CDN Election 2019

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
You could be right, CC but I've had the feeling for awhile now that the old guard of the liberal party took a step back from Pinocchio once they saw what Geppetto was up too. It is the latter in my opinion who is pulling the strings and the rest of the party is just waiting for the day when they can rid themselves of them both. Rarely did you see them rally around the little potato during his term whereas with other liberal leaders the party was in evidence a good part of the time. JMO.
The Judy Wilson Raybold story with the PMO dictating how the Judiciary should rule smells of "old time Liberal" I doubt that Justin even understood what was going on, at first. He was "deer in the headlights" ... for a bit. This is not letting him off the hook. It's that he may very well not have the wherewithal to control the old party cabal that was inserted into his PMO. If he actually controls that office, I'll eat my hat.

They're having seances with the ghost of Pitfield, every full moon.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
The Judy Wilson Raybold story with the PMO dictating how the Judiciary should rule smells of "old time Liberal" I doubt that Justin even understood what was going on, at first. He was "deer in the headlights" ... for a bit. This is not letting him off the hook. It's that he may very well not have the wherewithal to control the old party cabal that was inserted into his PMO. If he actually controls that office, I'll eat my hat.

They're having seances with the ghost of Pitfield, every full moon.
the PMO was not trying to influence a judicial ruling

if that matters


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I'll say one thing. Trudeau's petulent whine about "the dirtiest campaign ever" means that he has no knowledge of Canadian history and the bitter campaigns of the past.
I guess that teaching kindergarten doesn't prepare you very well for statesmanship.
Well, to be fair, it's not like Trudeaubama has actually attempted statesmanship.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
The Judy Wilson Raybold story with the PMO dictating how the Judiciary should rule smells of "old time Liberal" I doubt that Justin even understood what was going on, at first. He was "deer in the headlights" ... for a bit. This is not letting him off the hook. It's that he may very well not have the wherewithal to control the old party cabal that was inserted into his PMO. If he actually controls that office, I'll eat my hat.

They're having seances with the ghost of Pitfield, every full moon.
Excerpts from a MacLeans Article.

"Since Trudeau was elected Liberal leader in 2013, Butts has shaped and branded the vast majority of policy on which Trudeau is currently campaigning. He at once works literally inches from Trudeau and from 1,000 feet up, guiding the tectonic plates of Trudeau’s bid for the highest seat in the land. “His influence is profound on this campaign,” says consultant and pollster David Herle, who advises Liberal campaigns."

"In many respects, the electoral fate of the party rests on the shoulders of this 44-year-old son of a coal miner from Cape Breton, who became an English literature graduate and, eventually, political Svengali. Praised even by his detractors for his policy breadth and political knack, he has nonetheless drawn the ire, however muted, of some Liberals existing beyond the echo chamber of the leader’s office."

"Others still blame Butts for cutting off both access to and dissension against Trudeau’s office. “The problem with Gerald is that if you are a single voice speaking to Justin, you aren’t allowed dissent. Anyone who doesn’t stick to the line that Gerry sets out has no place in the inner circle,” said one former Liberal staffer. “I quit because of Gerry Butts.”

"The first commercial break during the Maclean’s debate last August came at about the 25-minute mark, after a spirited exchange on the economy. Each leader was approached by his or her designated adviser for the night. Tom Mulcair chatted with Jim Rutkowski, an NDP veteran. Green Leader Elizabeth May conversed with her daughter, while Harper’s son, Ben, towered over his dad for the few minutes that the cameras were at rest.

Butts, Trudeau’s chosen adviser, approached Trudeau and practically pinned his friend against the wall. He slung a jacketed arm over Trudeau’s shoulder and spoke in hushed tones, inches from his face. It wasn’t so much aggressive as intensely friendly—a boxer with his longtime coach—with Trudeau occasionally nodding at Butts’s words. The next two breaks were similar: While Mulcair, May and Harper chatted with their advisers, Butts looked as though he might send Trudeau back in with a mouthguard.

It was a snapshot of their relationship, and an indication of how far Butts had come. He was born in 1971 to Rita and Charlie Butts of Bridgeport, N.S., the youngest of five children. His father saw dozens of fellow miners die in the coal pits of Cape Breton; his mother, a nurse, cared for many who survived. “My dad never looked for a reason to be unhappy, though he had plenty in close proximity,” Butts wrote of Charlie in 2014. “It was almost as if he didn’t see the point. It was a waste of his time and energy.”

