Actually they do refute your 'claims'.
Your claims are tired old rubbish.
Not only does climate constantly change, but there is nothing unusual happening anyway.
Droughts, floods, fires have always been with us & the only new variable is increased population building on flood plains, destroying native natural forests & foliage, destroying natural soil drainage areas by covering them with asphalt & neglecting to install proper drains & catch basins. Finally due to farming practices, aquifers that remained steady for millenia are being drained at an unsustainable rate.
Next, soil samples from over the centuries show that nothing unusual is happening regarding droughts, floods etc..
Reality suks eh!
Oh dear. Am I being a troll?
When you get up off the floor you might consider actually posting some evidence to support your mistaken beliefs. That is, provided you can find any that has not been invented by the fossil fuel industry or the flat earth society. I'm betting you can't.