Being transgender is a ‘mental disorder


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Any sexual activity beyond straight missionary sex is clinically perverted and should be outlawed IMMEDIATELY!!!!!. Damn LIE-berals. All fanciers of anything but conception behavior must report to the AUTHORITIES!!!
#perverts #infidels #!!!!!!!!

I thought we got past that when the learned Prime Minister ruled that Gov't has no business in the Nation's bedrooms (not that I agreed with everything the Asshole said) but I'll give him that one as it is not a "can of worms" that would be easy to put the lid back on. :)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Canadian military to promote transgender recruiting,

CO's told to treat with respect and inclusion

POOR HOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is trying SO VERY HARD to hide LIE-beral deficiencies of all sorts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And he is failing MISERABLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an interesting little article that illustrates the climate of so called “inclusion and acceptance” LIE-berals are fostering in Canada. With some comments of my own in brackets):

‘It’s OK To Be White’ posters too ‘divisive’ for Regina University, could be considered vandalism

(This is what happens when desperate LIE-berals seeking ethnic votes attack anybody who dares argue over their poisoned policies! The CONSTANT LIE-beral attacks accusing white people of being Islamophobes and systemic racists has provoked a backlash! How sad is it that vote hungry-gravy seeking LIE-berals- attack white people who have legitimate grievances over crime rates and Muslim terror while LIE-berals SUPPORT reverse racists who want to tear down white society without having anything legitimate to replace it with!)

Canadian Press. Published: November 23, 2017. Updated: November 23, 2017 7:24 AM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Canada.

REGINA — The University of Regina says it is removing posters on campus that contain the message “It’s OKAY To Be White.”

(NOTE: “its okay to be white” Only LIE-berals see something sinister in “okay”!)

Such posters have been showing up at universities in Canada and the United States in recent weeks.

Some people have linked the posters to white nationalism.

(Yes- the people who have many personal failures find it handy to blame whites for their failures! Personal accountability is ONLY for whites!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The University of Regina says the message on the posters is intended to be divisive and is not in keeping with its commitment to offer a respectful, welcoming and diverse workplace.

(And how would Regina University know what the message of the posters is? Considering that the LIE-beral govt is throwing grant money at every single ethnic group that wants to insist that white people are the scourge of the earth? In spite of the fact that all societies carry the same sins as whites! But NOT all societies can point to the same efforts as 19th century Britain to arrest slave traders along the African coast! And of course the famous “Underground Railroad” had its northern end in Canada!!!)

(LIE-berals in Ontari-owe have announced they will be investigating the scale and scope of “systemic racism” in Ontari-owe! But what is it that LIE-berals are looking for? Examination of their policies and platforms strongly suggests that what they REALLY want is to eliminate is ANY critical examination of ANY of their polices! LIE-berals will find “systemic racism” because they WANT TO FIND IT- for their own benefit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-beral policy is so twisted even if you never do or say anything racist then they will accuse you of “UNCONSCIOUS RACISM” just to punish you!!! LIE-berals are seeking to heal a disease THEY HAVE CREATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(In the minds of LIE-berals it is fair if you like them and better still if you love them- but if you argue with them- even in any small way then you are a racist and must be silenced- and they are seeking out ways to use their Human Rights Kangaroo Courts to do just that- use LIBEL chill and threats of legal action to SILENCE debate on LIE-beral policies!)

The school also says it is investigating whether the posters, which have been glued to walls and windows, should be considered vandalism.

(I am inclined to agree that posters should NOT be glued to any structure- public or private- but LIE-berals must bear the blame for such actions as they and their media allies have silenced and stopped up so many other outlets for public expression! And of course NOBODY COMPLAINS if groups other than whites glue up posters - it’s the usual LIE-beral double standard!!!!!!!!!)

(The last time Cdn media made public comment on the many hundreds of billions of dollars in pension promises LIE-berals made to civil service Hog unions was in 2012! And now that we are reaching the debt wall- our media whores have NOTHING to say about costly Hog pensions that are crippling our economy!!!!)