Wonderfully informative article on the mind and hands that control Pinocchio. There is much much more but I will finish with this quote which exposes the true nature of Geppetto.

"Since even before Trudeau became Liberal leader, Butts’s most visible role has been to start and/or participate in these sorts of nasty, ephemeral battles on Twitter, and he does so almost daily with apparent glee. On Aug. 25, he reproached the NDP for running a negative campaign. A few weeks later, without apparent irony, he berated a conservative with all of 15 followers for misspelling the word “effete” when referring to Trudeau."



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Sad case! When you ask most people to quit doing something annoying they comply!

Okay then.........................

we will take your statement at face value...........................

please ask Cliffy to stop posting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So how that works out and then we can talk again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

POOR FOOLISH Cliffy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Perpetually struggling to understand the issues............................

AND FAILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Here is an article expanding on the gross bias displayed by CBC civil service union HOGS as their not so great leader Trudope takes flak from all sides!!

With some comments of my own in brackets):

CBC lawsuit against Conservatives looks like move to protect Trudeau Liberals

By Brian Lilley

Published: October 12, 2019, Updated: October 12, 2019 3:15 PM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists

I don’t know how the brain trust over at CBC thought this would look good on them.

The broadcaster most thought of as being in the pocket of Justin Trudeau and the Liberals has decided to sue the Conservative Party with less than two weeks to go before voting day.

The lawsuit — which claims copyright infringement — is not only bad optics, its a bad decision from a legal point of view.

CBC is wrong on the law here.

(CBC is seeking a new avenue to attack Conservatives since their discrimination and outright censorship of any Conservative view during the 2015 election was exposed!!!!!!!!)

The statement of claim filed in court tries to argue that CBC’s copyright has been infringed because the Conservatives used several short clips, totalling 17 seconds, as part of an online video questioning the judgement of Justin Trudeau.

The filing also claims the moral rights of CBC staffers Rosemary Barton and J.P. Tasker were violated.

(Yes- “moral rights” - this is the stuff of Human Rights Kangaroo Courts with their biased concern for HURT FEELINGS rather than honest legal arguments!!!!! CBC HOGS are outraged that their commentary might actually aid Conservatives in ANY WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

This is nothing more than an attempt by CBC to bully the Conservatives because they don’t like that news clips have been used in ads even though it is completely allowable under the “fair dealing” provisions within the Copyright Act.

(LIE-berals deliberately ABUSED this “fair dealing” law in their 2015 censorship of Conservative views and comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

CBC has issued this statement about its legal filing.
— Rosemary Barton (@RosieBarton) October 12, 2019

University of Ottawa law professor Michael Geist posted several online criticisms of CBC’s move including claiming that the broadcaster has “an unfortunate history of overzealous use of copyright to stifle freedom of expression.”

“CBC obviously has rights as the copyright owner in its broadcast, but those rights are constrained by limitations and exceptions under the law that allow for use of its work without the need for further permission,” Geist said.

(Fair use policy -EXEMPTS political comment from the usual copy right law so that public discussion of IMPORTANT issues can be detailed and inclusive!!!!!!!)

This is a point that was hammered home when the election officially started in a document that Elections Canada distributed to all the parties and broadcasters. It lays out the rules for airtime and advertising during the campaign and is pretty blunt on this point.

“If a news clip is relatively short and is not a substantial part of the audiovisual work from which it was taken, the broadcast of the news clip in a political ad would not infringe the copyright of the owner of the audiovisual work and would not require the permission of that owner to be broadcast,” the Elections Canada Broadcasting Guidelines state.

(So even our LIE-beral loving Election Canada HOGS KNOW that CBC IS OUT OF LINE!! After all - 17 SECONDS of video is “relatively short” as per the LEGAL guide lines!!!!! CBC HOGS are using OUR TAX MONEY to openly HARASS Conservatives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Of course CBC knows all this and in the past has even been warned against such action by their own legal and regulatory team.

(But making major efforts to save Our idiot Boy gives CBC HOGS easy access to that six hundred million dollar LIE-beral trusted media SLUSH FUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Ahead of the 2015 election, the head of news at CBC, Jennifer McGuire, sought to ban any political ads that used material from any news broadcaster after the Conservatives used a CBC clip of Trudeau excusing the Boston bomber terrorists as “someone who feels completely excluded.”

(Yes- Our idiot Boy really must STOP excusing Muslim Terrorists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

“Under existing policies, the mere existence of broadcaster material is not grounds for rejection of an advertisement,” wrote Steven Guiton, CBC’s Chief Regulatory Officer.

