CDN Election 2019


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Cliffy, what are you suggesting here? Are you saying 'don't vote sheer because of his religion"? how is that Canadian?

Judging any person based on their religion would be a bad idea. Even someone that identifies themself as a catholic or a muslim would get criticized.
It would be a bad idea if his religious convictions swayed his policies. There are people in this country whose religious beliefs differ from his, so implementing policies based on one's religion would impact many people who do not subscribe to those beliefs. It is quite evident the harm that can happen when religious fanatics take over the government, just look south of the border.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
It would be a bad idea if his religious convictions swayed his policies. There are people in this country whose religious beliefs differ from his, so implementing policies based on one's religion would impact many people who do not subscribe to those beliefs. It is quite evident the harm that can happen when religious fanatics take over the government, just look south of the border.
When did religious fanatics take America over ? Do you have any concern with sharia law ? There is a certain squad that would like to push that .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
religious extremists have no place in politics.

go grab a pulpit.

When Our idiot Boy Justin INSISTS...........................................

that he has DONE NOTHING WRONG.................................

by offering Lavalin a public FORGIVENESS and the blessing...............................

of his Cdn govt................................

what Our idiot Boy is telling us is that election BRIBERY................................

for which Lavalin paid a TOKEN FINE..............................

and BID RIGGING- not just in third world countries..........................................

so that dictators and despots would PROFIT along with Lavalin...............................

but BID RIGGING RIGHT HERE IN Canada.................................

that resulted in the ABUSE of Cdn tax dollars....................................

coupled with deliberate hiding of documents and refusal of govt officials to speak to the Ethics Commissioner.........................

along with REPEATED REFUSAL to let RCMP investigate......................................

ARE ALL TOOLS...........................................

that LIE-berals RESERVE THE RIGHT TO USE........................................

WHENEVER LIE-beral needs dictate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy is actually running an ELECTION CAMPAIGN............................................

based on his ALLEGED RIGHT............................................

to EXCUSE CRIMINALS..........................................

and to OBSTRUCT Justice...........................................

just so long as the result BENEFITS the LIE-beral party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
religious extremists have no place in politics.

go grab a pulpit.

I personally don't care for them and definitely wouldn't vote for the ones who ram it down your throat, but they are probably no worse than rabid environmentalists or rabid capitalists or rabid at taking selfies! :)


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Ain't nuthin' , We have a couple of isis supporters right here in the forum.................
Maybe it is best to just blacklist all of the UK until they sort things out. If that works we might as well clean the whole house.

As an alternative AB could house 1M of the baddest of the bad if they will sign a homesteaders agreement along the route that will be needing people to watch it so NATO doesn't sabotage the route as there will be many Chinese goods coming in that are by-passing lower Canada and the insane shipping rates they charge for goods going into the frontier. Swamp means fresh water, I hope that isn't a problem.
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB

what Our idiot Boy is telling us is that election BRIBERY................................

for which Lavalin paid a TOKEN FINE..............................

and BID RIGGING- not just in third world countries..........................................

so that dictators and despots would PROFIT along with Lavalin...............................

but BID RIGGING RIGHT HERE IN Canada.................................

that resulted in the ABUSE of Cdn tax dollars....................................
Are you mad that JT put a stop to it, after all I see no complaints about the Cons not catching them in the decade they should have, if they were on the ball. Or maybe they were bribed not to look too closely.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Calling out Andrew Scheer's religious extremism

With an election on the way it needs to be asked whether the man who wants to be prime minister really does believe that LGBTQ people are disordered and immoral

