StatCan says economy added 67K jobs in January
Did you even read it? I mean it's just fantastic news. A whole bunch of new minimum wage and low paying jobs, over half of which are part time, while we shed over 32,000 decent paying manufacturing
white nattys are not going to be talking about this
Are you SURE you read the WHOLE article? From the article:I did read the article, unfortunately I am unable to invent all my own numbers like you are because the article I read didn't even talk about good jobs being lost and bad jobs being gained and blah blah blah
You need to understand that people need to work more than one job. Couples need several jobs and they can't all be full time. You have to fill up those night and weekend hours with something productive.
Might as well be making me a coffee.
I'll take mine with 1 cream 1 sugar, dumbass.The services sector saw a gain of 99,200 positions, led by new work in wholesale and retail trade (typically minimum wage), while the goods-producing industries experienced a net loss of 32,300 jobs, the report said. Canada added 30,900 full-time jobs last month and 36,000 part-time positions, the report also said.
Where I live companies are crying for workers and paying well above minimum.
Where do you live Walter so I can pass the information along to the clients I meet who have lost their jobs. Come on man, share!!
Simcoe County area if my memory serves me right
It wouldn't be if leftards wouldn't put up roadblocks to every major developement. BCat least could be like Alaska and pay dividends to citizens if we could get resources out of the ground, processed and sent to market. BUT NO we have to kowtow to USfinanced anti work groups when the government should be throwing these protesters in jail or out of the country if they were not born here.Sadly, the days of everyone having a good chance at a good paying, full time job is over. And it's not because of lack of people wanting to work.
It's employers not wanting to pay out the cash for full time and the benefits that come with it.
After all, why pay for a ft worker with benefits, when a part time or casual with none will do. And if they quit, another will replace them because people still need to work.
Least, that's my thoughts on the subject.
Jobs are jobs, sure, but in the end, it doesn't matter to the employer who is there, just so long as someone is.
StatCan says economy added 67K jobs in January
Just north of the GTA.Where do you live Walter so I can pass the information along to the clients I meet who have lost their jobs. Come on man, share!!
Walter lives in Imagination Land.