Now McGuire, who is really behind the lawsuit as proven by her own statements released Saturday, is at it again.

The worry of CBC is that the public may not think they are impartial if these clips are used in a political ad. The reality is that CBC looks very biased as a result of this lawsuit.

Surely the folks over at CBC know that most Conservatives already view them as a pro-Liberal news organization and yet here they are once again going to court over this issue.

(LIE-berals have already let us know- thanks to big mouth Climate Barbie McKenna that they believe repeating lies often enough makes them believable!!!)

They know they are offside of the law. They know they are offside what their own executives have told them. So why do this?

It looks like they want to protect their favoured leader, Justin Trudeau.

(Yeah - CBC HOGS are DEVOTED to that LIE-beral sponsored GRAVY TRAIN!
And CBC is TERRIFIED that a Conservative govt might just CHOP CBC HOG ENTITLEMENTS!! After all not only are CBC HOGS total BIGOTS- promoting crap about systemic racism and white privilege - they are also gravy train riders who ROUTINELY DEMAND MORE -regardless of what they deserve or what we can afford!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(It is time to rein in CBC HOGS who have been alllowed to act like the Cdn version of Pravda - the official source of Soviet Socialist propaganda - for far to long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Excerpts from a MacLeans Article.
"Since Trudeau was elected Liberal leader in 2013, Butts has shaped and branded the vast majority of policy on which Trudeau is currently campaigning. He at once works literally inches from Trudeau and from 1,000 feet up, guiding the tectonic plates of Trudeau’s bid for the highest seat in the land. “His influence is profound on this campaign,” says consultant and pollster David Herle, who advises Liberal campaigns."
"In many respects, the electoral fate of the party rests on the shoulders of this 44-year-old son of a coal miner from Cape Breton, who became an English literature graduate and, eventually, political Svengali. Praised even by his detractors for his policy breadth and political knack, he has nonetheless drawn the ire, however muted, of some Liberals existing beyond the echo chamber of the leader’s office."
"Others still blame Butts for cutting off both access to and dissension against Trudeau’s office. “The problem with Gerald is that if you are a single voice speaking to Justin, you aren’t allowed dissent. Anyone who doesn’t stick to the line that Gerry sets out has no place in the inner circle,” said one former Liberal staffer. “I quit because of Gerry Butts.”
"The first commercial break during the Maclean’s debate last August came at about the 25-minute mark, after a spirited exchange on the economy. Each leader was approached by his or her designated adviser for the night. Tom Mulcair chatted with Jim Rutkowski, an NDP veteran. Green Leader Elizabeth May conversed with her daughter, while Harper’s son, Ben, towered over his dad for the few minutes that the cameras were at rest.
Butts, Trudeau’s chosen adviser, approached Trudeau and practically pinned his friend against the wall. He slung a jacketed arm over Trudeau’s shoulder and spoke in hushed tones, inches from his face. It wasn’t so much aggressive as intensely friendly—a boxer with his longtime coach—with Trudeau occasionally nodding at Butts’s words. The next two breaks were similar: While Mulcair, May and Harper chatted with their advisers, Butts looked as though he might send Trudeau back in with a mouthguard.
It was a snapshot of their relationship, and an indication of how far Butts had come. He was born in 1971 to Rita and Charlie Butts of Bridgeport, N.S., the youngest of five children. His father saw dozens of fellow miners die in the coal pits of Cape Breton; his mother, a nurse, cared for many who survived. “My dad never looked for a reason to be unhappy, though he had plenty in close proximity,” Butts wrote of Charlie in 2014. “It was almost as if he didn’t see the point. It was a waste of his time and energy.”
Wonderfully informative article on the mind and hands that control Pinocchio. There is much much more but I will finish with this quote which exposes the true nature of Geppetto.
"Since even before Trudeau became Liberal leader, Butts’s most visible role has been to start and/or participate in these sorts of nasty, ephemeral battles on Twitter, and he does so almost daily with apparent glee. On Aug. 25, he reproached the NDP for running a negative campaign. A few weeks later, without apparent irony, he berated a conservative with all of 15 followers for misspelling the word “effete” when referring to Trudeau."

I don't like those guys. They've been haunting this country for far too long.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
And I'll tell you straight, ASSHOLE, no post warrants that type of response...……………...You and your buddy MHz should form your own private hate club and get the f*ck off this forum. Assholes like you aren't needed!

Calm down