(And- during the spring and summer of 2017 Cdn media reported often on the numbers of illegals crossing over into Canada- and urged us to feel all warm and fuzzy for offering sanctuary to the TRESPASSERS! But now that the public has got a good look at the deluge of invaders and is watching the LONG TERM COST of caring for these people SOAR- public opinion is hardening - and now media says NOTHING about how many have arrived- in deference to and in defence of LIE-beral positions! Media hypocrisy is GLARING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And what of all those illegals living in tents and in the Montreal Olympic stadium and such? Media told us LIE-berals were planning to buy them heated trailers? But there was the obvious problem of WHERE to set up these instant Trudope Towns? Put them into parks and turn them into trailer trash Trudopia? Apparently the idea been shelved since use of homeless shelters in Toronto has soared by 40 percent and we are now over loaded with trespassers demanding MORE SHELTERS RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Now that Quebec has complained bitterly about having to host so many illegals -LIE-berals who desperately need Quebec votes have begun shipping illegals to towns and cities around the country!! There has certainly been a LOT of whining lately from big city mayors about the SUDDEN bed crisis in homeless shelters- as LIE-berals have dumped their illegals problem onto cities! But LIE-berals have acted like dead beat Dads in their treatment of illegals - LIE-berals welcome the ilegals but leave it to others to PAY for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals have neatly co-opted municipal leaders who do not dare complain about illegals for fear of being called “racist” - even though the only objection city mayors have IS FOR THE COST OF ILLEGALS! Our craven coward mayors dare only talk of a homeless crisis without telling us it was made in Ottawa!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals writing in various forums have gone on the attack- seeking new sources of gravy for themselves! Hogs whine that low corporate taxes are hurting our economy- but they have NOTHING to say about high Hog wages and solid gold Hog pensions that are vthe REAL PROBLEM! Hogh corporate taxes cripple investment and stall the creation of new jobs -that we NEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(WE KNOW LIE-berals NEED more gravy - both for their vote buying and for tending to illegals! Just before being destroyed in the June 2018 election- Wynne-bag Ontari-owe LIE-berals had promised a series of pay raises to Hogs- totalling 7.5 percent over 4 years and they do not have the money - and neither do WE!!!!)

(LIE-berals cannot increase our income tax without exposing their shameless vote buying greed. They cannot get any more gravy from their electrical price gouging mess as we are already taxed out. They cannot borrow any more money to simply kick the problem down the road a few years! LIE-berals are so close to the debt wall that even new revenue tools will not help them!!!!!)

(LIE-berals assume we are short sighted. LIE-berals think we have not noticed that the money companies are being forced to spend to buy carbon credits is money that otherwise would have been used to give us pay raises so we would have a chance of keeping up with inflation and tax bills! LIE-berals think we have not noticed that every time they offer us something- like all day kindergarten- that Hogs get way more benefit than we do!)

(LIE-berals think we have not noticed that high corporate taxes cripple our ability to sell anything to major export markets- and thus our jobs and our future are at risk! LIE-berals think they can bring in a pile of illegals and set them up as long term proteges of LIE-beral Party and we will not notice that LIE-beals have created a huge underclass of people who hate white society in spite of or maybe BECAUSE of their inability to function effectively in that society- yes- they will scorn us even as they depend on us for their living on govt aid!)

(LIE-berals think they can squeeze all their crap past us fast enough that we will not register on the details and will not be in a rage during the next election campaign! And now the election is over and Doug Ford is working to clean up the IMMENSE LIE-beral mess- including that $16 billion dollar deficit LIE-berals thought we wouldnt notice !!!!!)

(And now thanks to carbon crap tax scam and Lavalin and other scandalous mess- federal LIE-beral govt is hanging by its fingernails- with the best that Our idiot Boy can hope for next October is a short lived minority govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals have been disgraced and now all they can do is cry wolf about white racists who are simply disgusted at being tarred with ugly and unfair labels by already DISGRACED LIE-berals!!!!!!!!)

One poster was pasted under the sign for the university’s Office of Indigenization, which works to help make the campus welcoming to aboriginals, who make up about 11 per cent of the student body.

(And what exactly is WRONG with reminding natives they will be SHARING the campus with whites who see no reason to apologize to LIE-berals for existing??)

