
Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015

If you actually did your research, you'd see that I'm not prejudiced at all. This is one of many, many videos that state what I have said. Take the time and find out information for yourself instead of listening to the MSM! You might actually learn something!
Unh. Hunh.

I bet you think that Trump is a right guy, too.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Fox Island has been washed away by sea level rise, forcing end of Chesapeake Bay education program

After 40 years there offering magical teaching moments, environmental educators are saying goodbye to Fox Island as it sinks into the Chesapeake Bay.

This fall is the last season for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Fox Island Education Program, the foundation announced in a blog post on Oct. 10.

Foundation educators say sea level rise and erosion are destroying the protective salt marshes surrounding the island between the Tangier and Pocomoke sounds, making the foundation’s educational center there unsafe to hold its three-day program.

After analyzing historic aerial photos, the foundation estimates the bay has swallowed up more than 70% of the island’s land in the last 50 years.

Losing the island, located in Virginia waters just across the state line between Crisfield and Tangier Island, is heartbreaking for foundation educators like Karen Mullin. Fox Island brought people an irreplaceable connection with the water and wildlife, she said.

“There are places on this earth — breathtaking locations — that make you think differently about your actions and your environment and the beauty of where you live,” she said. “Fox is one of those places.”



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Fox Island has been washed away by sea level rise, forcing end of Chesapeake Bay education program

After 40 years there offering magical teaching moments, environmental educators are saying goodbye to Fox Island as it sinks into the Chesapeake Bay.

This fall is the last season for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Fox Island Education Program, the foundation announced in a blog post on Oct. 10.

Foundation educators say sea level rise and erosion are destroying the protective salt marshes surrounding the island between the Tangier and Pocomoke sounds, making the foundation’s educational center there unsafe to hold its three-day program.

After analyzing historic aerial photos, the foundation estimates the bay has swallowed up more than 70% of the island’s land in the last 50 years.

Losing the island, located in Virginia waters just across the state line between Crisfield and Tangier Island, is heartbreaking for foundation educators like Karen Mullin. Fox Island brought people an irreplaceable connection with the water and wildlife, she said.

“There are places on this earth — breathtaking locations — that make you think differently about your actions and your environment and the beauty of where you live,” she said. “Fox is one of those places.”

As has been happening for millennia , those sandbars are constantly shifting .


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Actually, he didn't lose it - he withdrew the complaint because Ball and the Judge wanted a copy the material he claimed proved his theory and when that happened he withdrew the law suit. Pretty sure it was because his "theory" was bogus right from the start. It's all bogus and the poor little chitlin who came to my city yesterday is being used and abused. And I was horrified that apparently l,000's of people turned up. I can't believe how many people are falling for this B.S. It's incredible. Didn't realize how easy it is to brain wash people into thinking something is real when it's not. Sigh....

Sorry DC ( not trying to be difficult here ), but no, that is NOT entirely correct, here:

UPDATE – Dr. Tim Ball wins @MichaelEMann lawsuit – Mann “hides the decline” AGAIN

Hi Anthony

Michael Mann’s case against me was dismissed this morning by the BC Supreme Court and they awarded me [court] costs.

Tim Ball

That is a WIN.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Fox Island has been washed away by sea level rise, forcing end of Chesapeake Bay education program

Barack and Michelle Obama are buying a $15M estate in Martha’s Vineyard

President and Michelle Obama join the growing list of climate activists who want to enjoy a little beachside luxury before the carbon demon swallows all the coastlines.

I’m sure we all wish the Obamas well in their new home, but I can’t help thinking this purchase of a low lying seaside property somewhat contradicts previous statements by President Obama about the urgent need to address sea level rise.

Chesapeake bay and Martha's vineyard are about 400 kilometers apart on the same sea there boiyo!

The monthly cost of the house, assuming a standard 30-year loan, is listed at a staggering $63,969. Considering that the couple recently signed a joint $65 million book deal with Penguin Random House and received an undisclosed sum for their collaboration with Netflix, that mortgage might not hurt as much as the recent doubt in Obama’s legacy expressed by some 2020 Democrats.

I know the sign says "don't feed the manimals butt". I do love feeding cliffy winners though.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Whoa! What BS is that? Since when am I not entitled to an opinion (and a fairly educated one at that)? Being silly again ain't yuh? LOL
Curious George lives in Ontariowe. Therefore not only does he have a bad case of penis envy when it comes to Western success he believes everything CBCtells him to believe. Facts do not matter.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Fox Island has been washed away by sea level rise, forcing end of Chesapeake Bay education program

After 40 years there offering magical teaching moments, environmental educators are saying goodbye to Fox Island as it sinks into the Chesapeake Bay.
This fall is the last season for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Fox Island Education Program, the foundation announced in a blog post on Oct. 10.
Foundation educators say sea level rise and erosion are destroying the protective salt marshes surrounding the island between the Tangier and Pocomoke sounds, making the foundation’s educational center there unsafe to hold its three-day program.
After analyzing historic aerial photos, the foundation estimates the bay has swallowed up more than 70% of the island’s land in the last 50 years.
Losing the island, located in Virginia waters just across the state line between Crisfield and Tangier Island, is heartbreaking for foundation educators like Karen Mullin. Fox Island brought people an irreplaceable connection with the water and wildlife, she said.
“There are places on this earth — breathtaking locations — that make you think differently about your actions and your environment and the beauty of where you live,” she said. “Fox is one of those places.”
If the sea level is rising why is Vancouver island getting higher every year?Or is it only the Atlantic that is rising?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
She's just a kid.

