Canada – Fast Becoming a Third-World Country


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Why send me to OAS page when CPP is what AISH makes you apply for?

Financial criteria

  • AISH looks at the income and assets you and your spouse or partner have.
  • You can work and be eligible for AISH – clients are encouraged to work to the extent they are able.
  • When you apply for, or get AISH, you and your spouse or partner must:
    • apply for all other income you may be eligible for, such as Canada Pension Plan Disability (CPP-D), employment insurance (EI) or Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) benefits.
    • not have income or assets that are higher than the AISH program allows
The conversation was about OAS dummy nor AISH
But of course when you don't take your pills your mind tends to wander and you bable like a mindless idiot.......

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
No you get a public sector union pension . To bad for you .

You really enjoy showing off your ignorance don't you? No teacher in Alberta gets a government pension. The pension plan is owned and managed by Alberta teachers - the government has nothing to do with it. And so far as I know teachers' pensions in other provinces are owned and managed the same way. Why don't you try commenting on something you actually know about - if you can find such a topic.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
You really enjoy showing off your ignorance don't you? No teacher in Alberta gets a government pension. The pension plan is owned and managed by Alberta teachers - the government has nothing to do with it. And so far as I know teachers' pensions in other provinces are owned and managed the same way. Why don't you try commenting on something you actually know about - if you can find such a topic.
So you did work in the public sector and are receiving a pension , thanks for clearing that up .


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Change the Canadian dollar to the Canadian peso

Make our 3rd world Nation come out of the closest.. :lol:

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Thanks for pointing something out that I never tried to hide. Yes, I worked in the part of the public sector that puts more back into the economy than it costs to run it.

How Education and Training Affect the Economy


Here is an example of the CRUDE MUSLIM propaganda being disseminated by the likes of Bar Sinister- the truly SILLY SISTER!!!!!!!

Bar claims: You really enjoy showing off your ignorance don't you? No teacher in Alberta gets a government pension.

The pension plan is owned and managed by Alberta teachers - the government has nothing to do with it.

And so far as I know teachers' pensions in other provinces are owned and managed the same way.

I say Bar is TRULY DELUSIONAL if he actually BELIEVES the nonsense he has spouted about teacher pensions!!!!!!!!!!!!


Who does Bar think employs AND PAYS teachers in the first place?

IT IS ALL GOVT TAX REVENUE- beaten from the hides of long suffering tax payers- and given to over privileged Hogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An ordinary Cdn is entitled to put as much as 18 percent of pre tax income into RRSP`s- IF they can find that much spare cash!

And few ordinary Cdns have the luxury of maxing out RRSP contributions as our HOGS ROUTINELY DO!!!!!!!!!

But teachers get the equivalent- thanks to LIE-beral DEALS - of putting 33 percent of their pre tax income into RRSP`s!!!!!!!!!!!

Teacher are GETTING TWICE AS MUCH income tax benefit as ordinary Cdns!!!!!

But sadly. Teacher GREED IS SO HUGE that ALL teacher pension plans are going bankrupt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes- Bar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Teacher GREED is so great that LIE-berals cannot shovel cash into teacher pockets fast enough!!!!!!!!!!

Five years ago- the outgoing chairman of OSSTF pension management committee- that`s the Ontari-owe high school teachers pension fund- came on TVO/The Agenda and explained that the OSSTF pension fund was going bankrupt and that they would need fifty five billion dollars IN FUNDING TOP UPS - over the next five years- to keep the OSSTF pension fund from going bankrupt!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This COLOSSAL GREED is the reason LIE-berals opted to turn our electrical system into a GIANT SLUSH FUND FOR HOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even if LIE-berals got OSSTF fully paid up- and it seems likely they did not- there are EIGHTEEN MORE provincial civil service unions right behind OSSTF- and each one has IOU`s issued by shameless, power mad, vote buying LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!

The civil service union Hog pension issue is SO HUGE that our federal govt finally admitted - in 2012- that they owed their federal employees OVER THREE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS in pension promises- and that cost climbed daily!!!!!!!!!!!

WE CANNOT afford to honour LIE-beral issued Hog pension IOU`s!!!!!!!!

And when that news came out - all those HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in pension promises to Hogs at all FOUR LEVELS OF GOVT- people were APPALLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The LIE-beral loving news media was so distressed at the public rage directed at LIE-berals that they STOPPED REPORTING ON HOG PENSION ISSUES - in 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!

Neither LIE-berals nor Hogs want to admit that the LIE-beral IOU`s have MAJOR interest payments attached- the longer LIE-berals delay paying- the MORE THEY OWE!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is why Ontari-owe LIE-berals turned our electrical system into a vast slush fund for Hogs!!!!!!!!!

And it is this same NEED for Hog pension gravy that is driving Our idiot Boy and his federal LIE-beral losers to drive ahead with their carbon crap and trade tax!!!!!

Carbon crap and trade ONLY CLEANS CASH FROM WALLETS - and it leaves the dirt in the air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE SHOULD ASK: How much of the over $30 billion dollars in deficit Our idiot Boy ran just in his first year in office did Our idiot Boy Justin funnel into the pockets of Hogs????

WE DON’T KNOW- Hogs consider it NONE OF OUR BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


But even $30 billion dollars is a SMALL FRACTION of what LIE-berals have promised our Hogs!!!!!!!!!!

There are MORE VAST PROMISES to municipal Hogs and to Hogs at CROWN Corporations such as E-health, Metrolinx, ORNGE, and the hospitals, colleges and universities!!!!!!!

EVEN WORSE- LIE-berals think it is NONE OF OUR BUSINESS what deal they did with ANY of these Hogs!!!!!!!!!!!

Bar Sinister- you are a far bigger fool than I previously thought- if you really think your crude propaganda will deflect public rage away from greedy LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the fact that people like you are offering up such foolish and easily MOCKED excuses for LIE-berals is an indicator of how DESPERATE you Hogs are all getting!!!!!!!!!!!