(It is a wise thing to make natives welcome in places of higher learning- but LIE-berals should be doing much more background work! The lives of way to many natives are being blighted by endemic corruption, rampant drug abuse, alcoholism and violence on reserves! The endemic corruption of band councils with their wasteful spending and almost total lack of receipts to show where govt money went - is the easiest target to resolve!!!!)

(But shameless LIE-berals are ignoring the truth!! Being honest would mean IMMEDIATELY admitting that Conservatives were right in demanding that band councils post ALL their expenses on line so a govt auditor can see at a glance where OUR tax money went!)

(The spectacle of Atiwapiskat band chief Teresa Spence- leader of 1500 people in her Cree band- going on a hunger strike in Ottawa to protest white racism because the Harper govt dared to demand an explanation of where Spence disposed of $150 Million Dollars of govt money- without producing a single receipt - is a national disgrace! It is a disgrace that LIE-berals are perpetuating by letting band councils off the hook for honest reporting of their expenses! If that sort of reporting is good enough for white govt then why is it not suitable for drugged up, suicidal natives????????)

(But asking such an HONEST question marks me in the eyes of BIGOTED LIE-berals as a “racist” and white supremacist”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And is there a connection between band council corruption and native suicide that LIE-beral do not want to discuss!! LIE-berals too busy trying to buy votes so they can cling to power at any price to be bothered with certain damning social details that expose them as HYPOCRITES!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
What is the cure for any mental disorder?
Rather depends on the cause of a mental disorder. i.e. For instance bipolar disorder. in some cases is controlable with medical treatment but some find it very difficult to stay on the medication. Life is very flat or ?boring on the medication, I'm told. On the other hand many people suffer some form of depression sometime in their life and most do not need treatment to recover. Of course, there are many forms of dementia most of which are a result of aging. Not many are treatable. It seems old age is in some circles is considered a disease but like the many natural differences in the evolutionary journey some are not treatable and shouldn't be. After all what if evolutionary changes did not occur? The human race would not exist.....period. If the changes are not sustainable they often only persist for a short time. Short in the evolutionary scale!!.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
As if the lack of proper equipment for the Canadian armed forces isn't enough of a downer! :rolleyes:
For any of you who have had the experience of flying in an old Herc. where the "urinal" was literally a funnel sticking of put of the forward bulkhead in the cargo/troop bay, it would be interesting to see what they'll supply them now. Something with a rack of attachments like those for a Shop Vac, perhaps?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Rather depends on the cause of a mental disorder. i.e. For instance bipolar disorder. in some cases is controlable with medical treatment but some find it very difficult to stay on the medication. Life is very flat or ?boring on the medication, I'm told. On the other hand many people suffer some form of depression sometime in their life and most do not need treatment to recover. Of course, there are many forms of dementia most of which are a result of aging. Not many are treatable. It seems old age is in some circles is considered a disease but like the many natural differences in the evolutionary journey some are not treatable and shouldn't be. After all what if evolutionary changes did not occur? The human race would not exist.....period. If the changes are not sustainable they often only persist for a short time. Short in the evolutionary scale!!.
Pills? Get real. Cognative and occupational therapy are the bread and butter of mental health and age related degenerative disorders.

And you claim to work in health? Wow.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Best solution would be to do away with it all together as an identifier, but unless/until that happens, it is unfortunately a factor in people's lives.
Pretty hard to decide where money and resources should go when there are no identifiers. Just what would you do when allocating funds for specific programs targeted at women when the government has no idea how many women need assistance?


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Pills? Get real. Cognative and occupational therapy are the bread and butter of mental health and age related degenerative disorders.

And you claim to work in health? Wow.
Mood Stabilizing Medications: Generally first choice of medications to treat bipolar disorder. Helps to control mania and recurrence of manic and depressive episodes.
Atypical Antipsychotic Medications: Helps to treat symptoms of bipolar disorder, usually when combined with other psychotic medicines.

Now the therapy treatments are given to the famiy so they can better deal with the mood swings and manic episodes.

Get with the program!!


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Pretty hard to decide where money and resources should go when there are no identifiers. Just what would you do when allocating funds for specific programs targeted at women when the government has no idea how many women need assistance?

And that's a good point, but there are also groups who use Government money who won't allow trans women to be involved because they're 'not real' or whatever other BS excuse they want to use.