The whole lot of you are being extremely obnoxious.

POOR Comrade Curious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is mentally ALL AT SEA now that he has retired from the navy.....................

and no longer has officers to do his thinking for him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For foolish RED TORY thinks it is IRRELEVANT how...................................

some jumped up, over rated climate activist wanna-be TRAVELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE KNOW Greta sailed that toxic soup of chemicals - plastic yacht across the across the ocean....................

and we have YET TO HEAR how our environmental champion dealt with HER GARBAGE en route!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just the usual DUMP IT IN THE OCEAN routine I guess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And she traveled from New York to Montreal in an electric car supplied by Terminator Arnold.......................

BUT NO WORD on how she got to Edmonton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Should WE GUESS SHE - GASP - FLEW in an air plane?????????????????????????????

And Greta wants to go to Chile for a "climate conference".............................

does that mean ANOTHER AIR FLIGHT????????????????????

And the toxic carbon fibre yacht that she did her VIRTUE SIGNALLING from..........................

has been taken back to Europe BY A CREW THAT FLEW OVER..............................

to New York from Sweden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now we hear that Greta does not KNOW how she will get home???????????????????

God help us if she hears about Roxham Rd and easy access to Cdn welfare money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She might decide to make a refugee claim and if rejected- then SHE CAN BLAME CANADA.........................

for shipping her back to Sweden on an airplane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She could get a FREE FLIGHT HOME and avoid taking responsibility for the resulting POLLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One would think that a Climate Champion would trumpet her PERSONAL climate saving ways..........................

thus the SILENCE around how Greta travels suggests she is a TYPICAL "do as I say and not as I do" type LIE-beral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Greta HAS CLAIMED that she has purchased some carbon credits from an un-named source!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But as we know - LIE-berals have COMPLETELY FAILED to explain how their habit of giving carbon credit money.......................

to other people so those others have enough cash TO EXPAND THEIR CARBON FOOT PRINT...................................

will actually work to minimize the LIE-beral carbon foot print!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Greta is a very foolish child and should be gently led way from public scrutiny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is NOT HER FAULT that she is an AIRHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She has simply been fed a steady diet of LIE-beral Fake News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I don't think it's all hate - a lot of it is frustration: for her being lied to, used and abused; the elite preaching to us as to how they want us to live, work and eat. In the meantime, while they continue to lie about the environment and everything else, they continue to do live as they do because of their wealth, any restrictions won't affect them but it will certainly hurt the general population. It's the whole idea of totalitarianism that I, personally, hate.

So some people think that having Greta REPEAT THE LIE-beral LIES............................

will somehow HELP ANYBODY except the LIARS???????????????????????



Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Yes, she's a teenager that's managing to wring pure hate out of a lot of so-called "adults" on here. Think that she should be in school? Are any of you truant officers? Whether she's in school or not is her parent's business, not yours. A Nanny state like Sweden would have put an end to it some time ago if she was breaking some obscure legal code that you are all imagining, you can be sure.
It sure looks to as if she's hit upon something fundamentally truthful to generate such vociferous ...hatred ... what else can you call it?
Get lives.
Really. This teenager will not end or affect your world in any way ...unless of course, that she's right.
Nothing in your post addresses the fact that she is just another shill for the climate alarmists. Nothing I have written deserves your claim of 'hatred', CC because it is only pity that I feel for her. I reserve my vociferous opinions for those who truly the deserve them - the climate fanatics with deep pockets ready to use and manipulate anyone in order to cause as much chaos and discord as possible.
'she' has hit upon nothing, CC especially considering that nothing she says is new or profound or of true consequence when it has been done to death by those who came before her.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Has Sweden quit using oil yet?

No - the Swedes HAVE NOT quit using oil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In fact it might be FUN to calculate JUST HOW MUCH oil Swedes use.......................

in motor boats to travel around to their summer homes..........

during holiday times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Swedes have set up a large number of offshore island in the same "summer fun" style................................

as Ontari-owe Muskoka cottage country...............................

or the kind of motorized summer fun seen on lakes like Okanogan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On the PLUS SIDE the Swedish group "Flight Shame" HAS RECOGNIZED.............................

that SOME SENSIBLE REDUCTIONS in carbon output MIGHT BE USEFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To that end- Flight Shame tries to make people take the train instead of the plane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Europe - including Sweden has a very efficient network of trains..................................

they are a little SLOWER than a plane......................................

but MUCH MORE FUEL EFFICIENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course NOBODY has bothered to hijack a train since the 1980`s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And NOBODY STARTS ARGUMENTS at a train station by demanding....................................

that Muslim women temporarily remove their hijab for security and identification reasons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Flight Shame MIGHT BE ON TO A GOOD THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The idea that we can completely KILL ALL OIL USE...........................................

by order of SELF SERVING HYPOCRITE LIE-berals....................................

who plan to KEEP their MASSIVE CARBON FOOTPRINT..............................

even as they DESTROY OUR LIVES.................................

is IDIOT NONSENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But the idea that we could persuade people to make MORE JUDICIOUS CHOICES..............................

about how much oil they CHOOSE to use..................................

SOUNDS LOGICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Rebel news is mentally ill.

And how would you know Cliffy??????????????

Since your own up-bringing has been as twisted and mistaken......................................

as hers obviously was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The problem with hiding out in the forest as you do..............

means you HAVE NO STANDARD to judge by!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!