect them to think about Jews, about Israel and about terrorism after hearing such a speech?

Shoufani’s employer, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, owes it to its bosses, the Ontario taxpayers, to ensure that their children do not unwittingly fall victim to the same hateful and inciting bile in the classroom.

The school board made the right decision to suspend Shoufani, although why she continues to be paid is a mystery. Let’s all hope the board does the right thing and sides with tolerance in the classroom over apologists for hatred and terrorism.

— Mostyn is chief executive officer of B’nai Brith Canada


On Aug. 17, I chaired a Queen’s Park press conference defending the free speech rights of Nadia Shoufani, a teacher and Palestinian activist. According to Sue-Ann Levy, at that event her own right to free speech “was attacked, jeered [at] and treated with insults.”

(Being shouted down and drowned out so your words cannot be heard is usually considered a restriction on free speech!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

During the press conference, Professor Graeme MacQueen, founding director of McMaster’s Institute of Peace Studies; Professor Atif Kubursi, author of a UN study of the economic costs of the Israeli occupation; and Karin Brothers, a long-time human rights activist, made evidence-based presentations on the McCarthyist persecution of Ms. Shoufani, and on related issues of international law, free speech rights, and media bias.

I underlined the urgency of Shoufani’s free speech, providing information from Israeli and international experts about a catastrophic public health crisis in the West Bank and Gaza — for which international law makes Israel, the occupying power, responsible.

(There is a Muslim mayor elected in Jerusalem; there are Muslims sitting in the Israeli Knesset; Israeli tourists routinely fly off to Egyptian resorts on the Red Sea!! IT IS CLEAR that Israel will make peace and cooperate FULLY with those who honestly WANT PEACE!! To bad Palestinians spit on honest peace!!!!!!!!!!)

Ms. Levy introduced her questions like a bully, insultingly implying that the four panelists were hatemongers.

(A lone middle aged woman reporter can bully a mob of Muslim supporting MEN?? No wonder Muslims pray to God for HIM to destroy Israel -since Muslims are too chicken to do the job themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Despite this unprofessional behaviour, I gave her ample opportunity to exercise free speech: her questions took up a large part of the Q and A session. I told her that groundless and hence defamatory accusations of hatemongering are disgraceful, yet in her article she repeats that we strove “to enable” hatred.

What kind of journalist could be both resolutely ignorant of, and also passionately (even hatefully?) opposed to the information our panel presented? Or is Levy smearing us in order to deflect attention from issues she prefers her readers not to understand?

(Levy is the kind of “journalist” who believes- along with a LOT OF CDNS - that Israel HAS THE RIGHT TO EXIST - and thus also has the right to defend itself from those who have “Sworn to drive the Jews into the sea”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Michael Keefer, Professor Emeritus, English and Theatre Studies, University of Guelph


Karin Brothers, founding member, the United Network for Just Peace in Palestine/Israel

Atif Kubursi, Professor Emeritus of Economics, McMaster University

Graeme MacQueen, Associate Professor (ret.) of Religious Studies, McMaster University

(What a DISGRACE!! Such a one sided and poisoned discussion!! And we now have THREE MORE NAMES of so called teachers who OUGHT TO BE FIRED because of their BIGOTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Lies, lies and more lies. And this is the same lie that Harper spread and got away with! And he knows it is a lie.
”Experts on Canada’s parliamentary system say Andrew Scheer should know better than to erroneously contend that whoever wins the most seats on Monday gets to form the government.
The Conservative leader was, after all, Speaker of the House of Commons for almost five years and, as such, should be well aware that the only rule that matters is who can command the confidence of the majority of MPs — whether they be all from one party, or from a multitude of partisan affiliations.
“It lowers him in my esteem and maybe the esteem of other people because I’m sure he knows he’s wrong,” said political science professor Peter Russell, who helped advise Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean in 2008, when she had to navigate an attempt by three opposition parties to form a coalition to replace Stephen Harper‘s minority Conservative government.”