Allocating resources and money could be done by researching the amount a program spends in a year, using that as the base and then increasing say X% a year to cover possible issues that might require the increase. Or some other way to work it out.

Right now though, society still insists on using Male or Female for identifiers of gender which means if you can't take gender out of that need, then you have to broaden what gender means to cover for people who don't fit that mold. People think a trans person is 'problem' enough... what about someone who is non-binary? In the end, the subject is entirely complicated and can't be narrowed down just to male or female anymore.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Mood Stabilizing Medications: Generally first choice of medications to treat bipolar disorder. Helps to control mania and recurrence of manic and depressive episodes.
Atypical Antipsychotic Medications: Helps to treat symptoms of bipolar disorder, usually when combined with other psychotic medicines.
Now the therapy treatments are given to the famiy so they can better deal with the mood swings and manic episodes.
Get with the program!!
Those the anti depressants that cause suisidal thoughts? Or the ones that get you so spaced out you can't function?


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
And that's a good point, but there are also groups who use Government money who won't allow trans women to be involved because they're 'not real' or whatever other BS excuse they want to use.

Allocating resources and money could be done by researching the amount a program spends in a year, using that as the base and then increasing say X% a year to cover possible issues that might require the increase. Or some other way to work it out.

Right now though, society still insists on using Male or Female for identifiers of gender which means if you can't take gender out of that need, then you have to broaden what gender means to cover for people who don't fit that mold. People think a trans person is 'problem' enough... what about someone who is non-binary? In the end, the subject is entirely complicated and can't be narrowed down just to male or female anymore.
Of course the government could always implement a new office for every single category of person who identifies as anything other than straight male or female. Let's see how many different bureaucracies would that create? BTW, you forgot to include those folks who identify as animals so what would we do about them?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Canada’s oldest rape crisis centre stripped of city funding for refusing to accept trans women

Valid points in both arguments, interesting to see who prevails

Those whom the gods would destroy.................they first make INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One wonders if the trans women being turned down are PRE-OP???????????????????????????

Do they still have a penis???????????????????????????????

If so - one may not be surprised that a service focused on people who are women from birth might not want to deal with MALES playing with gender issues??????????????????????????

But we can guess who will win the argument as they will have LIE-berals supporting them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Toronto Silly Hall had a serious blow up with a civil service union Hog who caused a problem with this trans gender stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On some days the Hog would come in to work at Silly Hall dressed as a man.........................

and since he was a male genetically from birth this did not cause problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But on other days his alter ego- the FEMALE Sky Gilbert would come to work all decked out in frills and feminine finery ................

and Sky Gilbert would use the FEMALE WASHROOMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And all the genetic females thought that having him/her/them/it in the toilet with them WAS CREEPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the women protested!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sky Gilbert and his/her/their cronies staged a mini riot at Silly Hall and attempted to force their way into the building in an effort to make a complaint directly to the mayor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Sun ran a series of rather amusing photos of "the girls" coming very close to over powering a team of security guards trying to keep the doors blocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its a good thing its hard to walk in high heels or the security team might have been defeated in the door tug of war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course the Hog union became involved..................though nobody ever figured out exactly who they supported since they represented BOTH the creeped out women AND Sky Gilbert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And thus was born the UNISEX BATHROOM in Toronto !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Mood Stabilizing Medications: Generally first choice of medications to treat bipolar disorder. Helps to control mania and recurrence of manic and depressive episodes.

Greetings Bluebyrd- I thought I'd take this opportunity to correct some misinformation you've been given. Your advice from Cannuck belongs on the Jokes thread, especially anything to do with the extent of Pete's knowledge. It eclipses Cannuck's by a few acres, as you can probably tell from someone who is hung up on tax credits (which change from year to year by the way) For knowledge about anything useful you'd be much further ahead consulting Pete rather than Cannuck. Cannuck is what is known as a shit disturber in the vernacular. :) :)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Of course the government could always implement a new office fo kor every single category of person who identifies as anything other than straight male or female. Let's see how many different bureaucracies would that create? BTW, you forgot to include those folks who identify as animals so what would we do about them?

Do you think there are seperate bureaucracies for boys and girls?