Liberals replace justice minister “watchdog” with SNC-Lavalin “lapdog” | Ezra Levant
I think he is from the home riding of SNC lavalin
SNC-Lavalin boss repeats calls for delayed prosecution agreements amid diversification efforts
Meanwhile, Bruce also called for delayed prosecution agreements (DPAs) in Canada, which he said would put the company on equal footing with its rivals during major bids on overseas projects.
DPAs have been used in the U.S. and U.K. for years as a way to defer prosecution for corporations, giving them a window to improve their business practices. Bruce said the absence of DPAs adversely impacts SNC’s ability to win bids due to their tarnished reputation.
“The way that we’ve got the system currently without a DPA in Canada puts us at a real disadvantage in comparison to our international — specifically the U.S. and European — competitors,” Bruce told reporters Thursday.
“We’ve lost contracts, we believe, on the basis of two competitors who have availed themselves of DPAs, and have won contracts on the basis that we are viewed as being under charges,” he said.
SNC has been serving a 10-year ban since 2013 that prohibits the company from bidding on any World Bank-financed projects. The company has for years been marred by allegations that it bribed Bangladeshi officials to secure the $2.9-billion Padma Bridge project, on which the World Bank served as the lead financer.
Canada is not a dictatorship............................YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Buy Our idiot Boy is working HARD TO MAKE INTO ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
His blatant bias against white people has been on pubic display since the day after the October 2015 election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of his very first acts was to RESTORE LIE-beral funding aid to terror group HAMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The idiot Boy does NOT LIKE white people, Yankees or Jews!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is an article illustrating the absurdist off the wall mental state of Our idiot Boy Justin. With some comments of my own in brackets):
GUNTER: What the Dawson report reveals about Trudeau's mentality
BY Lorne Gunter. Published: January 2, 2018. Updated: January 2, 2018 8:24 PM EST
Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists
EDITORIAL: Wynne robs Peter to pay Paul
FATAH: Iran reminds us of the dangers of Islamism
The report by outgoing ethics commissioner Mary Dawson into Justin Trudeau’s vacation last Christmas on the Aga Khan’s private island is certainly fascinating for what it says about the prime minister’s violations of federal conflict-of-interest laws.
Dawson determined that Trudeau broke federal ethics law in at least four different ways when he accepted a holiday at the Aga Khan’s Bahamian retreat, when he flew on the Aga Khan’s private helicopter and when he refused to recuse himself from meetings at which tax-funded contributions to the Aga Khan’s Global Centre for Pluralism were discussed.
But the parts of Dawson’s report that are truly fascinating are those that indirectly provide insights into the mentality and habits of the PM and his wife, Sophie Gregoire Trudeau.
Essentially, Trudeau offered Dawson a two-pronged defence of his vacation- and another vacation his wife had taken to the Aga Khan’s Bell Island with a friend of hers and the Trudeau’s children.
The first prong provides an unflattering picture of the prime minister’s governing style.
Essentially, Trudeau claimed not to concern himself with details to such an extent that he could not have been influenced by a gift. He doesn’t involve himself enough in what his government is doing to know what it was that the Aga Khan’s foundation was asking from the Government of Canada, so how could a free trip change his mind?
(Our idiot Boy cannot be swayed by a gift? So he DID recognize the Aga Khan having him and his family visit on two occasions that we know of as a guest- were in fact gifts! And idiot Boy does not think rules apply to HIM!)
Trudeau’s own description of his governing style makes him seem like nothing more than the cool kid who brings weed to a high school party. If there happen to be two groups at the party negotiating a deal of some sort, he’s unaware of it. His only goal is just to make everyone “happy.” So, how could one group’s offer of a free spa treatment influence his behaviour?
(So Our idiot Boy is clueless and blindly arrogant- convinced he can “spin” any problem to his advantage without repercussions!)
Trudeau’s second prong was to insist the Aga Khan was an old family friend. Here Dawson, perhaps inadvertently, makes the PM appear kind of pathetic.
Trudeau claimed a lifelong friendship with the Aga Khan, who he claims to have called “Uncle K” even after he became an adult. But Dawson provides a very different picture.
The Aga Khan did vacation with Trudeau’s father, former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, when Justin was a child. The younger Trudeau was along as part of a larger family entourage.
But for nearly 30 years after that, the Aga Khan had exactly one contact with the current PM – a kind note in 2000 at the time of his father’s passing.
The Aga Khan then struck up the tenuous relationship again after Trudeau became Liberal leader in 2013. This Trudeau seems to have misinterpreted as a sign of true mutual affection from a man nearly 40 years his senior.
(And Our CLUELESS idiot Boy is apparently unaware of the MILLIONS of Cdn dollars in govt grants his “close personal friend” was sucking up! Gosh- whjy would Khan neglect the friendship of a clueless snot nosed kid who might otherwise turn off the govt grant cash! Either Trudope is a sucker or he thinks we are!)
However, as Dawson points out, the Aga Khan has deliberately cultivated similar relationships with most PM’s since the ‘70s, largely because he likes to collect matching donations for his development projects and because he sometimes finds it useful to call on the Canadian PM (whoever it is at the time) to help mediate his disputes with other international political or business leaders.
(I have said it before and its worth repeating: “we cannot afford to BUY votes and friends for LIE-berals- the price is simply TOO HIGH”!)
Only the Trudeaus seem to have interpreted this strategic relationship as the kind of genuine friendship that justifies three separate private, tropical holidays.
Dawson leaves the impression that Trudeau and his wife are a fascinating combination of arrogance and naivety. They appear to possess a deeply rooted set of entitlement and celebrity fascination, yet at the same time suffer an inferiority complex regarding the truly rich and famous.
They seem to think they are now part of the international hobnobbery, yet are almost uncouth in the way they invite themselves into the glitterati’s social circle.
Overall, it’s kind of tragic.
(And it is truly tragic that this idiot Boy/ intellectual dilettante should have ended up in a position of influence in LIE-beral Ottawa! The LIE-beral brain trust is clearly severely depleted if they think Our idiot Boy with his nice hair and earnest manner can make up for disastrous economic and social policy that is failing in all directions! But what else can we really expect from LIE-berals? Things are so bad that even such notable LIE-berals as former federal finance minister John Manley are offering up warnings that are being scorned by the current crop of LIE-berals!)
(It was author Peter C. Newman who said it best about LIE-berals in his book “When the Gods Changed” -describing the LIE-beral fall after the Chretien years and the national shame of the Adscam when three billion dollars of OUR tax money disappeared into the pockets of LIE-beral bagmen. Newman describes himself as a staunch LIE-beral and now finds himself distressed by the lack of policy, logical goals or coherent strategy of the LIE-beral Party. Newman laments that the ONLY philosophy that the party now holds is a firm conviction that they are entitled to lead- with no coherent reason or explanation as to why we should accept their ENTITLEMENT! Rules of ethics, economic logic and true social justice are utterly irrelevant to LIE-berals who seek only power and a place in the national spotlight- WITHOUT the bother of accepting any real responsibility for their stupid actions and FAILED policies!)