Once again Andrew Scheer, leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the man who wants to be the country’s next prime minister, has refused to participate in Toronto's annual Pride parade. It’s the third year in a row that Scheer has declined.
At a time when homophobic violence and abuse has seen a tragic upturn in the west (including Canada) – and when homosexuality is still considered a crime punishable by imprisonment or even execution in numerous countries – the reasons Scheer has offered for his absence have varied. But none have been credible.
There are, of course, a loud number of social conservatives in his party base, but they certainly don’t form a majority, and within the parliamentary caucus leading figures such as Lisa Raitt attended this year's parade.
But even Conservative MPs that are genuinely supportive of the LGBTQ community are prepared to defend their leader because defeating Justin Trudeau is paramount. It’s why we see them performing intellectual contortions to justify why their man clearly does not like Pride.
Scheer will never state his genuine reasons for boycotting what has become a most important symbol of inclusion in contemporary Canada, because he doesn't want to be labelled a religious extremist.
But the reality is that Scheer's conservative Roman Catholic views inform most of his ideas on issues of life and sexuality.
The catechism of the Roman Catholic church teaches that “homosexual acts” are “intrinsically immoral and contrary to the natural law”, and that even such tendencies are “objectively disordered.” In other words, those in same-sex relationships are immoral and unnatural, and even those who are gay but celibate are disordered, which would include the majority of Catholic clergy.
The vast majority of Canadian Catholics, a religion that makes up more than 40 per cent of the country’s population, reject these teachings. Such is the case with Trudeau, for example, who still regards himself as Catholic, as was his father, who was profoundly influenced by his faith but also introduced much of Canada’s first socially liberal legislation.
The issue is one of interpretation, but Scheer is on the orthodox right of his church. This is why he voted against equal marriage when Catholic prime minister Paul Martin led the campaign to introduce it in 2005.
The same applies to Scheer’s approach to abortion and to assisted dying, both considered anathema by the church.
Indeed, when the anti-choice organization RightNow heard of Scheer’s surprise victory in the Conservative leadership race, they celebrated with a thank you in their newsletter to all the volunteers "who worked tirelessly selling memberships."
They knew the man, knew his father (the Catholic deacon), knew that he voted against Bill C-16, which added "gender expression or identity" as a protection in the Canadian Human Rights Act – and knew that in Saskatchewan where he is MP for Regina-Qu’Appelle, opposition to abortion and LGBTQ rights is acceptable.
So Scheer obfuscates and pretends.
For Stephen Harper, who contrary to what most people believe was not especially religious, this was far less of an issue. For Doug Ford in Ontario it’s even less relevant – he may not be comfortable at Pride, but his philosophy is rooted in the 1950s suburbs rather than in Catholic natural law theory.
With an election on the way, Scheer has tried to paint himself as more of a moderate. It remains to be seen whether journalists will ask whether the man who wants to be prime minister really does believe that LGBTQ people are disordered and immoral, and whether he does think that a woman’s right to choose is akin to murder.
This will be more challenging than commenting on Trudeau’s socks, and will likely see the Conservative spin machine respond with accusations of religious intolerance. To a truly robust media that shouldn’t matter.
Seems he does not realize that he must work for ALL CANADIANS........

Religious extremism does not belong in leadership roles. It is prejudicial.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Just as it is prejudicial to ban them! :)
no one is talking beaning anything. He can "believe " whatever the heck he wants to.........but if his beliefs affect his behavior in a prejudicial is out of line. People in leadership positions must be accepting of all CANADIANS........and not demonstrate bias the way he is. He is just demonstrating his own superior attitude ......Furthermore......NO belief system is better or woes than is just DIFFERENT. Beliefs are not based on facts anyhow......


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
no one is talking beaning anything. He can "believe " whatever the heck he wants to.........but if his beliefs affect his behavior in a prejudicial is out of line. People in leadership positions must be accepting of all CANADIANS........and not demonstrate bias the way he is. He is just demonstrating his own superior attitude ......Furthermore......NO belief system is better or woes than is just DIFFERENT. Beliefs are not based on facts anyhow......

He can still do everything you mention while adhering to the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule.


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
Trudeau was baptised catholic and singh i think he is Sikh. I won't be judging either one based on extremism in their religion.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Why. . .why. . . that makes him just like every other executive officer in history!

How DARE he?

The problem in this scenario is that trudeau was not only caught, but the individual that rendered the decision was hand-picked by trudeau to make the assessment.

... Sad that even with the chance to stack the deck, he still can't win - he's the kinda guy that could fall into a tub full of titties and come out sucking his thumb


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The problem in this scenario is that trudeau was not only caught, but the individual that rendered the decision was hand-picked by trudeau to make the assessment.

... Sad that even with the chance to stack the deck, he still can't win - he's the kinda guy that could fall into a tub full of titties and come out sucking his thumb

Depending on the mentality of the electorate he's totally fcuked come Oct. 21! (And if not we should be taking a very close look at who we allow to vote) I wonder what percentage of the voters in his riding are Lavalin employees.