CDN-Economy & Related Factors


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017

white nattys are not going to be talking about this


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
white nattys are not going to be talking about this
Did you even read it? I mean it's just fantastic news. A whole bunch of new minimum wage and low paying jobs, over half of which are part time, while we shed over 32,000 decent paying manufacturing jobs.

Yet, the brain-dead ALT-left considers this to be great economic news while remaining the least bit incurious about why we're running multiple structural deficits with only a chance of returning to balance by 2040. I mean after all, your "Dear Exalted Leader" specifically stated that when the economy is doing well, the budget will balance itself. I guess what Groper meant to say is, "When the economy is doing well and some f*cking worthless trust-fund pissant isn't intentionally digging the country deeper into debt because the UN wants more money, the budget will balance itself."

Meh, why am I wasting my time with a stunted intellect like yours anyway. You've proven to be the type that gets their nads all pumped over words while either conveniently ignoring the speaker's actions or making the most pathetic excuses for them. well, as long as you support them ideologically.

But I honestly don't see your issue with White nationalists. You sure seem to admire your racist Norwad heroes. Yeah, they have an amazing social system. They also don't have suicidal levels of immigrants flooding into their welfare state. Remember when all those "refugees" flooded into Europe? During that same period, your racist buddies in Norway let in a grand total of 30,000 from ALL sources, not just the "refugees" in Europe.

But I guess when Super proggy Norway has strictly controlled immigration and believes in the concept of border and national sovereignty, they're not "racist", or "nazi" or "white nattys". My gosh, how can they be when they're just so super progressive. One would almost think they practiced some form of national socialism. Oh wait, they do. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015

Everyone knows budgies balance themselves.
the dang little yellow belli sap suckers.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Sadly, the days of everyone having a good chance at a good paying, full time job is over. And it's not because of lack of people wanting to work.

It's employers not wanting to pay out the cash for full time and the benefits that come with it.

After all, why pay for a ft worker with benefits, when a part time or casual with none will do. And if they quit, another will replace them because people still need to work.

Least, that's my thoughts on the subject.

Jobs are jobs, sure, but in the end, it doesn't matter to the employer who is there, just so long as someone is.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Well as Jinentonix stated in his post, you need to read closely as to what was said and he's right! Not very good. It's amazing how BMO is "parroting" the government party line stating that things are basically looking up - NO - they're not!! The way they are making statements is disingenuous at best because they know full well that most people won't look at what they are actually saying. They just look at the "big" numbers and figure - wow - 66,000 jobs were created not realizing that those jobs are Mc D jobs and over 32,000 well paying jobs were lost - apparently nothing worth writing or explaining.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
I did read the article, unfortunately I am unable to invent all my own numbers like you are because the article I read didn't even talk about good jobs being lost and bad jobs being gained and blah blah blah

You need to understand that people need to work more than one job. Couples need several jobs and they can't all be full time. You have to fill up those night and weekend hours with something productive.

Might as well be making me a coffee.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
I did read the article, unfortunately I am unable to invent all my own numbers like you are because the article I read didn't even talk about good jobs being lost and bad jobs being gained and blah blah blah
You need to understand that people need to work more than one job. Couples need several jobs and they can't all be full time. You have to fill up those night and weekend hours with something productive.
Might as well be making me a coffee.
Are you SURE you read the WHOLE article? From the article:
The services sector saw a gain of 99,200 positions, led by new work in wholesale and retail trade (typically minimum wage), while the goods-producing industries experienced a net loss of 32,300 jobs, the report said. Canada added 30,900 full-time jobs last month and 36,000 part-time positions, the report also said.
I'll take mine with 1 cream 1 sugar, dumbass.

By the way, your excuse about needing multiple jobs don't wash. They only need those multiple jobs because the jobs being created don't pay a living wage. You can't replace our resource-based trade economy (which makes up about 80% of our GDP) and the good paying jobs that come with it with Big Mac's and retail outlets. No matter how much lipstick you want to slap on it, it's still not pretty.
Not to mention that public sector jobs really don't add anything to the economy since the money to pay them comes out of the economy in the first place.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Where I live companies are crying for workers and paying well above minimum.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Sadly, the days of everyone having a good chance at a good paying, full time job is over. And it's not because of lack of people wanting to work.
It's employers not wanting to pay out the cash for full time and the benefits that come with it.
After all, why pay for a ft worker with benefits, when a part time or casual with none will do. And if they quit, another will replace them because people still need to work.
Least, that's my thoughts on the subject.
Jobs are jobs, sure, but in the end, it doesn't matter to the employer who is there, just so long as someone is.
It wouldn't be if leftards wouldn't put up roadblocks to every major developement. BCat least could be like Alaska and pay dividends to citizens if we could get resources out of the ground, processed and sent to market. BUT NO we have to kowtow to USfinanced anti work groups when the government should be throwing these protesters in jail or out of the country if they were not born here.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

The little detail that IS BEING OVER LOOKED by Cdn media is this::::

That latest job news DOES NOT include reports of other jobs LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And DOES NOT report on how many of the "new jobs" are part time, low paid, temporary CRAP McJobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other months we HAVE SEEN a consistent move AWAY from good jobs - that are being replaced by CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals wre getting more sophisticated at "Massaging" their message!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Walter lives in Imagination Land.

Oh HOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You and Walter are ROOMIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How nice for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!