Harper tried to destroy this country because he felt Canada would be better as a territory of USA and Andrew Scheer wants the same.You sound like you don't want Canada to succeed
Harper is the most LIED ABOUT politician in Cdn history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations LIE-berals- your 2015 election campaign ste incredible records for Fake News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is some food for philosophical thought- if LIE-berals are capable of such logical examination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is a copy of a letter written to a Metroland news paper by a very frustrated senior!
LIE-beral economics and constant “management” of our economy- for the EXCLUSIVE BENEFIT of LIE-berals and their pals is generating HUGE PUBLIC RAGE- as indicated by the letter writer! The LIE-beral gravy train is simply leaving too many people BEHIND! With some comments of my own in brackets):
Senior's pride in being Canadian slowly diminishing
To the editor: re `seniors lives matter`
I am an 84-years-young senior, who is appalled at the way we get treated.
I am a fourth generation Canadian, for which I am proud. But I must say that pride is slowly diminishing.
I have seen some senior friends resorting to the food bank. Also, some who are living on the poverty line.
(Statistics Canada states that many seniors are faced with ugly choices regarding whether to spend meagre incomes on food, heat or badly needed prescription medication- thanks to fixed incomes and rapidly rising govt costs for everything!)
Meanwhile I must watch junkies getting, free needles, while my friends must pay for their diabetic needles when they can hardly pay for food.
(LIE-beral bigotry is turning us against one another in a frantic scramble for the crumbs that LIE-berals dole out to ordinary people!)
As for immigrants and refugees, I was always taught that charity begins at home.
(Previous generations of immigrants were expected to make their own way without massive govt hand outs!)
When I was young my parents never paid for their dental or eye check ups, they received help with dentures, pills etc.
When did our priorities change?
When is it OK to spend thousands of dollars on a "yellow duck" as Premier Kathleen Wynne did last summer during Canada 150 celebrations and give so little to seniors?
What a slap in the face.
The last time 1 heard any concern for us was from former prime minister Stephen Harper who said "it is totally unacceptable that more seniors are using the food bank.
Well that was the end of that as I haven't heard any other concerns since.
I think the government would just like to see us go away. We pay more than half of our monthly pension on rent. Every facility that is built for seniors, is for wealthy seniors. They advertise "A place for mom" but what they mean is "a place for her bank book!
(Yes- that is EXACTLY what LIE-berals want!!!! They DO want seniors to go away!
It is why a dying Ontari-owe man is suing the govt! He is furious that his home care is so BAD! He speaks of nurses falling asleep with his stove running and starting fires! He speaks of getting food poisoning from being fed meals that are well past the best before date! He complains of being dropped while being moved from bed to toilet!)
(So the man has returned to hospital to avoid nasty stuff like burning in his own bed- while waiting to die! And the hospital OBJECTS to his presence and has offered him a CHOICE: either go home or we will EUTHENIZE YOU! The hospital CLEARLY wants this dying man to go away! The guy is simply not dying fast enough to suit LIE-berals!)
(As for LIE-berals- they know old folks tend to vote against LIE-brals so why should LIE-berals worry about such old crocks? LIE-berals NEED their gravy!)
I can hardly wait for our raise in January. Whatever will I do with all that money?
(Yes- LIE-berals dole out pennies with one hand- and expect our eternal gratitude for it- while ripping dollars out of our pockets with the other hand- and hoping we will not notice!)
Shame, shame on you Canada
(LIE-beral spending priorities- meaning the frantic buying of votes- at any price- from civil service union Hogs, coupled with LIE-beral extravagance towards Black Lives Matter and Idle No More native bigots, plus mindless knee-jerk spending on the homeless, the drug addled, plus a huge collection of illegals and assorted other unsuitable and unskilled immigrants; and it all adds up to a huge and unsustainable cost to society!)
(LIE-beral policy is fully geared to buying votes at any price- right now- with NO PLAN FOR THE FUTURE!!!! Nor do LIE-berals have any concern for those who are left out of their self serving SCAMS!)
(The just released report by independent auditors that the Wynne-bag Ontari-owe LIE-berals were sitting on a FIFTEEN BILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT- while telling us they had balanced the budget is LIE-beral Fake News on such a poisoned scale it should forever render LIE-berals UNELECTABLE in Ontari-owe!)