‘Complete nonsense’: Experts dispute Scheer’s claims about forming government


POOR STUPID CLIFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HE HAD FORGOTTEN Lavalin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just as LIE-berals had HOPED WE HAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your idiot Boy is in SERIOUS TROUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are the Pinnochios of Politics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An they DO IT SO BADLY their only option is to take what other say..............................

and THROW IT BACK AT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If it is LIE-beral then is as genuine as a THREE DOLLAR BILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article that indicates how sleazy and low are the dirty tricks being played against Conservatives - by increasingly desperate LIE-berals!!
On the plus side- LIE-berals for once told us the truth - when they said this election campaign would be a dirty one!!!!!!!!!!!!

With some comments of my own in brackets):

Sign for Conservative candidate mysteriously appears on school grounds outside of his election district

By Ted Fraser - Toronto Star Staff Reporter

Published: Sept 23, 2019

A sign for the Conservative candidate in Toronto-Danforth, Zia Choudhary, mysteriously appeared on the grounds of a school outside of his election district this weekend.

Choudhary told the Star that he doesn’t know how the sign made it to East York Collegiate Institute, and that neither he — nor his volunteers — are responsible for planting it on the school’s grounds.

(LIE-berals have a history of playing with signs - staffers on the Ontari-owe LIE-beral MPP Monte Qwinter team were actually video taped REMOVING Conservative signs from the intersection of Bathurst and Dundas - in BROAD DAYLIGHT in the 2014 election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And then there is the “confusion related to a sign on a lawn in east end Toronto with a self described “radio personality and blogger” trying to claim Conservatives are forcing him to display a Conservative sign on his lawn- in what may be either a miss-communication - or a DIRTY LIE-beral TRICK - depending on whose story you believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Mina Bashga, the campaign manager for Nadirah Nazeer — the Conservative candidate running in Beaches-East York, where the school is located — also said he had “no idea” how the sign got onto school grounds.

(So this sign is not even placed in the proper riding - and it seems clear somebody is messing with Conservative signs!! IS IT SIMPLE VANDALISM - by silly kids- or is it LIE-berals desperately using any means to make Conservatives look bad??)

Bashga said that Elections Canada asked Nazeer’s team to remove the sign and that they did so “within 20 minutes.”

Ryan Bird, manager of corporate and social relations for the Toronto District School Board, wrote in an email that he believes the sign was placed there sometime this weekend. Bird noted that “campaign signs are not permitted” on school grounds.

Choudhary’s team was involved in another sign showdown earlier this week after his staffers mistakenly planted a sign on the lawn of Katie Jeanne and Dan Lovranski’s East York home.

(Ah yes- the “radio personality and blogger” - who has nothing good to say about Conservatives anyway and might be suspected - by a cynic like myself - of orchestrating his own dirty sign trick against Conservatives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The couple said they never asked for the sign, and after they were told (incorrectly) by Elections Canada that they couldn’t remove it, planted a sign of their own which read: “Don’t vote for →”

(Yes- it DOES sound like SILLY LIE-beral games - since it was a cityunion HOG worker who incorrectly told Loveranski he could not remove the sign - thus escalating the issue !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Choudhary’s team eventually removed the sign from the couple’s lawn.

The Conservative candidate told the Star that his volunteers said that they had received permission to place the sign while door-knocking in late May.

(Political campaign workers are usually pretty careful about where they place signs - specifically to AVOID the sort of fuss being kicked up by “bloggers” like Lovranski!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
POOR STUPID CLIFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HE HAD FORGOTTEN Lavalin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just as LIE-berals had HOPED WE HAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your idiot Boy is in SERIOUS TROUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are the Pinnochios of Politics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Good points there, STB. I'd bet Trudeau has lied more in the past 4 years than Scheer, Singh and May combined! Probably even as much as the Putz! :)


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
I hope Trudeau gets a minority government, then he will have to initiate Pro Rep and we will never have a conservative or liberal dictatorship again and we will get to see Boomer's head explode and Alberia attempt to leave confederation. The drama, the intrigue and the insanity will be priceless.

MY head won't explode.. I still have work, a pay check and you still need to eat, which keeps my business going.

As far as Alberta leave Confederation, it probably will, if Trudeau is elected.

It has every right to leave, Quebec with endless Court battles paved an easy exit for Alberta.

... and I don't think the rest of Canada would have much to say.. There are more guns in Alberta than the rest of Canada..

However, I think the polls are fukked and tomorrow a blue wave will hit Canada